Read Isaiah 51
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:4
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 51:1-2. Who is speaking? To whom is He speaking? How are they described? What instructions are given? What is special about Abraham and Sarah? What did God do? See Gen. 12:1-4, 15:1-6, 17:1-8, and 21:1-3.
Q2: Look out
Think about how God took one man and made him to be the father of a great nation. Where have you seen God work through one man or woman and blessed and multiplied his/her ministry? What made them so effective?
Q3: Look in
Look back at Gen. 12:4, 15:6 and Romans 4:19-21. What did Abraham do? Is there anything God is asking you to do where He starts with one and could bless and multiply in your life? Take some time to listen to God. What should your response be?
Read Isaiah 51
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:4
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 51:3. Underline or list all the things the “LORD will” do (or He will…). What is contrasted in these verses? What will be found in Zion? What was Eden like? See Gen. 1:31, 2:8-10, 15, 3:8a.
Q2: Look out
When does someone require comfort? What could have happened in a life that ended up with “waste places”? Do you think there is hope for these waste places? What would that be?
Q3: Look in
Where do you see waste places in your life, your family, your neighbourhood, or your workplace? Do you have hope that God can change those desert places into luscious gardens? How can you pray specifically for these areas this week? How can you involve your discipleship group?
Day 3, SESSION 12
Read Isaiah 51
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:4
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 51:4-5. What relationship does the LORD have with the people? What should they do? What will the LORD do? List the things that are the LORD’s (look for the word “my”). Why is that important? What do the coastlands do? How do they do it?
Q2: Look out
In our “instant gratification” culture, waiting can be difficult! The coastlands waited expectantly for God to act. What would that look like?
Q3: Look in
The LORD’s justice, righteousness and salvation are repeated throughout this chapter, as well as throughout the book of Isaiah. Sometimes we skim over words without really considering their meanings. What do each of these mean to you personally? How have you experienced them? How do they affect your daily life?
the LORD’s Justicethe LOrd’s righteousness
The Lord’s salvation
Day 4, SESSION 12
Read Isaiah 51
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:4
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 51:6-8. What are the LORD’s people to do? Why? What will happen? How are the LORD’s people described? What is significant about the use of the word “but” at the end of both verses 6 and 8?
Q2: Look out
What should a Christian’s attitude to the “reproach of man” be? See Matt 5:11-12, Acts 5:41 and 1 Peter 4:10. Is that attitude encouraged in the church today? How do the truths of Isaiah 51:6-8 and knowing what lasts forever affect how you view others?
Q3: Look in
Do you live with an eternal perspective? What difference does that make in your life? Think about and list some specific examples how your life is different because of your view of eternity.
Day 5, SESSION 12
Read Isaiah 51
Write out this week’s Scripture Memory Verse: Isaiah 51:4
Q1: Look down
Read Isaiah 51:9-11. Who is speaking now? To whom is he speaking? What did the LORD do? Who is Rahab? See Ps. 89:10 and Is. 30:7. What will happen to the ransomed of the LORD? How will they respond? What else will happen?
Q2: Look out
Verse 11 says “…everlasting joy will be on their heads. They will obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” Read Isaiah 25:8, Revelation 7:17, 21:1,4 and 22:3. What hope do we as redeemed people have? How can that be encouraging for the church today?
Q3: Look in
When God brought the Israelites across the Red Sea, Moses sang a song to the LORD that included Ex. 15:13. How has God showed His lovingkindness and His strength in your life? Take some time to be quiet before Him and ask Him to reveal these things, perhaps things you have forgotten. List them below. How does remembering How God has acted in your life encourage you for what things you are going through at this time?
Tying it all together
What impacted you the most within this week’s passage of Isaiah? What one thing will you do this week to apply a lesson learned from the Book of Isaiah? Who will keep you accountable?
Main Idea:
Lean In
How has being a Christian been what you expected? How has it not been what you expected? How has that affected your walk with God?
Look Down & Live It Out (Out/In)
- Look Down (question 1, day 1):
Read Isaiah 51:1-2. What stood out to you from these verses? Why is it important to look to Abraham and Sarah? How does knowing this affect your view of God?
- Look Out (question 2, day 4):
What should a Christian’s attitude to the “reproach of man” be? See Matt 5:11-12, Acts 5:41 and 1 Peter 4:10. Is that attitude encouraged in the church today? How do the truths of Isaiah 51:6-8 and knowing what lasts forever affect how you view others?
- Look In (question 3, day 2):
Where do you see waste places in your life, your family, your neighbourhood, or your workplace? Do you have hope that God can change those desert places into luscious gardens? How can you pray specifically for these areas this week? How can you involve your discipleship group? - In Your Own Words: Share with your group one action you will take in the next week to continue to walk in the light of the Lord. How can you keep each other accountable?
Look Up
Praise God for….
- His righteousness
- His strength
- His salvation
- His justice
Pray that you would…
- Trust His comfort
- Remember what He has done
- Have an eternal perspective
- Actively seek the LORD
Session Notes