Post World War Period-Exam
Total: Don’t worry about it – worry about getting it right!
A. Identify the following acronyms and state the purpose for each one. (1 mark for acronym identification and 1 mark for its purpose-18 marks)
G. CIDA H. NEP I. OPEC Bonus: VOW (on a provincial exam before)
B. Multiple Choice. Select the best answer
Canada in the Post-War War
1. Why was the United Nations organization founded?
A. to suppress Axis Power aggression
B. to ensure Germany made war reparations
C. to promote the self-interests of democratic countries
D. to keep world peace and prevent the outbreak of new wars
A newspaper headline reads: 1945: CANADA ENTERS THE COLD WAR!
2. What event is most closely associated with Canada’s entry into the Cold war?
A. Canadian troops assisted in the Suez Canal.
B. Soviet Missiles were sent to Cuba.
C. The Gouzenko affair highlighted a spy ring in Ottawa.
D. Canada received a seat in the U.N. Security Council.
3. Which of the following is a goal of the United Nations?
A. to promote human rights
B. to regulate the production of oil
C. to stop the spread of communism
D. to prevent the use of nuclear technology
4. What two ideologies were in conflict during the Cold War?
A. anarchy and socialism
B. democracy and fascism
C. communism and democracy
D. communism and totalitarianism
5. What is the purpose of the United Nations Security Council?
A. to offer disaster relief to all regions of the world
B. to maintain peace and safety throughout the world
C. to provide interest-free loans to countries that have been affected by war
D. to ensure the health and well-being of countries during the outbreak of disease
6. What resulted from the creation of NATO?
A. the creation of the United Nations
B. the establishment of the Warsaw Pact
C. a decrease in global military spending
D. a reduction of tension during the Cold War
7. Which of the following reflects Canada’s attempt to establish independence from the United States during the post-war period?
A. establishing NORAD
B. joining the United Nations
C. becoming a member of NATO
D. creating the Massey Commission
8. What was Canada’s solution to the Suez Crisis?
A. It suggested sending foreign aid to preserve the peace.
B. It proposed the creation of an international peacekeeping force.
C. It encouraged the combatants to take their disagreements to the United Nations.
D. It recommended that international sanctions be placed on the countries involved.
Use the cartoon to the right to answer question 9.
9. To what conflict is the
cartoon referring?
A. Korean War
B. Berlin Airlift
C. Vietnam War
D. Suez Canal Crisis
10. To which conflict did Canada refuse to send its military forces?
A. Gulf War
B. Yugoslavia
C. Korean War
D. Vietnam War
11. What was the “Avro Arrow”?
A. battleship
B. fighter jet
C. submarine
D. cruise missile
12. What type of role did Canada play in international affairs in the first decade following the end of WWII?
A. superpower
B. isolationist
C. promoted democracy amongst the communist countries
D. middle power.
13. Which newspaper headline is associated with the Korean War?
A. “Canadian soldiers resolve crisis!”
B. “Asian conflict; Canada remains neutral!”
C. “Invasion of oil-rich country leads to war!”
D. “International conflict results in a stalemate!”
14. During the Cold War, over what military issue did Lester Pearson and John Diefenbaker disagree?
A. Canada’s participation in NATO
B. Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic
C. the expansion of Canadian forces in Europe
D. the presence of nuclear weapons on Canadian soil
15. All of the following demonstrate Canada’s role in the U.N. except for
A. accepting refugees into Canada.
B. participating in the Korean War.
C. participating in the U.N. Emergency Force
D. supporting South Africa’s policy of apartheid
16. Which of the following is an example of Canada’s commitment in NATO?
A. Stationing troops in West Germany
B. Restoring peace and stability in Somalia
C. Installing radar stations across the Arctic
D. Providing economic aid to South Asian countries
17. Which of the following was a result of Canada’s decision to cancel the Avro Arrow project?
A. greater economic growth
B. increased dependency on the US military
C. withdrawal of its membership from NORAD
D. decreased involvement with the United Nations
Use the following map to answer question 18.
18. In which nation did UN peacekeepers intervene in 1956?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
19. Which event required Canada becoming stronger allies with the U.S.?
A. the Gulf War
B. the Cold War
C. the Korean War
D. the Vietnam War
Use the following newspaper headline to answer question 20.
National Examiner, 1949
“Canada, the United States and Western Europe join together to defend democracy.”
20. To what alliance is the headline referring?
C. United Nations
D. Organization of American States
A Changing Society
21. What is the purpose of Canada’s welfare state?
A. to provide social services for citizens
B. to protect the culture of immigrant groups
C. to provide legal counsel for the unemployed
D. to ensure services are available in both official languages
22. What is the purpose of the Canada Council for the Arts?
A. to fund cultural organizations in Canada
B. to attract international artists to perform in Canada
C. to promote Canadian radio and television programs
D. to regulate performances of Canadian artists and musicians
23. What is the purpose of the National Film Board?
A. to award grants to Canadian artists
B. to regulate content in Canadian broadcast media
C. to broadcast Canadian programming on television
D. to produce and distribute Canadian audiovisual works
24. Which of the following describes the change to Canada’s immigration policy in the 1960s?
A. It refused entry to refugees.
B. It gave priority to American immigrants.
C. It increased access for visible minorities.
D. It discouraged French-speaking immigrants.
Use the following to answer to answer question 25
Most Canadian favour American shows.Massey Commision, 1951
25. How did the Canadian government respond to the findings of the Massey Commission?
A. The National Film Board was instituted.
B. CBC became the national television station.
C. Tariffs were imposed on foreign broadcasts.
D. Hockey Night in Canada was broadcast live on radio.
26. Which politician was connected with the introduction of Medicare in Canada?
A. Pierre Trudeau
B. Tommy Douglas
C. John Diefenbaker
D. Louis St. Laurent
Use the following newspaper headline to answer question 27.
Canada Times, 1951
“The Massey Commission Reports Concerns about American influence.”27. To what American influence does this headline refer?
A. culture
B. economic
C. foreign policy
D. immigration policy
Use the following statement to answer question 28.
The American invasion by film and magazines is formidable. News commentaries aredesigned for American ears and are almost certain to have an American slant.
28. What was the Canadian government’s response to this invasion?
A. the establishment of the National Film Board
B. the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement
C. the implementation of the Foreign Investment Review Agency
D. the creation of the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission
29. Which of the following distinguishes Canada from the United States?
A. freedom of speech
B. universal healthcare
C. free public education
D. job training for the unemployed
Use the following (right) image to answer question 30.
30. Which newspaper headline corresponds to the shaded region on this map of Canada?
A. “Agricultural marketing boards hurt farmers!”
B. “National Energy Program allows feds to steal from us!”
C. “Free Trade Agreement hurts softwood lumber producers!”
D. “Federal mishandling of fisheries leads to collapsed stocks!”
Use the image to the (right) to answer question 31.
31. In which region did widespread anger occur over the National Energy Program?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z
Use the following quotation to answer question 32.
“No ethnic group takes precedence over any other. No citizen or group of citizens is other than Canadian, and all should be treated fairly.” - Pierre Trudeau, 1971
32. Which of the following concepts was Trudeau describing?
A. autonomy
B. nationalism
C. multiculturalism
D. western alienation
Use the following quotation to answer question 33.
There are two battlefields today, one of war and one of ideology. We do not convert people to think our way by pouring bombs upon them, day after day and week after week. - Prime Minister Lester Pearson33. Of which country’s wartime policy is Pearson critical?
A. Egypt
B. United States
C. East Germany
D. United Kingdom
Use the following statement to answer question 34.
For a few warm spring months in 1968, Pierre Trudeau synthesized the dreams,achievements, and illusions of the liberation era- Desmond Morton, Historian
34. What newspaper headline would best illustrate this statement?
A. “Trudeaumania Sweeps Canada”
B. “Conservatism Takes Hold in Canada”
C. “Trudeau Takes a Stand against Diefenbaker”
D. “Liberalism Weakens as Trudeau Becomes PM”
35. "Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping next to an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered the is affected by each twitch and grunt." Pierre Trudeau.
What is the above quotation referring to?
A. American domination of NATO
B. American economic influence in Canada
C. The elimination of the Avro project
D. The US taking a leading role in NATO
36. Which group was preferred by Canada’s immigration policy of post WWII period?
A. South Asians
B. South Africans
C. South Americans
D. Northern Europeans
Mixed Multiple Choice from Cold War
37. What was the significance of the Suez Crisis for Canada?
A. It strengthened Canada’s reputation as a middle power.
B. It showed that Canada was an important military power.
C. It revealed that Canada was a valuable member of NORAD.
D. It demonstrated Canada’s influence on American foreign policy.
38 Why did Canada join NATO?
A. to stop the spread of nuclear weapons
B. to respond militarily to communist threats
C. to defend Canada’s sovereignty in the north
D. to lead peacekeeping missions around the world
Newspaper Headline:
BC MONTHLY: Vancouver rock star credits success to airplay regulations
39. To which organization does this headline refer?
A. National Film Board (NFB) B. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
C. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) D. Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
40. Why was the Canada Council for the Arts created?
A. to expand participation rates in Canadian sports
B. to counter the influence of foreign culture on Canada
C. to promote the bilingual and bicultural heritage of Canada
D. to encourage the multicultural character of Canadian society
41. Which of the following accurately describes the impact of foreign investment in Canada during the immediate post-world war era?
A. European immigration into Canada increased.
B. The Canadian government created crown corporations.
C. The North American Free Trade Agreement was created.
D. Canada’s market became increasingly dependent on the United States.
Part C: PM Section-Match the PM with the following statements (5 marks)
A) Louis St. Laurent 1948- 1957B) John Diefenbaker
1957- 1963
C) Lester B. Pearson
1963- 1968
D) Pierre Trudeau
E) Brian Mulroney
1. Which Prime Minister created the NEP (National Energy Program), the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and Official Languages Act?
2. Which Prime Minister cancelled the NEP (National Energy Program), Implemented the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement, and Introduced the GST?
3. Which Prime Minister Introduced Canadian Bill of Rights, opposed the Americans in Vietnam, and opposed nuclear weapons on Canadian soil?
4. Which Prime Minister introduced the CAP, CPP and a new Canadian flag?
5. Which Prime Minister created the St. Lawrence Seaway, Trans-Canada highway, trans-Canada natural gas pipeline, and brought Newfoundland into Confederation?
Part D: Vocabulary, Important People, Events (1 marks each-5 marks)
a. Western Alienation
b. National Energy Program
c. baby boom
d. The Just Society
e. Rwandan Genocide (also talk about Roméo Dallaire
f. Somalian Debacle
Part E: Paragraph Responses
1. Describe Canada’s Participation in the United Nations Organization from 1945-2000. (4 key points explained-4 marks)
2. To what extent did Canada play a significant role in Cold War Events? Use examples from the period 1945-1990 (2/2 key points explained-4 marks)
3. In what ways did Canada become more independent from the U.S. and how did it become more interdependent?–Politically, economically, culturally (1/1 Political, 1/1 Social, 1/1 Economic-6 marks)