WSCA Track & Field 2015

Informational Meeting

Team Membership

·  No tryouts

·  Open to any grades 7-12

Length of Season

·  HS: Late-January to mid-May

·  Athletes must turn in all required paperwork before they can practice (physical for high school only)

Academic Eligibility

·  Any athlete who has two incompletes at one time during the season will be on academic probation

Doctor’s Note

·  Required for injuries that keep a student from practicing or competing

Universal Rule

·  Be where you are supposed to be at all times

·  Do not leave the practice area or meets without permission from a coach

·  Be respectful of all people


·  Uniforms may be borrowed from the school

·  Uniforms must be returned at the end of the season or as soon as an athlete is dismissed from the team

·  Uniform pieces that are lost or ruined must be replaced at the athlete’s expense.

·  Once we set our final numbers we may have to order uniforms. If that is the case, a form will be sent home.

·  HS team gets priority when distributing uniforms.


·  High School: Monday – Friday, 3:45 – 5:30. Practice begins next Wednesday, 1/21.

·  Middle School: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 3:45-5:30. Practice begins 2/23 (at the track).

·  Track usage: Please see the handout for practice dates at Granite Oaks Middle School

·  Athletes who are late to any practices will have a twenty burpee penalty

Missing Practices

·  Athletes must attend all practices unless not in school the day of practice due to an illness, family business, or documented medical appointment.

·  An athlete who missed a practice must bring a signed excuse from a parent upon return to practice

·  Please send Coach Dahl an email at to clear an absence.

·  This is a varsity team and we expect our athletes to commit to being at practice and meets


·  Prescribed workouts for each practice must be completed to the coaches’ satisfaction or the athlete remains after practice to complete it

·  Workouts are designed for athletes to achieve optimal performance. Please do not change a workout assigned by a coach.

Transportation to and from the Meets

·  It is up to parents/guardians to get athletes to and from meets.

·  There is no school sponsored transportation

Meets/Team Competitions

·  No athlete will leave a meet or competition without being excused by the coaching staff.

·  Participation

o  Athletes will check-in on time, warm-up, and compete with pride to the best of their ability

·  Track meets are all day affairs. Parents, of course, are not expected to stay and watch the entire meet. However, athletes are. If that means arranging a carpool or dropping them off in the morning and picking them up at the end please do so instead of taking them home once their event is complete.


·  Academic Probation: If a student has two Incompletes at any one time that student will be on academic probation for the XC team. That means the student will check in for regular practice with work to make-up and/or material to study and will sit in a designated spot to complete the work. Students will not compete during probation.

·  Performance Probation: Athletes who do not show a desire to improve; for example, slacking off at practice, failing to complete practices, giving attitude to coaches will be placed on performance probation. During probation the athlete will complete all practices to the coaches’ satisfaction or the athlete remains on probation. Athletes placed on performance probation will not compete at the end of the week. Any student who accumulates more than two weeks worth of performance probation will be dismissed from the team.

Lettering Requirements

·  Our athletes do not receive Varsity and JV letters for participation.

·  All athletes who finish the season in good standing will receive a certificate of participation.

·  In order for an athlete to letter the following criteria must be met:

o  Athletes will not miss more than one practice per week

§  Athletes with injuries that take them out of practice for more than two weeks will not letter

o  Athletes will not miss more than one meet

§  If an injury prevents an athlete from competing in more than one meet that athlete will not letter

o  Athletes will not accrue more than two incompletes at any time during the season

o  Athletes will demonstrate measurable improvement throughout the season

§  This will be determined by individual times at both the track sessions and meets

Team T-Shirt

·  There will be a team t-shirt available for order shortly. This is one of our fundraisers. Get one for each family member for when you come to cheer your athlete on!


·  Required equipment

o  All runners need a good pair of training shoes. Please go to the Fleet Feet (a running specialty store) in Roseville or Fair Oaks to get fitted. They donate 10% of the purchase price back to our program. Just mention that you’re with Western Sierra Track.

o  All HS runners who have run at least a season with WSCA in XC or Track must purchase a pair of racing flats or spikes.

o  Invest in synthetic socks. Cotton socks lead to blisters.

o  Water bottle

o  Watch. Nothing fancy. The Timex Ironman runs about $25 at Target or Wall-Mart and is hard to beat.

·  Suggested Equipment

o  For strength training athletes may want a yoga mat (sit-ups and plank on the concrete are not that fun)

o  A pair of hand weights 4-10 lbs, whatever you’re comfortable with.

o  A daily snack to eat immediately following practice, preferably something high in protein.