4 3 2 1


(90-100%) (80-89%) (70-79%) (0-69%)

FORMAT Formats appro- Formats appropriate Formats appropriate Formats inappropriate

priate & meet but need minor but need 1-2 major and/or need 3 or more

professional adjustments. adjustments. major adjustments.


AUDIENCE Texts meets readers’ Texts almost always Improve audience Improve audience

AWARENESS needs at a profess- meets readers’ needs: analysis: Enhance analysis: Include

ional level: e.g. you-attitude present. you-attitude. you-attitude.

______strong you-attitude.

ORGANIZATION Ideas flow in a clear, Ideas generally flow Problems with flow Serious problems with

logical way. BW in a clear, logical way: and/or logic. BW flow and/or logic. BW

______structures (e.g. Need slight adjust- structures need structures need major

subject lines, lists, ment. BW structures several adjustments. adjustments. Paragraphs

headings) aid need slight adjust- Paragraphs need need serious adjustments.

readers’ compre- ment to aid readers’ some adjustments. Edit extensively with BW

hension. Effective comprehension. Para- Continue to edit format guidelines in mind.

paragraphing. graphs need slight with BW format

adjustments. Edit. guidelines in mind.

DEVELOPMENT Compelling and Though compelling Several inappropriate Numerous inappropriate

substantive and substantive and/or missing and/or missing supporting

______supporting details details inform the supporting details details interfere

inform the texts. majority of the texts, interfere with the with meaning within

additional supporting meaning of sections the texts: Edit exten-

details are needed. of the texts: sively.

Edit with care. Continue to edit.

SENTENCE Appropriate Some sentence variety A few awkward Several awkward

STRUCTURE and varied sentence but basic sentence sentences and/or sentences and/or

structures reflect patterns dominate. 3-4 major sentence 5 or more major

______a professional style. Only a rare awkward errors. 1-2 types of sentence errors. 3 or

sentence and/or sentence errors more types of errors

major sentence error. dominate. Needs dominate. Needs

Proofread with care. further proofreading. extensive proofreading.

DICTION Exact, positive, and Straightforward Many words need to Language consistently

inclusive language language generally be more thoughtfully interferes with meaning.

______conveys meaning conveys meaning chosen to clarify Needs extensive proof-

at a professional effectively. Proofread. meaning. Proofread. reading.


GRAMMAR/ Virtually error free. Very few errors. Needs further proof- Needs extensive

MECHANICS Proofread with care. proofreading. proofreading.
