Smith 1
Writing tips from Professor Sydow
1. You need to avoid first and second person pronouns. “I” focuses on the writer, and “you” focuses on the reader. I want your papers to focus on the argument rather than the addresser or the addressee.
2. Don’t use contractions. They’re not academic.
3. Spiel cheque is knot you’re fiend. Serially.
4. Please write everything in Times New Roman size 12 font. If papers are not written in Times New Roman size 12 font, then I will write the words “ Times New Roman size 12 font” on the top of your paper. So don’t forget to write your papers in Times New Roman size 12 font, otherwise the phrase Times New Roman size 12 font will get old.
5. Spell out all numbers under 100, and keep in mind that numbers 21-99 twenty-one through ninety-nine will be hyphenated.
6. Always avoid phrases that will never be correct. These absolutes will hurt everyone.
7. Avoid cliches like the plague. They are okay once in a blue moon, but it might rain cats and dogs when you think that one is spot on.
8. DO NOT use all caps to emphasize a point. Underlining is also highly discouraged. Let your argument stand on its own merits.
9. Do not use a whole lot of words when only a select few will be sufficient for the point that you are trying to get across to your reader. Otherwise, it might possibly sound like you might be using extra words in order to get the most of the word count that you assigned so that the paper will be longer. I am done with my argument now and I hope that it made sense.
10. In conclusion: this phrase is redundant and unnecessary. That is my conclusion.