

WV Counselors Resource Manual



Contains occupational employment and wages for State, MSA, Workforce Investment Areas and other states,Includes Skills-Based Projections.

Contains links to national sites, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other state LMI pages.

WV Clearinghouse http://wvclear.wvstateu.edu/

The WV Clearinghouse provides a statewide centralized database and resource center for students seeking educational opportunities and employers seeking to hire West Virginians, as well as links to financial aid resources and trainers.

WV EDUCATION PLANNER http://wv.educationplanner.org/education_planner/wv/default.asp?sponsor=2869

West Virginia EducationPlanner is your one-stop education website. This website contains information to find students find a career, choose a college, university or career school, apply and pay for postsecondary education, then move into the working world. The site contains tools including career interest inventories, resume and essay builders, study skills, college search tools, information and applications for scholarship and financial aid, and registration and study tools for the ACT and SAT

Ohio Advisor/Advisee Program

Ohio Advisor/advisee programs

WV Counselors Resource Manual

The Job Journey


WVDE Policies

School Counseling Policy

Regulation of Education Programs

Professional Associations Websites

American School Counselor Association

American counseling Association

WV Association of Secondary School Principals

For Counselors and administrators


Forum Guide to FERPQA Guidelines for Confidentiality in Schools

The EDventure Group, A 504C organization that provides educational resources, leadership programs for teens and consulting services for schools

Apply for a WVACHE Access Project Grant!
Public high schools in West Virginia are invited to apply for a 2007–2009 Access Project grant from the WVACHE. $10,000 Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to implement a proven model program that encourages students to consider and prepare for college. Proposals must be postmarked by May 15.
Learn more
Download the RFP (PDF, 185 KB)

Resilience Research for Prevention Programs


SREB “Establishing Successful Guidance and Advisement Systems”

The Education Commission of the States (ECS) is an interstate compact created in 1965 to improve public education by facilitating the exchange of information, ideas and experiences among state policymakers and education leaders. As a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization involving key leaders from all levels of the education system, ECS creates unique opportunities to build partnerships, share information and promote the development of policy based on available research and strategies.

West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission http://www.hepc.wvnet.edu

This website is a direct link to West Virginia's public colleges and universities. It contains information on each of the institutions, as well as financial aid information.

Guidance and Advisement Curriculum from Other States



