Section 1.1 Indicates the District Wide Need for Instructional Servers

Section 1.1 Indicates the District Wide Need for Instructional Servers

Resource Allocation Proposal
Originator: / Mark Dumas/Milt Reyes
Program or Department Name: / Instructional Technology Support
Area Dean: / Pat James / Campus: / District Wide
Area Vice President: / Bill Vincent
Account Code: / 11-224-0000-0-4999-0075-6497
Total Amount Requested: / $200,000
One Time Funding ____ / On Going Funding __X___ / Safety____
What are you requesting? Why is the request being made? Where was the need identified?
Instruction Technology Support (I.T.S) is requesting an increase to our Technology Reserve. This increase is in direct response to the growth in our support base, which is not adequately covered by our current reserve. Over the last eight years, our instructional technology base has more than doubled. Much of the equipment within the support base had been purchased with one time funding sources, that being either new building construction funds or grant funding, which are no longer available. Now the equipment from those purchases is at, or nearing, the end of serviceable life, and need to be replaced. We also have a need to replace legacy technologies with newer technologies. This is the nature of technology, which requires periodic refresh cycles. We’ve determined that part of the reserve increase, $120,000, would be used to support the refresh cycle of our PC’s, through a lease/purchase, in the smartroom and classroom labs of buildings 900 & 300 at MVC, building 100 at SJC, and all the machines at the TEC. The remaining $80,000 would be used to support our needs outside our classroom labs, which would be the purchase and retro-fit of the smartroom presentation delivery systems in our classrooms; network infrastructure; our instructional server back-end; and the tools, software, and services we use to manage our infrastructure.
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Program Review/Annual Program Assessment:
Section 2, “Program Resources”, of the March 2012 Program Review for Instructional Technology Support illustrates the equipment and software support base for the Instructional Technology Support department at that time. This base has since increased by at least 120 machines, with the addition of building 400, the Humanities building, at the Menifee Valley Campus. Topic 2.5 discusses the shortfall we have between the I.T.S. budget and the equipment that is actually purchased and/or leased, which the department is expected to support on an ongoing basis. It also discusses how purchases made from out-of-department funds are made that increase our base; however no consideration is made on how to continue to pay for the ongoing costs, once those funds are no longer available. The commentary discusses how “We are plagued with aging equipment . . .” and “We lack the software tools need to efficiently manage the resources we support . . . ”
In Section 5, “Planning for Improvement”, Topic 5.15 discusses the need for putting the remaining half student computer stations on an ongoing lease cycle. It also shows the need for retrofitting aging smartroom technology, network switch replacement, purchasing networking tools, upgrading instructional and staff client stations, and maintaining a small discretionary budget for “unpredictable technical surprises”
Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your Unit Plan and Division Plan (link to Unit/Division Plans 2011-2012)
Per the 2012 Mt. San Jacinto College Library and Technology Unit Plan, our request is supported in the following sections:
  • Section 1.1 indicates the district wide need for instructional servers
  • Section 1.3 points to the lack of funds for recapitalizing the labs for SJC 100 and MVC 900
  • Section 2.8 shows that with the establishment of an equipment budget line item, the budget committee should “develop a yearly augmentation schedule as full allocation is tied up in lease payment for the next four years”
  • Section 2.8 also shows that only some of the lab classrooms, library, learning center, and LSP equipment have been refreshed
  • Section 5 “Unit Goal Plans” contains the Equipment/Supply Plan for the department, which this request will address in part

Section I / Demonstrate how your request is supported by your CLO/DLO/PL0/AUO/SLO:
From topic 5.2.5 of the March 2012 Program Review for Instructional Technology Support, this request directly supports line 2, 3, and 5 of the I.T.S. DLO:
2. Faculty will be supported in their technology needs for delivering their curriculum.
3. Students and Faculty have access to over 95% smart classroom technology across the district.
5. Computer technology will be upgraded through diligent operation and review of all instructional hardware and software.
Section II / Describe how your request is aligned with one or more of the following Institutional Priorities: (link to SP)
Student Success
Unfortunately the Institutional Priorities, with regards to Student Success, do not address the need for our technology base to keep abreast of evolving technologies, and provide robust lab environments in order to enhance student success. However this is clearly evident, and the 2012 Mt. San Jacinto College Library and Technology Unit Plan does mention, in its Student Success section, a requirement for “Effective management of instructional technology support staff and resources for stable technology in smart classrooms and classroom labs”
Fiscally Sound Position:
Institutional Priorities, with regards to having a Fiscally Sound Position, Goal 4 emphasizes the pursuit of grants, contracts, and other income streams. However this request comes, in part, as a result of the fact those types of income streams are limited, and cannot be relied on an ongoing basis. Once funding from those sources dry up, a commitment must be made to support the ongoing costs generated by the acceptance of continuing programs that were initially put in place by outside sources. This request addresses that issue.
However, in this area, Goal 5, becoming a greener campus, is addressed in that our older equipment draws more energy, than the newer equipment we would purchase. So purchasing new equipment should see a reduction in our monthly energy costs.
Section II / Systematic Planning and Assessment:
The Institutional Priority of Systematic Planning and Assessment would be supported in this request for Goal 6, data-driven assessment and decision making. The purchase of inventory, auditing, and management tools needed by our technology infrastructure, would enhance and provide a more accurate picture within our department’s unit plan, and provide metrics in determining the most urgent needs, and the best way to move forward when making technology purchases.
Section II / Institutional Pride and Organizational Culture:
This request supports the component of Goal 8, providing a positive environment, and advancing employee and student pride. After replacing older and dated technology in our lab environment, it is immediately evident of the increased utility provided by the purchases. It is not lost on the students that an investment has been made that directly benefits them and aids them in the pursuit of their educational goals. There is also a sense of pride and satisfaction, by students, faculty, and staff that they have the most current technology available for their use
Community Partnerships and Service
Goals 10 and 11 are supported in this request by enhancing our reputation within our immediate community and the surrounding area. The availability of new equipment in our labs is quickly disseminated in the community. And when provided a choice, students will go to the areas that provide the best services and resources. Other community entities are also eager to take advantage of the new resources that are provided by the district. Anecdotally, it can be seen that within our own district, community events have gravitated to the MVC campus, in part to the improved facilities available at that campus. Continual improvement of the resources we make available is a clear indicator of our desire to strive for educational excellence.
Section III / Describe how your request will support one or more of the 12 Institutional Goals in the Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan)
As described in Section II of this RAP the following Institutionl Goals will be supported by this request:
  • Goal 5: Become a greener campus at all four learning sites.
  • Goal 6: Emphasize College-wide data-driven assessment and decision-making utilizinginternal and external data.
  • Goal 8: Advance and celebrate student learning, sense of community, safe and positive environment, diversity, and employee & student pride.
  • Goal 10: Increase the College’s visibility, value, and recognition in our service area.
  • Goal 11: Intensify our reputation as a leader and important partner in all communities that we serve.

Section III / Demonstrate how your project goals are supported by any of the following plans (2009-16 Educational Master Plan, Distance Education Plan, Technology Plan and/or the Facilities Master Plan):
This project directly addresses Goal 2b of the 2011-2016 Educational Master Plan. This goal indicates that “the College must be diligent to maintain currency in desktop computing with ongoing refresh cycles.” In the plan it indicates a budget estimate of $250,000 should be allocated for desktop replacement. The I.T.S. component currently budgeted for this on our current lease/purchase is less than $130,000. This proposal would help us put our remaining equipment into a proper cyclical refresh cycle.
Section III / Describe your goal(s) for this proposal? How will this impact students or institutional services?
  • Improved quality of instructional resources for students and faculty
  • Reduction in down time for lab equipment.
  • Reduction in support requests for aging equipment, which would help mitigate the workload on reduced staff.
  • Improvement on energy consumption provided by newer technology

Section IV / What are your measureable outcomes that will lead to you meeting your goal(s)? Provide how your outcomes are tied to your CLO/DLO/PLO/AUO/SLO
The outcomes for updating and replacing instructional equipment can be difficult to measure and quantify. However within our to items 2, 3, & 5 of the I.T.S. DLO’s we should be able to determine:
  • The effectiveness and impact of lab equipment replacement by surveying students and faculty
  • Measurement of smart classroom to non-smart classroom ratio after the equipment rollout
  • Comparison of reduction in request for mobile smart cart technology throughout the term
  • Monitoring of Instructional Technology infrastructure through the use of auditing, inventory, and other management tools.

Section V / What are the steps that you will take or need to be taken to implement this proposal? Demonstrate the following:
• (a) Who is in charge of implementing the project?
• (b) What are the projected start and end dates?
• (c) What other departments will need to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of the project?
• (d) When will the outcomes be measured?
• (e) How will you measure the desired outcomes?
• (a) The supervisor of I.T.S. (Mark Dumas), and the Instructional Network Coordinators of the department.
• (b) Equipment roll-outs would be conducted and completed between terms and the summer of the upcoming fiscal year.
• (c) No other departments are needed to assist with the acquisition/ implementation of this project.
• (d) Outcomes will be measured at the completion of the equipment rollout.
• (e) The desired outcomes will be measured with tools, software, and services used to manage the I.T.S. infrastructure.
Projected Expense Profile
New Personnel Request--This does not include Full Time Academic Faculty Positions.
For personnel requests please attach the job description, job classification and label "Exhibit I."
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______ / Estimated Cost
1XXX / Academic Salaries (Certificated)
3XXX / Benefits
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Position Title:______
2XXX / Classified/Non Academic Salaries / 10, 11 or 12 Months
3XXX / Benefits / Hours per Week_____
Sub Total:
Non Personnel Requests:
Object Code / Title / Amount Requested
4XXX / Supplies and Materials
5XXX / Services
6XXX / New Equipment or Building/Site Improvements
Smartroom & Instructional Lab/Classroom Computers / $120,000
Purchase and retro-fit of the smartroom presentation delivery systems in classrooms; network infrastructure equipment; back-end instructional servers; tools, software, and services used to manage the I.T.S. infrastructure / $80,000
Sub Total: / $200,000
Total Budget Proposal: / $200,000

Secondary Effects (if this proposal is approved)
For Personnel Requests:
What additional space, if any, is needed to accommodate this position? If so, where is the proposed location?
For Equipment and Technology Request
Will additional space be needed to accommodate requested equipment? If so where is the proposed location?
Will requested equipment require maintenance agreements and or support personnel? If so what are the projected costs?
Maintenance agreements are part of the equipment purchase. No additional support personnel is required

Please list future year anticipated needs and estimated financial needs. NOTE: This section refers to any anticipated funding not addressed by this RAP, but required in the future. This will not be automatically funded. A new RAP must be completed in future years.
Fiscal Year / Anticipated Need / Estimated Amount
Dean Approval / Date / Vice President Approval / Date