Youth Council
2012-13 Meetings & Community Service Projects REV. 4/11
*All meetings are in the Training Room at the Concord Police Station,
41 Cabarrus Avenue W at 7:00 p.m. unless noted otherwise
Calendar Subject to Change
Fall Semester
Union Street Live!, Downtown, 6-7:30pm, Chairs: Sarah A. & Mercedes 6/21; 7/19; 8/16; 9/20
Chilly-Willy Wednesdays, Dorton Park, 9:30am-1:30pm, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11 , 7/18, 8/1
June 20 & 21 Camp Ready Kids, Fire Station #8, 11:30-1pm, Chair: Griffin Fiedler
July 10 & 11 Camp Ready Kids, Fire Station #9, 11:30-1pm, Chair: Nicole Ashburn
July 13 Streetlight 5K & Fun Run, McGee Park, Chair: Sarah Coats
July 13 Firefly Frolic, Downtown Concord, 5:30-9:30pm, Chair: Michaela Zuraff
July 18 Social: “Wet & Wild Water Wars”, 2-4pm, Dorton Park
August 3 Cabarrus Sr. Center Hula Luau, 5-8pm, Chair: Matthew Hendrix
August 16 Ice Cream Social: “Freezin’ Friendships”, 2-4pm, Myers Park Bldg.
August 20 First meeting for new members and parents, only
August 27 meeting/cook out at Dorton Park
September 10 meeting at Police Station
September 13 Youth Council presentation to City Council- 6pm, Municipal Bldg
September 17 Social: Join us at Moe’s for “Moe’s Monday” dinner, 6:00pm
September 18 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
September 22 Wings of Eagle Ranch, 10am-12noon, Chair: Sarah Aldridge REV.9/7
September 24 meeting at Police Station
Pet food drive, 4lb or larger bags of Purina Chair: Matt Randolph
October 8 meeting at Police Station
October 16 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
October 20 Dogs’ Day Out festival @ Les Myers Park Chairs: Megan Y & Mercedes
October 22 6:00 pm meeting at Hartsell Rec Center, 60 Hartsell School Rd. REV. 9/7
October 24 Pumpkin Prowl, Hartsell Rec Center, 4-8pm, Chair: Tre’ Williams
October 25 Social: Scarrigan Farms haunted trail, 7pm, bus departs from Hartsell
November 3 5 Alarm 5K, McGee Park, Chair: Joseph Thacker
November 3 Red Hot Rodeo, Downtown Concord, Chair: Ashley Francis
November 5 meeting at Police Station Krispy Kreme orders due
November 9 Cab. Sr. Ctr Diamonds & Denim, 5-8pm, Chair: Uzoji CANCELED REV. 11/1
November 10 Social: Fondue Frenzy @ Sarah/Matthew Hendrix, time TBD
November 16 Tree Lighting Ceremony, Downtown Concord, 5-8pm, Chair: Ryan Alvarado
November 20 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
November 26 meeting/ Krispy Kringle coffee house/Old Courthouse Theater’s Black Box Theater, 6-8pm, Chairs: Danielle Aguiar & Harmony Houston
December 1 Holiday Happenings, Downtown Concord, 11am-2pm, Chair: Caroline Turner
December 8 Concord Rotary Can-a-Thon, various grocery stores, Chair: Anna Cat.
December 10 Christmas Feast meeting, 6pm @ Anna’s, Chair: Anna Hathcock
December 18 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
December 15 Cops & Kids, Boys & Girls Club, 7:30am, Chair: Tristian Markland REV.12/4
Youth Council
2012-13 Meetings & Community Service Projects
*All meetings are in the Training Room at the Concord Police Station,
41 Cabarrus Avenue W, at 7:00 p.m. unless noted otherwise
Calendar Subject to Change
Spring Semester
January 7 meeting in Police Station training room REV.12/17
January 15 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
January TBD Church of God Children’s Home, 1:30-4:30pm, CANCELED 1/15
January 28 JGCH Blanket project at Police Station, 5-7pm, Chair: Michaela Zuraff
January 28 meeting in Police Station training room ELECTIONS!!!!
February 2 Meals for Haiti, 9-11am, Concord Christian Church, 3101 Davidson Hwy.,
Chair: Sarah Hendrix NEW 1/15
February 4 Operation: Teddy Bear Drop, 3:30pm, Build-A-Bear, Chair: Madison W
February 4 Social: Join us at CiCi’s Pizza , 6pm, Chair: Anna Hathcock NEW 1/15
February Usher @ Diary of Ann Frank, 7:15pm: 7, 8, 9, 16, 22 & 23;
1:45pm: 10, 17 & 24, Old Courthouse Theater, Chair: Sarah A.
February 11 meeting in Police Station training room; make valentines
February 14 Valentines 2 Seniors, 3:30pm, FA Living Center, Chair: Kirsten Spencer
February 19 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
February 25 meeting in Police Station training room
March 2 SeussFest, Concord Library, 10am- 2pm, Chair: Kena Patel
March 11 Meeting in Police Station training room
March 19 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
March 25 Meeting in Police Station training room
March 30 Bunny Run Festival, downtown, 9:30am-1:30pm, Chair:Bailey Kirby
REV. 2/19
Note: Bunny Bash/Bunny Run is a community service project/fund raiser. Members are required to attend and participate; seniors are exempt.
March 30 5K Bunny Run, 7:30-11:30am, McGee Park, Chair: Ethan Steinbacher
REV. 1/29
April 8 meeting in Police Station training room
April 11 Youth Council presentation to City Council- 6pm, Municipal Building
April 16 Community Free Clinic (must be 16 or older), Chair: Lindsey Richardson
April 19 Social: Bowling, Foxfire Lanes, Kannapolis, 5:30pm, Chair: Emily S. NEW 4/11
April 20 Viva Verde Earth Fest, 8am-12noon & 11am-3pm, Chair: Anissa NEW 2/19
April 22 meeting in Police Station training room
April 27 Bowl for Kid’s Sake, 8-11am & 11am-2pm, Dave & Busters, Chair: Alexandra
NEW 2/19
May 6 meeting in Police Station training room
May 4 Spring Into Arts Festival- Downtown Concord, Chair: Anna Catherine & Kira
May 3-5 State Youth Council Conference @ Wrightsville Beach, NC
May 16 Union Street Live! 5:30-8:30pm, Downtown Concord Chairs: Abryanna Vidot
May 20 Youth Council Awards Banquet, Hotel Concord, 14 Union Street North