Web and Beyond…….GoogleR/S

Fall 2018 - Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Jacqueline Nyers

Office Hours: 11:00AM – 1:00PM or by appointment

Contact Information: or by phone at 732-726-7064

Course Management: Genesis and School Wires Page

Course Description R: Students enrolled in this Business course will become familiar with Google Apps for their educational use. Using a Woodbridge Township School District assigned Google account, students will learn how to use Google Drive as a business application suite to create, edit, download/upload and store files and folders. These files include docs, spreadsheets, and slides. Students will also utilize Google Media apps such as Books and News for research. Using their Woodbridge Township School District assigned Google account; students will share documents in a secure environment, and communicate and collaborate with other students using Gmail. Using Google sites, students will create an electronic portfolio containing completed course work.

Course Description S: Students enrolled in this Business course will become familiar with Google Apps for their educational use. Using a Woodbridge Township School District assigned Google account, students will learn how to use Google Drive as a business application suite to create, edit, download/upload and store files and folders. These files include docs, spreadsheets, and slides. Students will also utilize Google Media apps such as Books and News for research. Using their Woodbridge Township School District assigned Google account; students will share documents in a secure environment, and communicate and collaborate with other students using Gmail.

Course Objectives R: Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to understand how to use Google Apps in the following areas:

  1. Use District assigned Google account to access Google Drive
  2. Create, edit, manage, and share word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  3. Download Microsoft Office files into Google Drive
  4. File Management
  5. Communicate using Email using proper business etiquette
  6. Create and use forms
  7. Share and collaborate files with others
  8. Enhance organization skills by creating and maintaining a calendar
  9. Practice Internet Safety
  10. Create an electronic portfolio as a website in Google Sites

Course Objectives S: Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to understand how to use Google Apps in the following areas:

  1. Use District assigned Google account to access Google Drive
  2. Create, edit, manage, and share word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
  3. Download Microsoft Office files into Google Drive
  4. File Management
  5. Communicate using Email using proper business etiquette
  6. Create and use forms
  7. Share and collaborate files with others
  8. Enhance organization skills by creating and maintaining a calendar
  9. Practice Internet Safety

Prerequisites: None

Assignments:All assignments will be submitted electronically through Google.

Grading:Grading scale is based on Woodbridge Township School District established grading

policy. Marking period assignments are distributed as follows:

Major Assessments – (Tests & Longer Projects) – 50%

Minor Assessments – (Quizzes & Shorter Projects) – 50%

Final Exam: 20% of final grade for the course

Exams: Web and Beyond… Google Final Examto be administered on November 14th. In the event a student is absent on the last day of the marking period, the final exam policy established by WTSD applies.

Tentative Schedule for Fall 2018

Topics / References/Assignments
Introduction to the course, class expectation, set up of H Drive & Google Accounts. Google Environment, Internet Safety, Favorites, Bookmarks / Class Contract, Internet Use agreement, School Wires
Google Key Terms
Online Storage Assignment
Google Docs
Create and Modify Documents
Create Folders
Insert Images/Drawing into Documents / Netiquette Assignment
Vacation Destination
Emoticon Assignment
Image Assignment
Google Docs
Sharing & Collaborating documents and folders
Intro to Google Sheets / Google Docs Assignments
Google Docs Test
Google Sheets
Charts – Creating Column Charts
Sharing & Collaborating Sheets / 5th Quarter Assignment
Bowling Alley Assignment
Sheet Exercises
Google Sheets Test
Google Forms
Create, Modify and Share Surveys and Questionnaires, View Responses / Ice Cream Survey Assignment, All About Me, Rate the Restaurants
Google Presentations
Create, save and maintain slide presentations
Import slides from MS PowerPoint
Format slides with Themes and Images / Roller Coaster Assignment
My State Assignment
Google Presentation Project
Create calendar events
Add a friend’s calendar
Share and collaborate with others
Intro Google Research / Friend Calendar Assignment
News Assignment
Google Research
Books, Scholar, News: access and navigate different categories of news and top stories / Books Assignment
News Assignment
Review for Final Exam / Study Guides
Final Exams / Google Final Exam

Caveat: This syllabus may be amended during the semester based on the needs of the class. I will announce changes in class. It is your responsibility to obtain changes to the syllabus should you miss a class in which changes were announced.