May 23, 1966
Orem City Council met in regular session Monday, May 23, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor James E. Mangum, chairman; Councilmen Harley Gillman, Dixon Larson, Stanley Leavitt, James Paramore, and Paul Washburn; City Manager Earl Wengreen, BYU Intern Dennis Moore, Attorney H. Vern Wentz, Treasurer Victor Christensen, and Recorder Anne Cooper. Others present were as follows:
Larry E. Lunnen1078 South 200 WestPolice Department Business
Dee Blackley976 West 280 NorthOrem Jaycees
Clyde E. Weeks383 East 100 NorthCapital Improvements
Dale K. Judd3950 No. 710 E. ProvoBid Opening
Aldo Bussio3950 No. 710 E. ProvoBid Opening
Mr. & Mrs. George Smith364 North 200 EastInvitation by Police Chief
Clifton M. Pyne390 North 100 EastInvitation by Police Chief
Con Brady1690 South 50 EastInvitation by Police Chief
Bennett Nielsen426 North 800 EastInvitation by Police Chief
Evan A. Baugh888 East 400 SouthInvitation by Police Chief
Mrs. Elmer Heinz1155 South 150 WestInvitation by Police Chief
Jane C. James197 West 1100 SouthInvitation by Police Chief
Gary James197 West 1100 SouthInvitation by Police Chief
Armond N. James197 West 1100 SouthInvitation by Police Chief
John A. Green1130 South 150 WestInvitation by Police Chief
Jeffrey Paul Green1130 South 150 WestInvitation by Police Chief
John Scott Green1130 South 150 WestInvitation by Police Chief
Steven Lee Heinz1155 South 150 WestInvitation by Police Chief
Robert Andy Heinz1155 South 150 WestInvitation by Police Chief
Owen Ferguson848 North 6 West, ProvoInvitation by Police Chief
Cora Williams1806 South Harrison
Sedalia, Mo.
John Barsley748 West Sunny LaneBoy Scout Troop 427
David Benson788 West 630 SouthBoy Scout Troop 427
Scott Shumway834 South 400 WestBoy Scout Troop 427
Robert Allen776 South Cherry Dr.Boy Scout Troop 427
Thomas Erickson749 West Sunny LaneBoy Scout Troop 427
Allen G. Shaw476 South 800 WestBoy Scout Troop 427
G. Kent Peterson730 West 630 SouthBoy Scout Troop 427
Brigg Steele875 South 800 WestBoy Scout Troop 427
Doug Andrew706 West Sunny LaneBoy Scout Troop 427
Kenneth Hall746 West 700 SouthBoy Scout Troop 427
Brent Bardsley680 West 800 SouthBoy Scout Troop 427
H. E. Johnson
Herb Stratton1085 North 800 EastStratton Fruit Growers
Meeting opened with prayer by Earl Wengreen.
Motion was made by Harley Gillman to accept the minutes of September 9, 1963, as read and corrected. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the Minutes of May 9, 1966, was made by Harley Gillman, seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Dixon Larson to authorize Councilmen to read and make corrections on minutes of July 8, 1963, July 22, 1963, and July 21, 1965. Minutes to be accepted at next Council meeting. Motion was seconded by Stanley Leavitt and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Paul Washburn, seconded by Dixon Larson, to authorize payment of the invoice from Stanley Construction Co. in the amount of $500 for the golf course development study, and to pay the invoice from American Fork in the amount of $540.72 for April service and $675.86 for May service. Motion passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen reported that increasing the speed limit on 800 South, 800 East, 1600 North, and 400 East and other areas had been discussed and referred to the Safety Committee. The Safety Committee had made no recommendation so the City Manger had asked Police Chief Lunnen to work with the Safety Committee in the study. A memo had been prepared by Chief Lunnen in which he recommended that the speed limit in these areas not be increased as it would create a safety hazard. Harley Gillman stated that no one stayed within the speed limit on these streets and according to the State Road Commission; it is not wise to leave the speed limit lower than the general speed traveled.
After further discussion, motion was made by Dixon Larson to accept the recommendation of Chief Lunnen to leave the speed limit at 25 miles per hour in the residential areas. Motion was seconded by James Paramore. Voting aye: Dixon Larson, James Paramore, Paul Washburn and Stanley Leavitt. Voting nay: Harley Gillman. Motion passed by majority vote.
City Manager Wengreen reported that Paul Wilson has terminated his job at the Disposal Plant and that he is in the process of obtaining a man to take his place.
City Manager Wengreen reported that D. Orlo Allen has asked that a decision be made about his property at 700 North adjacent to the Orem Junior High School. Mr. Allen owns ten acres that could be developed into a park site. James Paramore stated that a projected budget is necessary before a decision can be made.
Mayor Mangum suggested that the problem be referred to the Capital Improvement Committee for recommendation.
Motion to authorize the City Manager to obtain bids on a street sweeper to be included in the 1966-67 budget was made by James Paramore, seconded by Stanley Leavitt and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by James Paramore, seconded by Paul Washburn, to authorize the City Manager to obtain bids on two police cars, with trade-ins, and include in the 1966-67 budget. Motion passed unanimously.
Stanley Leavitt gave a report on the meeting of the Civic Center Committee. The committee had recommended that a central committee be formed to consist of the following: City Manager; three Councilmen; representatives from the Veterans' group, Chamber of Commerce, JC's, Federated Women's Club; Library Board, Planning Commission; City Engineer and fiscal agent. Representatives from other groups can work on sub committees. The central committee should recommend an architect to the Council and hire a secretary to be paid from City funds; also to appoint subcommittees as needed. Stanley Leavitt reported that the next meeting of the Civic Center Committee will be held May 31 at 7:30 p.m.
Motion was made by James Paramore to authorize the Civic Center Committee to proceed as suggested and authorize the Mayor to send letters inviting the rest of the groups to join the committee. Motion was seconded by Stanley Leavitt and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Dixon Larson to authorize the City Manager to hire George Adamson as City Engineer at $9,000 per year salary. Motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.
Dixon Larson reported that John Gillman had called him stating that the Alta farmers are hurt by the necessity to irrigate on water turns. Discussed was offering the stock holders $10.00 per share per year on a ten-year contract. This would give the major stockholders an advantage and should be acceptable.
Mayor Mangum stated that he approves the proposal. Motion was made by James Paramore to authorize Attorney Wentz to contact the attorney for the Alta Ditch Corporation and offer $10.00 per share per year on a ten-year contract. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
Larry Lunnen, Chief of Police, reported that in honor of Law Enforcement Week, certificates of merit should be presented to persons who cooperate with the Police Department and make other outstanding contributions to the community. Chief Lunnen stated that policemen definitely feel the value of cooperating with the schools. Chief Lunnen presented certificates to the following: Evan Baugh, Lincoln Junior High School; Clifton Pyne, Orem High School; Bennett Nielsen, Orem Junior High School; Van Swenson who pushed trucks out of danger of fire when Bailey's Furniture Store burned down; George Smith who reported that a person was selling tires at half cost who was later apprehended as wanted on felonies by Dallas and Denver police departments; and Mrs. Gwen Ferguson who last New Year's Eve was involved in a car pedestrian accident and administered mouth to mouth resuscitation to the pedestrian who recovered from the injuries. Certificates were also presented to five boys who observed older boys in the theft of basketball nets. The older boys were apprehended due to this report. The boys who made the report were Jack Christensen, Scott Green, Robert Heinz, Steven Heinz, and Gary James.
Mayor James E. Mangum reported that he had worked on the seminar for youth last Saturday and is proud of the Orem Police Department and its good leadership. Mayor Mangum suggested that a slogan "I am my brother's keeper," which is the philosophy of Christ regardless of the faith of the individual, instead of "Mind your own business," be adopted. Almost all major crimes have a witness and the very thought that crime would be reported would be a deterrent. The Police Department does not have enough manpower to regulate crime without the help of others. The Mayor commended the Police Department for initiative taken.
Bids were opened on an 8 inch sewer line on the east side of U.S. 91 from 800 South to 875 South as follows:
Cox Brothers $4,398
Dunn Construction 4,390
Tyler Sand & Gravel 4,530
Engineer's Estimate 3,621
Motion was made by Dixon Larson, seconded by James Paramore, to accept the lowest acceptable bid. Motion passed unanimously.
Dee Blackley, representing the Orem JC's, proposed that the City light the two tennis courts in the park. At present, persons wanting to play tennis have to go to BYU or Provo in the evenings. Plans for lighting the tennis courts have been drawn up by Utah Power & Light and could be installed for approximately $613.10. The JC's proposed to pay $201.60 for the four 40 foot pine poles and add another $100 toward the cost with the City to provide the balance. These lights can be moved should it become necessary when the civic center is built. Motion was made by James Paramore to authorize acceptance of the proposal as made by the Orem JC's and schedule City participation in the lighting cost of the tennis courts in the 1966-67 budget if funds are not available now. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
Herbert Stratton, representing Stratton Fruit Growers golf course, reported that he had met with Attorney Wentz and discussed ways the City could legally facilitate the building of a golf course. It looks like the best way the City could help would be to make water available. A nine hole course would need approximately 60 acre feet of water each season. Mr. Stratton stated that they would like to make a reciprocal trade and make irrigation water available to the City in exchange for the culinary water needed as the irrigation water cannot be brought to the site under pressure at a nominal cost.
Attorney Wentz stated that if the golf course is available to citizens at a municipal fee rate, it would be a big advantage to the City to make this proposed trade for water. The City could divert storage water to the parks for City use.
Motion was made by James Paramore to go on record as favoring the water exchange as proposed and authorize the Mayor to write a letter requesting the Metropolitan Water District to make a study of the proposal. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen presented a resolution from the Municipal League Insurance Company that requires the City to pay the insurance premium for retired personnel. The resolution will be in effect until July 1, 1966, when Medicare goes into effect. Motion was made by James Paramore to adopt the resolution as presented by the City Manager and authorize the Council to sign. Motion was seconded by Harley Gillman and passed unanimously.
City Manager Wengreen reported that some time ago it had been recommended to the State Road Commission to eliminate the safety hazard on 1300 South State. The State has proposed that they furnish $1,430 for material: to install lights at the intersection of the access way and U.S. 91 with the City to pay the cost of installation. Chester Kocherhans reported that the Whiteway cost was approximately $75 per pole and that he had received a rough estimate, however, of $300 per pole for installing the four lights. The Council advised that no action be taken until specifications and a firm bid have been received.
Attorney Wentz read the garbage ordinance No. 105. James Paramore objected to the second paragraph of section2 stating that the Council does not want to restrict people to sending everything through the City services. Mr. Paramore further stated that during canning season, for instance, a person may want to take the refuse to the City dump rather than let it sit until the regular garbage pickup day which would be prohibited by this ordinance. Attorney Wentz stated that he felt this provision is necessary in a compulsory garbage ordinance.
Motion was made by James Paramore to send the ordinance back to the sanitation committee for recommendation. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson. No action taken.
Motion was made by James Paramore to appoint Paul Washburn. Harley Gillman and Dixon Larson as a committee to review the ordinance and bring recommendations to the next Council meeting. Motion was seconded by Dixon Larson and passed unanimously.
James Paramore reported that a property owner called and is asking that utility service be provided in the area south of 2000 South west of U.S. 91 by Orem City, or a working contract with Provo City, or should secession be initiated by property owners. Elevation of the property is too low to sewer the area profitably by Orem City. After discussion, the Council decided that the property owners should initiate any action toward secession if that is their desire. In the meantime the problem should be studied by the committee headed by Dixon Larson so the decision can be made at that time.
Harley Gillman reported that Rex Lewis has requested a zone change on 1300 South adjacent to the freeway to H-1 Zone. The Planning Commission has recommended that this be rezoned upon satisfaction of street requirements.
Motion was made by Stanley Leavitt that the Council approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission to hold rezoning in abeyance until an agreement is reached and the street conveyed to the City. Motion was seconded by Paul Washburn and passed unanimously.
Mayor Mangum reported that Mr. Harding, owner of Mt. Vista Villa Nursing Home, is anxious that his zoning problem be taken care of as it is acute. Harley Gillman reported that the Planning Commission has not recommended that the zone be changed in that area.
Mayor Mangum reported that a letter had been received reporting that an industrial plant that will manufacture pipe and other materials is in need of a plant site with approximately three to five acres with utilities available. In order to get an SBA loan it is necessary to have $25,000 cash available and a guarantee of an industrial site. The persons making the application do not want to operate the plant, but to turn it over to local people after it is in operation. The first year approximately 30 people would be employed and after the first year possibly 100.
After discussion, motion was made by Stanley Leavitt to authorize the Mayor to appoint a chairman of an Advisory Election Committee and work with him in appointing a complete committee. Motion was seconded by James Paramore and passed unanimously.
Motion was made by James Paramore to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approve Plat B of Westmore Park Subdivision at 50 East from 1100 to 1200 South and authorize the mayor and Council to sign. Motion was seconded by Stanley Leavitt and passed unanimously.
Motion to adjourn was made by Dixon Larson. Meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m.