WVVMA Phone Meeting

June 23, 2015 at 8:00pm

Roll Call: Dr. Shawn Sette, Dr. Scott Moore, Dr. Danny Montgomery, Dr. April Munique, Dr. Holly Kossuth, Dr. George Seiler, Dr. Allan McNeel, and Kitty Ball

Dr. Shawn Sette called the meeting to order

Approval of Minutes: Dr. Munique. Kitty noticed that the Annual Meeting minutes from April 23, 2014 and April 24, 2015 meeting minutes were not passed. Dr. Danny Montgomery made motion to approve the minutes and Dr. Moore seconded.

Executive Director Report: Kitty Ball. The WVVMA has made $31,500 in corporate sponsorship for 2015.

Treasurer’s Report: Dr. Montgomery. Not many changes at this time. As of May 2015, the Foundation is at $90,000. Dr. McNeel is writing $500 scholarships checks for one junior at each school (Auburn, VMCVM, and Mississippi State).

AVMA Delegates Report: Dr. Holly Kossuth. The AVMA Convention is July 10-14, 2015. Drs. Kossuth, Moore, and Sette will be attending in Boston.

Committee Reports

Legislative Report: Dr. Frank Cary no longer wants to head the Legislative Committee. A suggestion was made to contact Dr. Josh Hunter.

CE Report: Dr. Moore. Dr. Guillermo Cuoto will be presenting at the 2016 Annual Meeting, and hoping to get a schedule for the Winter and Annual Meeting by the end of summer. A schedule is being set for the Large/Mixed Animal Meeting as well.

Public Education: OSU would like to pay us half of the radio fee to tag their name to the commercials. There was discussion on what topics to concentrate on for the radio spot. Lyme’s Disease and dentistry were mentioned. Want to have a searchable database on our website in order for the radio ads to be useful. Keep it simple.

Leadership Development- 4 regional reps needed; Angela Clarke MSU grad-young grad for VLC

WVVMF: Dr. McNeel. No updates on the Foundation.

Veterinary Awareness Committee: Dr. Seiler. OSU has written a letter for student contract seats with WV veterinary students. Dr. Seiler recommends that we do not take any position on considering OSU seats at this time. We do not feel the timing is correct due to the problems we have been having but want to keep the door open in case funding changes and we are able to re-establish our relationship.

Student Liaison: Dr. Sette will speak with the students that attended the Greenbrier about suitable students for this position.

Old Business

  • If the veterinarian is charged and found guilty by a West Virginia Board of Vet Med. investigation, then the board can charge the veterinarian for whatever fees were incurred. We need to send a letter to the board for clarification on how they determine if they are going to make the vet responsible for the fees.
  • October 3, 2015 is Veterinary Career Day at WVU.
  • Member levels- A suggestion was made to offer different levels but would require membership approval. These changes would have to be approved at the2016 Annual Meeting. It will be difficult to rework the Bylaws by next year, so will table Bylaw changes and will try to work it out between meetings.
  • Strategic Planning Meeting- Dr. Sette would like to have two people come up with a rough draft of a 5 year strategic plan that the board can then discuss. Working now with a yearly plan and a 5 year plan would help guide future plans. Dr. Sette recommended that he, Dr. Kossuth and Dr. Moore to come up with a plan. They need to talk to successful associations and examine how they are running things.
  • Preserving WVMAV History- Dr. Sette wants to get pictures of veterinarians over the years and any photos of previous meetings and events. If you have any photos, please send them to Kitty.
  • PRVC mutual agreement: Maryland VVMA made these suggestions from their annual meeting, to pick a person to vote for our region for the WVVMA. Each committee will have 4 members. VMCVM does not want to be a deciding factor when all committee have to vote because of the implications for the school. The chair of the each state (i.e. Dr. Joe Romano this year) that is hosting the meeting will be the deciding vote. Calculating loss-PRVC agreement; Robin Schmitz (VVMA Executive Director) sent out an agreement and for the states to agree upon. Also, there needs to be an outline for the various duties of a chairman for the PRVC. It is a huge undertaking and those involved need to understand what they are committing to.
  • Membership drive: Kitty is working on an informational handout to put in hands of our vendors to give out. Brian Lemley from Elanco came up with the idea.

New Business

  • Dr. Sette went to Maryland VMA meeting and we were to approve finances to go. At that meeting, they discussed the PRVC and to strengthen relationship with the VMA’s in the region. Dr. Sette’s expenses were $1,250.00 to attend. Dr. Kossuth made motion to reimburse Dr. Sette, Dr. Seiler seconded.
  • New members- Dr. McNeel made a motion to accept the new members, Dr. Montgomery seconded.
  • Website upgrade. Kitty is working with Christina Reeser from SiteVision for a searchable database, and more sliders for the homepage. Dr. Montgomery made motion to accept, Dr. Kossuth seconded. The contract is $1150.00.
  • Yearly schedule of events are on the website

Dr. Sette adjourned meeting