Name ______
Animal Adaptations Hyperbook
Animal Adaptations
Today’s Goal: define adaptation and identify physical characteristics for several animals that enable them to survive in their respective environments.
Write your definition for “adaption” in the space below.
Please follow the directions below in order to complete this worksheet.
- Please go to animal adaptations by clicking here.
- Read the top portion of this page about animal adaptations.
- Use the rest of this page to answer the following questions
- To view an animal and to read about their adaptations, press the control button and right click their names.
Animal Adaptations
1. African Hedgehog. Besides having stiff spines that stick out from their bodies and help protect them, these animals also have loose skin under those spines and powerful back muscles. Why?
2. Burmese Python How are the mouths of pythons adapted to finding prey and swallowing large prey?
3. South African Burrowing Bullfrog What do they eat? How do they hold on to prey that is struggling to escape?
4. White Throated Savanna Monitor How long are they? What do they eat? How are their mouths adapted to what they eat?
5. Polar Bears, Why do polar bears have such big feet? How does their fur keep them warm?
Please follow the directions below.
- Go to the following website,
- Click on the “Play and Learn” tab on the upper left side of your screen.
- Click on the “Wildlife” heading.
- Scroll down to the “More about Wildlife” section.
- You may play the “Animal Adaptations” and the “Artic Adaptation” games.
What did you learn from playing these two games? (Write in complete sentence using at least three facts)
You are now free to roam around this website. If you find interesting facts that you would like to share with the class, please write them below.