Minutes of the Meeting held onWednesday 08 February 2012@ 7.30pm
Present:Cllr Mr N Baker (Chair) Cllr G Cunnick
Cllr G Rhodes (Dep Chair) Cllr J Hunt
Cllr E King Cllr V Lucas
Cllr R Howe Miss P Evans
Miss J Phillips Mr P Crack
Cllr I Martin (Houghton & Wyton)
No apologies for absence were received.
To approve the minutes from the 18/01/2012
Proposed – Cllr G Cunnick
Seconded – Cllr E King
Cllr N Baker welcomed Mr Phillip Crack, Head of Major Transport infrastructure delivery, Cambridgeshire County Council, to the meeting, and detailed the reason why he was present. Mr Crack on behalf on the council had been looking into a possible solution to the issue of pedestrians and cyclists unable to cross safely from the northside of Sawtry Way, an issue that has been of concern to the parish council for some time and an issue that the councillors have been pursuing. Mr Crack sat and observed the junction and agreed that there is an issue to the safety of crossing in that area and proposed a solution. Previously the Parish Council had requested a footpath be extended along the north side to the new development, linking up with the crossing that has been fitted, but this solution would be an extremely costly one and unfortunately cannot be took forward due to this cost of approx £250,000. However Mr Crack has found an immediate solution that would be an approx cost £25,000 and would expect a contribution from the parish council. This solution is in the form of an island in the centre of the road with solar bollards allowing pedestrians and cyclists to cross more easily. If the parish council agree to pursue this solution then it could be apparoved as early as April 2012. Cllr N Baker asked Cllr I Martin from Houghton and Wyton Parish Council, whether this project would be supported by them.
It was agreed by all councillors that this solution should go ahead.
Mr Crack and Cllr I Martin were thanked for attending and left the meeting at 8.15pm
6.1 – Youth: Miss P Evans informed the meeting that progress on the MUGA and playparks was good and that a planned official opening would be 28/03/12 and the station are awaiting confirmations from guests. The official signage has been erected. The parks will remain closed until the official opening.
Miss Evans informed the meeting that the house on Cornwall Road was on hold at the moment until the issues with the heating and electrics were resolved.
Miss Evans left the meeting at 8.30pm
6.2 Localism: Cllr G Rhodes gave an update to the meeting, the localism bill will become an act of parliament on 01/04/12 and will give more powers to parish councils such as the power to claim parish assets. The localism bill will also bestow greater powers on local councils.
Cllr Rhodes will email details of the localism to councillors.
Cllr V Lucas gave an update to the meeting including, the next Neighbourhood Forum meeting is due to take place here at the WytonPrimary School on 12 April @ 7pm. Cllr Lucas asked whether the parish council had received any replies from their letters sent regarding the removal of the local bus subsidy, the parish council have not received any replies. Cllr Lucas suggested that an ideal topic for discussion at the upcoming neighbourhood forum would be the long term issue of speeding on the estate, Cllr N Baker interjected that he has applied for a grant of £5000 to improve the highways of the estate.
Cllr Lucas went on to inform the meeting that the local council taxes are set to rise by 2.95% and that Huntingdon District Council had rejected the one off payment offered by the Governement.
Cllr R Howe informed the meeting that Huntingdon District Council had provisionally approved their budget for the forthcoming year, he added that the increase in council tax will cover such things as Citizens Advice Bureau’s and CCTV in the towns. Cllr Howe asked whether the councillors thought they were affected by the secret garden party that is held every year in Abbots Ripton. Cllr Howe added that at a recent meeting to review their licence some strong recommendations for improvements to their noise and traffic management had been made along with residents permits to park. The councillors feel that the estate is only affected by the noise levels and are unaware of any attendees to the festival using the estate to park.
Cllr V Lucas and Cllr R Howe left the meeting at 9pm
Cllr G Cunnick had walked about the estate since the last meeting and reported to the meeting that many street lights appear to be not working and that many of the highlighted repairs still remain an issue.
10.1 – Cllr N Baker and Cllr G Rhodes both brought design ideas for the parisch council logo, Cllr G Rhodes also updated the councillors on the website
10.2 – Website, Cllr Rhodes is still working on the website and has found a potential ‘supplier’ in BTCK.co.uk it looks simple to set up and use and has some pre-arranged layouts that can be used. Cllr Rhodes will give an update at the next meeting.
11.1 – Newsletter, after the budget meeting and the discussion that took place during the last meeting regarding the utilising and payment made to Houghton & Wyton Parish Council for us to have a page of their magazine, the Clerk decided to put together an example of a newsletter that can be edited and produced by the parish council and that can be easily delivered to the estate. The military families already receive a bi-monthly newsletter via their HIVE Information centre and the council newsletter could be included in this. The school have offered to deliver to other areas of the estate. The clerk asked the councillors to take a copy away with them and report their opinions at the next meeting.
The clerks report had been circulated to all councillors prior to this meeting, all councillors agreed they had received it.
Authorise of payments for this month –
Proposed Cllr E King
Seconded Cllr G Cunnick
All Agreed
The clerk has now sourced a desk, chair and cabinet bundle for £100 + VAT all councillors agreed that it should be purchased.
The clerk has up to now been using her own printer and feels that as the parish council progresses they will need a 3 in 1 printer, all councillors agreed that a better printer should be bought, Cllr Rhodes suggested an Epsom printer as they have lower priced ink cartridges.
The parish council need to have more signatories on the account, Cllr Cunnick and Cllr Hunt agreed to become signatories.
The clerk highlighted that the meeting scheduled in June would be advantageous to move to the following week as it is on the extra bank holiday for the Queens Jubilee and most people will use this to take holidays. It was agreed to move the meeting to the 12/06/12. All agreed.
Cllr G Rhodes reminded the meeting that the Time Bank will be at the next meeting.
06 March 2012 @ 7pm
Signed: Dated:
MATTERS ARISING / ACTIONED BY / COMPLETED BYCllr G Rhodes – Localism to councillors / Cllr G Rhodes
Logo design ideas / All councillors
Website / Cllr Rhodes & Clerk
Newsletter (agenda Item) / All Councillors & Clerk
Desk Bundle / Clerk
Printer / Clerk
Signatories / Clerk