Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.1 – I can demonstrate understanding of whole numbers to 1 000 000.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can represent and describe simple and familiar numbers to 1 000 000 in writing, in words or expressing numbers in expanded form.
With assistance I can compare simple and familiar numbers to 1 000 000. / I can represent and describe simple and familiar numbers to 1 000 000 in writing, in words or expressing numbers in expanded form.
I can compare simple and familiar numbers to 1 000 000. / I can independently represent and describe whole numbers to 1 000 000 by writing numbers in words, saying numbers, and expressing numbers in expanded form.
I can independently compare numbers to 1 000 000. / I can represent whole numbers to 1 000 000 and explain the value of each digit in a number.
I can compare numbers to 1 000 000 and explain my reasoning.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Write whole numbers up to 1 000 000 using proper spacing.
- Say whole numbers up to 1 000 000 without the word “and”.
- Critique the way numbers have been said or written and provide reasons for certain errors which may occur.
- Express a number in expanded notation.
- Compare and order whole numbers found in various types of media and print.
- Provide examples of numbers used in print and media.
- Describe the meaning of quantities and the patterns related to quantity and place value of whole numbers to 1 000 000.
- Solve and pose problems that explore the quantity of whole numbers to 1 000 000.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.2 – I can use and develop strategies to carry out multiplication of whole numbers.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can apply a strategy to carry out multiplication of whole numbers.
With assistance I can recall multiplication facts to 81. / I can apply a familiar strategy to carry out multiplication of whole numbers.
I can recall most multiplication facts to 81. / I can independently apply appropriate strategies to carry out multiplication of whole numbers.
I can independently recall multiplication facts to 81. / I can develop multplication strategies, choose the most appropriate strategy for a given situation, explain why it is the best strategy and use the strategy confidently.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Explain concretely, pictorially, or orally why multiplying by zero produces a product of zero.
- Apply and explain the use of the distributive property to determine a product involving multiplying factors that are close to multiples of 10.
- Model multiplying two 2-digit factors and describe the connections between the models and the symbolic recording.
- Illustrate the distributive property using expanded notation and partial products.
- Describe mental math strategies used to determine multiplication facts to 81.
- Generalize and apply strategies for multiplying two whole numbers when one factor is a multiple of 10, 100 or 1 000.
- Generalize and apply halving and doubling strategies to determine a product involving at least one two-digit factor.
- Explain and justify strategies used when multiplying 2-digit numbers symbolically.
- Recall multiplication facts to 81 including within problem solving and calculations of larger products.
- Pose a problem which requires the multiplication of 2-digit numbers and explain the strategies used to multiply the numbers.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.3 – I can demonstrate understanding of 3-digit by 1-digit division with remainders.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can demonstrate an understanding of division with and without concrete materials. With assistance I can interpret remainders. / I candemonstrate a basicunderstanding of division with and without concrete materials independently.
I can find remainders when I divide. / I can consistently demonstrate an understanding of division with and without concrete materials independently.
I can consistently interpret remainders independently to solve problems. / I can independently demonstrate and explain an understanding of division with and without concrete materials.
I can interpret and explain remainders to solve problems.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Identify situations in which division might be used and explain the reasoning.
- Model the division process as equal sharing or equal grouping using various models and record the resulting process symbolically.
- Explain concretely, pictorially, or orally why division by zero is not possible or undefined.
- Generalize, relate, and apply concrete, pictorial, and symbolic strategies for dividing 3-digit whole numbers by 1-digit whole numbers.
- Solve a division problem using personal strategies and record the process symbolically.
- Recall the division facts to a dividend of 81 including in problem-solving situations.
- Justify the choice of what to do with a remainder for a quotient depending upon the situation.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.4 – I can develop and apply personal strategies for estimation and computation.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can develop and apply front-end rounding, compensationand using compatible numbers as strategies for estimation and computation. / I can use some strategies for estimation and computation. / I can independently develop and apply front-end rounding, compensation and using compatible numbers as strategies for estimation and computation. / I can explain the best estimation strategy to use in a given situation and verify the reasonablness of the results.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Explain estimation and computation strategies, including compatible numbers, compensation, and front-end rounding, and how each strategy relates to different operations.
- Apply and explain the choice of estimation or computation strategy such as compatible numbers, compensation, and front-end rounding.
- Describe a situation for when estimation is used.
- Develop and use strategies to estimate the results of whole-number computations and to judge the reasonableness of such results.
- Critique the statement “an estimate is never good enough.”
- Identify and describe situations when it is best to overestimate or when it is best to underestimate and explain the reasoning.
- Determine an approximate solution to a problem not requiring an exact answer and explain the strategies and reasoning used.
- Identify if a strategy used in solving a problem involved estimation or computation.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.5 – I can demonstrate understanding of creating equivalent fractions and comparing fractions.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can create sets of equivalent fractions using concrete and pictorial representations.
With assistance I can compare fractions with like and unlike denominators using concrete and pictorial representations. / I can verify sets of equivalent fractions independently using concrete and pictorial representations.
I can verify a symbolic strategy to compare fractions with like and unlike denominators. / I can independently create sets of equivalent fractions using concrete and pictorial representations.
I can independently compare fractions with like and unlike denominators using concrete and pictorial representations. / I can independently explain sets of equivalent fractions using concrete and pictorial representations.
I can independently compare and explain fractions with like and unlike denominators using concrete and pictorial representations.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Create concrete, pictorial, or physical models of equivalent fractions and explain why the fractions are equivalent.
- Model and explain how equivalent fractions represent the same quantity.
- Verify whether or not two given fraction are equivalent.
- Generalize and verify a symbolic strategy for developing a set of equivalent fractions.
- Determine equivalent fractions for a fraction found in a relevant situation.
- Explain how to use equivalent fractions to compare two given fractions with unlike denominators.
- Position a set of fractions, with like and unlike denominators, on a number line and explain the strategies used to determine the order.
- Justify the statement, “If two fractions have a numerator of 1, the larger of the two fractions is the one with the smaller denominator”.
Refer to Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.6 – I can demonstrate understanding of decimals to thousandths.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can describe and represent basic decimal numbers.
With assistance I can relate basic fractions to decimals.
With assistance I can compare and order simple decimal numbers to the thousandths. / I can describe and represent basic decimal numbers.
I can relate basic fractions to decimals.
I can compare and order simple decimal numbers to the thousandths. / I can independently describe and representdecimals to the thousandths.
I can independently relate fractions to decimals.
I can independently compare and order decimals to the thousandths. / I can represent and explain the value of the digits in a decimal number.
I can explain how decimal numbers relate to fractions.
I can compare and order decimal numbers and explain my reasoning.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Tell a story that explains what a representation of a part of a set or part of a unit of measure illustrates and record the quantity as a decimal.
- Represent concretely or pictorially a decimal identified in a relevant situation.
- Demonstrate, using models to explain, how a quantity in tenths or hundredths can also be recorded as hundredths or thousandths.
- Describe the quantity represented by each digit in a given decimal.
- Recognize and generate equivalent forms (decimal or fraction) of fractions and decimal found in relevant situations.
- Make and test conjectures about the relationship of equality of quantities written in decimal and fractional form and verify.
- Use and explain personal strategies for writing decimals as fractions.
- Use and explain personal strategies for writing fractions with a denominator of 10, 100, or 1000 as a decimal.
- Explain, by providing examples, how to write decimals as a fraction with a denominator of 10, 100, or 1000.
- Identify benchmarks on a number line that could be used to order a given set of decimals and explain the choices made.
- Use benchmarks to order a set of decimals from a relevant situation.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Number Strand
Outcome N5.7 – I can demonstrate understanding of addition and subtraction of decimals to thousandths.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can add and subtractdecimal numbers to the thousandths. / I can add and subtract simple decimal numbers to the thousandths. / I can independently add and subtract decimals to the thousandths. / I can correct errors in the calculation of sums and differences of decimals and explain the reasoning.
I can explain how understanding place value is necessary in calculating sums and differences of decimals.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Identify and describe relevant situations in which sums and differences of decimals might be determined.
- Use personal strategies to predict sums and differences of decimals and evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies.
- Create models to represent the determination of the sum or difference of two decimal numbers, explain the model, and record the process symbolically.
- Explain how estimation can be used to determine the position of the decimal point in a sum or difference.
- Identify and correct errors in the calculation of sums and differences of decimals and explain the reasoning.
- Explain how understanding place value is necessary in calculating sums and differences of decimals.
- Solve a given problem that involves addition and subtraction of decimals and explain the strategies used.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Patterns and Relations Strand
Outcome: P5.1 –I can demonstrate understanding of patterns using mathematical language and notation.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can represent a simple pattern using mathematical language or symbolically.
With assistance I can predict elements in a pattern.
With assistance I can use simple patterns to solve problems. / I can represent a simple pattern using mathematical language or symbolically.
I can predict elements in a basic pattern.
I can use patterns to solve basic problems. / I can independently represent a pattern that is found in a chart using mathematical language and symbolically.
I can independently solve a problem by analyzing a pattern.
I can independently use patterns to solve problems. / I can describe a pattern using mathematical language and symbolically.
I can create alternate representations for a given pattern.
I can show a deeper understanding by verifying whether or not a particular number belongs to a given pattern using supporting evidence.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Describe situations from one’s life, family, or community in which patterns emerge, identify assumptions made in extending the patterns, and analyze the usefulness of the pattern for making predictions.
- Describe, using mathematics language and symbolically, a pattern represented concretely or pictorially that is found in a chart.
- Create alternate representations, including concrete or pictorial models, charts, and mathematical expressions, for a given pattern.
- Predict subsequent elements in a pattern and explain the reasoning including the assumptions being made.
- Verify whether or not a particular number belongs to a given pattern.
- Solve problems and make decisions based upon the mathematical analysis of a pattern and other contributing factors.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics.
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Patterns and Relations Strand
Outcome: P5.2–I can write, solve and verify solutions of equations.
Beginning – 1 / Approaching – 2 / Proficiency – 3 / Mastery – 4
With assistance I can identify situations which could be represented by a variable.
With assistance I can identify the variable in an equation.
With assistance I can solve simple single-variable equations. / I can identify situations which could be represented by a variable.
I can identify the variable in an equation.
I can solve simple single-variable equations. / I can independently write an equation using a variable to represent a situation.
I can independently solve single-variable equations and verify the solution. / I can explain the strategies I use to solve solve equations with variables.
I can explain the strategies I use to verify the solutions to equations with variables.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Identify aspects of experiences from one’s life, family, and community that could be represented by a variable.
- Describe a situation for which a given equation could apply and identify what the variable represents in the situation.
- Solve single-variable equations with the variable on either side of the equation, explain the strategies used, and verify the solution.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics.
Subject: Grade 5 Math, Shape and Space Strand
Outcome: SS5.1 – I can demonstrate understanding of different triangles given perimeter, area or both.
Beginning – 1
I need help. / Approaching – 2
I have a basic understanding. / Proficiency – 3
My work consistently meets expectations. / Mastery – 4
I have a deeper understanding.
With assistance I can design and construct rectangles given the area and/or perimeter. / I can identify situations where the solution to problems require area and/or perimeter.
I can design and contruct rectangles given a basic area or perimeter. / I can independently construct and record the dimensions of possible rectangles given the area and/or the perimeter. / I can construct, record and justify the dimensions of a rectangle given the area and/or perimeter.
I can critique statements regarding the dimensions of rectangles.
Indicators – please select and assess as appropriate to your unit, bold text indicates possible key indicators.
- Construct and record the dimensions of two or more rectangles with a specified perimeter and select, with justification, the dimensions that would be most appropriate in a particular situation.
- Critique the statement “A rectangle with dimensions of 1 cm by 8 cm is different from a rectangle with dimensions of 8 cm by 1 cm.”
- Construct and record the dimensions of as many rectangles as possible with a specified area and select, with justification, the rectangle that would be most appropriate in a particular situation.
- Critique the statement: “A rectangle with dimensions of 3 cm by 4 cm is different from a rectangle with dimensions of 2 cm by 5 cm.”
- Generalize patterns discovered through the exploration of the areas of rectangles with the same perimeter and through the exploration of the perimeters of rectangles with the same area.
- Identify situations relevant to self, family, or community where the solution to problems would require the consideration of both area and perimeter, and solve the problems.
Refer to the Saskatchewan Curriculum Guide Grade 5 Mathematics.