Wulastukw Elementary School

Vision: Wulastukw Elementary School inspires passion for learning in a safe and caring community school.

Phone : 363-3019

March/April 2018

Important Dates:

March 19-Literacy Night

6-7 o’clock

March 26-After school Science Club with Science East (last day)

Night of Environmental Science 6-7:30

March 27 Professional Learning Day for Teachers-No school for students

March 30 –Good Friday -No school for students

April 2-Easter Sunday No school for students

April 13-Parent/Teacher Interviews. No School for students.

Hot Lunch

Hot lunch is provided for all students each day at noon.

Please send a nutritioussnack for your child to eat at 10:30. Thanks!

Literacy Night

Tuesday, March 20 from 6-7 o’clock students and parents are invited to the school to join us in a funfillednight of Literacy. There will be cookies and milk served and a free book for all the children that attend. If the children wish they are reminded to wear their favorite Pajamas and to bring their favorite stuffed animal.Hope to see you all there.

Night Of Environmental Science:

This isa program that provides children information to help them make informed choices concerning environmental issues. This is a fun, hands on event for everyone!

Please come to the school on Mar.26 from 6-7:30pm to take part in this event with Science East!!

Sports News

Mr. Good continues to have activities each noon in the gym.

On April 12 at 1:00 Assembly For Jump Rope For Heart


Interviews will be held on Friday , April 13. Teachers will be contacting you for a time to meet and receive your child’s report card.


The drumming group practices weekly and drum on Monday mornings for our weekly assembly. The drummers will be drumming on March 27 for our Community Healing Day.

Basket Making

Basket Making class for students who didn’t finish will take place on Wed, March21 from 12:30 till 2:00

Principals Note

It has been a great term at WES. We are really looking forward to our Literacy Night and Our Night Of Environmental Science. We really hope we have a strong turnout for these events.

In the winter months, colds and flus have affected our attendance. Hopefully we will see higher numbers in the months to come. Please be reminded to call the school in the morning if your child is sick and will not be attending.

I truly appreciate all the continued support we get from parents.Working together and supporting each other enhances the social, emotional and academic development of the



November 91%

December 87%

January 85%

February 83%

Traditional Dance

Reminder that Amada Reid and Possesom Paul will be here every other Wednesday Jan17 -June6 .

Parents input on design for Regalia and Moccasin making would be greatly appreciated.