You will use the information from your chart to create an “autobiopoem,” a form poem about yourself (auto=self, bio=life, poem=writing in verse form). Use your “Getting to Know You” chart as prewriting to help. Please include the following information about yourself on each line. Look at the example below as an illustration:
Step 1: Go to yourEnglish folder on your desktop. Click on it. Right click and create a folder labeled Writing. Then, open a document in Microsoft Word. Title it Autobiopoem. Save it to your Writing folder in your English folder on your desktop.
Step 2.Create a rough draft on the above document. Use your “Getting to Know You” Sheet to help you. Use parallel structure to in each line. For instance, if you use a noun followed by a prepositional phrase as the first item, use it for the other two as well.You should have access to a video on Safari Montage explaining parallel structure; please watch it for further explanation. Also, please use third-person pronouns if you refer to yourself in the poem; it needs to be objective.Note the line format.
Write your first name.
Write at least 3 phrases that describe you.
(Copy the first words on the next 8 lines.)
Relative of ____(Instead, you may use descriptors such as “Daughter of,” “Nephew of”, etc.).
Then fill in the person’s name in the blank.
Loves ____. Then list 3 multi-word people or things you love in the blank.
Feels____. Then list 3 multi-word ways or things you feel in the blank.
Needs____. Then list 3 multi-word ways or things you need in the blank.
Fears____. Then list 3 multi-word people or things you fear in the blank.
Gives____. Then list 3 multi-word things you give in the blank.
Would like to see____. Then list 3 multi-word people, places, or things you would like to see in
the blank.
Resident of ____. Then, tell where you live in the blank.
Write your last name.
Follow my example below if you are confused.
Slightly disorganized but effective English teacher, 26-year teaching veteran, 11th year Ramsey Ram
(3 as a student, 8 as an educator)
Wife of Bryant and mother of Grace and Faith along with Brett and his wife Allie
Loves watching stock cars on racetracks, finding seashells on the beach, and shopping outlets for
Feels young-hearted (although really gray-headed), excited when her students learn a new
concept, and proud to be teaching at her alma mater
Needs dedicated freshmen students, more closet space, and ample Parrot Island time
Fears driving on high bridges, growing old without grace, and hesitating during interviews
Gives time to her profession, knowledge of English to students, and advice to anyone who
will listen
Would like to see fewer calories in pizza, fewer hours at the gym, and fewer pounds on the scale
Resident of Forrest Oak Subdivision, Rye Hill