Writing Accuracy Checklist Name:______
Proof-reading is a specialised skill. It requires close attention to detail. It is very easy to see what you think you wrote and not what is actually on the page when you read over your writing. Below are some common errors students make. Have someone you trust read you work and tick the boxes/ make suggestions where your draft needs work.
Use a dictionary!
Note/ suggestion:
Punctuation – You need to use:
Question marks
Apostrophes (for possession and contraction)
Quotation or speech marks (all punctuation to do with the sentence being spoken goes within the speech marks. “How are you?”)
Note/ suggestion:
Grammar– You need to:
Stay in the same tense
If you start using the past tense (had, went, saw), check that you haven’t switched to the present tense (She walked in to the room and threw her bag down. Suddenly Dave will walk in. Should be walked=past tense because the verbs in the previous sentence are in past tense). Decide which verb tense you want to use and use it throughout the writing.
Note/ suggestion:
Sentences – You need to:
Use a variety of types/lengths
Make them shorter (use full stops)
Make them longer (use commas instead of full stops)
Make them clearer
Vary your sentence beginnings
Avoid too many ideas in one sentence
Note/ suggestion:
Too long
Too short
You don’t use them
Your ideas are muddled (re-order paragraphs)
You have more than one idea in a paragraph
You haven’t started a new line for each new speaker in dialogue
Note/ suggestion:
You tell rather than show
You haven’t used imagery and figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification, alliteration etc)
‘Meh’ - clichéd and pedestrian
Enliven your diction - use words that are not so dull or ineffective
Appeal to the senses
Use a thesaurus!
Note/ suggestion:
No clear beginning, middle and ending
Confusing, ideas do not flow logically
Lacks development of plot
Lacks development of setting
Lacks development of character
Beginning is not effective in drawing reader into writing
Ending is rushed and ineffective
Note/ suggestion: