Essential pre-requisite
√ / Year 3
Name of child ______/ Term 1 / Term 2 / Term 3 / Term 4 / Term 5 / Term 6
Produces work that has a beginning, middle and an end
Use a variety of conjunctions to join at least 2 simple sentences (but, so, then, because, or, if, that)
Write in capital letters ad digits of the correct size, orientation and relationship to one another and to lower case letters
Use a wide range of adjectives and adverbs
Use the apostrophe for simple contraction
Use the diagonal and horizontal strokes needed to join letters
√ / Produce work that is organised, clear and imaginative (at least 2 paragraphs with 6 sentences in each)
Use a wider range of conjunctions between points and ideas (when, because, after, while, also)
√ / Is experimenting with a range of punctuation (commas, explanation marks, apostrophise) may not be accurate
√ / Use the past and present tense correctly and consistently throughout a piece of work
Can spell most common words correctly (R to year 3 HFW together with year 1 and 3 words listed in NC)
√ / Can write neatly and legibly using a joined style
When appropriate can use humour or suspense in their writing
Uses sophisticated conjunctions (although, however, nevertheless, despite, contrary to, as well as)
Uses a wide variety of punctuation accurately (question mark, exclamation mark, apostrophe, comma and speech marks)
Can spell homophones, for example, The sum is easy! Some people are kind.
Can write neatly, legibly and consistently using a joined style
Can use or attempt grammatically complex structures (for example, expansion before and after the noun and subordinate clauses)
Can select from a range of known adventurous vocabulary for a purpose
Can open sentences in a variety of ways
Can spell unfamiliar regular polysyllabic words accurately
Uses fronted adverbs, for example, Anxiously, the boy called out.
Can read aloud their own writing using appropriate intonation

√To be at the expected level you need the pre-requisite of 6 – 7 assessment points