Name ______Section ______

Recipe Math

Write the correct abbreviation in the blank next to each word. You may use Chapter 16 in the Discovering Food and Nutrition textbook as a reference.

teaspoon______or ______pint ______

tablespoon______or ______quart ______

cup ______gallon ______

ounce ______pound ______

minute ______degrees Fahrenheit ______

hour ______

Equivalent Measures

Write in the correct amount which is equivalent to the column on the left.

1 tablespoon = _____ teaspoons1 cup = _____ ounces

1 cup = _____ tablespoons1 pint = _____ cups

¾ cup = _____ tablespoons1 quart = _____ cups

½ cup = _____ tablespoons1 quart = _____ pints

¼ cup = _____ tablespoons1 gallon = _____ quarts

1 pound = _____ ounces1 gallon = _____ cups

_____ c. = one pint = _____ oz.

_____ c. = one quart = _____ oz.

_____ c. = ½ gallon = _____ oz.

_____ c. = one gallon = _____ oz.

Problems in Measurement

1. You are planning a surprise party for your friend and have decided to make punch. There will be 20 guests, and each will drink about 8 ounces of punch. How much punch will you need? (Remember – there are 32 ounces in a quart.)

______ounces, which is equivalent to ______quarts

2. Mike has a gallon of orange juice and would like to share it with his friends. How many friends will be able to have a cup of orange juice with Mike?

______friends and Mike

3. You have a carton of milk from the school cafeteria. How many cartons will you need to have a full pint? (One carton = 8 ounces) ______cartons

4. You are making cookies and need to triple the recipe. If the recipe calls for ½ cup of sugar, how much sugar will you need? ______cups

5. Circle the smallest amount: 1/3 cup 1 tablespoon 5 teaspoons


Carefully calculate the amounts needed in column 1 to cut a recipe in half, and in column 2 to double the recipe.

Column 1 Column 2

Half Recipe The Recipe Double Recipe

______2 eggs______

______½ c. milk______

______1 ½ c. flour______

______1 tsp. baking powder______

______¼ tsp. salt______

______1 Tbsp. cooking oil______

______½ c. diced apple______