4thGrade Writing Instruction
Units of Study
*this is not handwriting instruction
Unit 1
In this unit students will:
  • Write a narrative about real or imagined experiences or events. (4.W.3)
  • Bring a story to life with details that convey experiences, events, and characters’ responses. (4.W.3b,d)
  • Write an introduction and conclusion using action, talk, setting, or feeling. (4.W.a,e)
  • Tell a story in order using temporal words. (4.W.3c)
  • Choose words help the reader picture the story. (4.L.1, 3 & 6)
You can help by:
  • Tell stories aloud and alert students to redundancy
  • Brainstorm ideas of important events in his or her life
  • Have child talk about his or her feelings during an event
  • Read stories; talk about how the author uses thoughts, actions, feelings talk
/ Unit 2
In this unit students will:
  • Write opinion pieces. (4.W.1)
  • Introduce a topic, state clear opinions, and organize ideas to support the writer’s purpose. (4.W.1a)
  • Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. (4.W.1b)
  • Use transition phrases to connect opinion and reasons. (4.W.1c)
  • Provide a concluding statement related to the opinion presented. (4.W.1d)
You can help by:
  • Have your child tell you about his or her favorite things and reasons why
  • Help your child distinguish between fact and opinion
  • Ask your child to support their opinions with multiple reasons and examples
  • Help your child connect their ideas with transition words
/ Unit 3
In this unit students will:
  • Write a piece that teaches readers about a topic. (4.W.2)
  • Use information in writing, such as facts, definitions, and details. (4.W.2b)
  • Write an introduction and conclusion to the topic. (4.W.2a,e)
  • Use words to show sequence or that the author has more to say. (4.W.2c)
  • Choose words that make sense and show the author is an expert on the topic. (4.L1 ,3 & 6)
  • Conduct short research.(4.W.7)
You can help by:
  • Talk with your child about things that interest them and ask them to share details and facts
  • Have your child talk you through simple directions for tasks such as washing hands, tying shoes, etc.
  • Going to the library and checking out nonfiction books to read at home
/ Unit 4
In this unit students will:
  • Write opinion pieces. (4.W.1)
  • Introduce a topic, state clear opinions, and organize ideas to support the writer’s purpose. (4.W.1a)
  • Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. (4.W.1b)
  • Use transition phrases to connect opinion and reasons. (4.W.1c)
  • Provide a concluding statement related to the opinion presented. (4.W.1d)
  • Revise and edit writing with the help of adults and peers. (4.W.5)
You can help by:
  • Have your child tell you about his or her favorite things and reasons why
  • Help your child distinguish between fact and opinion
  • Ask your child to support their opinions with multiple reasons and examples

Across all units students will:
  • Revise and edit writing with the help of adults and peers. (4.W.5)
  • Use grammar and punctuation rules appropriately (will develop throughout the year). (4.L.1 & 2)
  • Use spelling patterns and spelling resources to spell words (will develop throughout the year). (4.L.2)
  • Participate in collaborative conversations with partners. (4.SL.1)

Writer’s Workshop: the structure of writing instruction
  • Mini lesson-a short lesson about 1 topic in writing
  • Independent work time and conferencing-writers need time to write/teacher meets with one student or a small group to give personalized feedback
  • Mid-workshop teach-a whole class time for the teacher to highlight good things students are doing in their writing
  • Share-students sharing parts or whole pieces of their writing