WSU BS CE Self-Study Report
for Computer Engineering
ABackground Information
This is a self-study report as required by the ABET EAC for the BSCE undergraduate degree program that this Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers. The department offers two undergraduate degree programs, namely a BS CE (in Computer Engineering) and a BS CS (in Computer Science). The BS CE degree has been continually ABET-accredited since 1984. The department also offers MS degrees in Computer Engineering and in Computer Science, and a PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering. The Department is part of the College of Engineering and Computer Science of Wright State University.
A.1Degree Titles
BSCE: Bachelor of Science -- Computer Engineering major.
A.2Program Modes
This program is offered in one mode, on campus, only. Classes are offered both during the day (considered by the College before 4 PM, although some University documents say 5 PM) and in the evening (considered after 4 PM). No distance learning courses are offered at this time, although educational resources are available on-line in many courses.
A.3Actions to Correct Previous Shortcomings
The BSCE of Wright State University has been in continuous accreditation since 1984. The last visit was during November 1999 and was conducted according to the EC2000 criteria. We gave a 14-day response to errors of fact in the exit report after the site visit, and a 30-day response.
The preliminary draft report (March 3, 2000) identified two weaknesses and three concerns. The weakness was in Criterion 3(d) and Criterion 4 stemming from the fact that the major design experience was occasionally done with lone students rather than teams and that it was not of sufficient duration. The concerns were about (i) monitoring and advising to assure that students meet program objectives, (ii) a lack of evidence regarding the ability to apply probability and statistics to analyze and interpret data, and (iii) the same body of faculty being responsible for both BSCE and BSCS degree programs.
On August 15, 2000, we were accredited to September 30, 2002. As expected in that accreditation, the department submitted an Interim Report in January 2002. The Interim Report described the revisions made in the BSCE program. The course CEG 498: Design Experience has been expanded into a two-quarter sequence totaling eight credit hours. A comprehensive checklist was developed. The projects will be carried out by teams of at least three students. ABET Draft Statement of April 5, 2002 shows that these changes removed the weakness into a concern regarding the design experience incorporating realistic constraints mainly because by January 2002 no teams had two quarters to complete the design sequence. The concerns (ii) and (iii) were resolved. Concern (i) remained. For concern (i) we have increased the number of advisors, and improved the course outcome evaluation process. The result (August 2002) is that the BSCE program is accredited to September 30, 2006.
A.4Contact Information
- Dr Forouzan Golshani, Department Chair, 937 775 5131,
- Dr Prabhaker Mateti, Undergraduate Studies Committee Chair, 937 775 5131,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dayton, OH45435-0001