8th January 2018

Dear Parents/Carers,

Newsletter Spring Term 1

Happy New Year to you all and welcomeback to the Spring Term in Wrens.

Thank you so much for the lovely cards and gifts you gave us at Christmas time; we are so grateful for your kind words of thanks and all your support.

We are really looking forward to an action-packed (very short!) term ahead, keeping warm and busy with lots of exciting activities planned.

  • Projects and Plans – This term we are exploring ‘Planets and Space’. We have already started our project with a ‘wow’ dress-up day on our first day back (thank you for your costume and props efforts, the children looked great!) and we have enjoyed reading stories about the Aliens who love underpants!! We will also be looking at information books to find out some true facts about Space and will use this topic to inspire the children to do some wonderful writing and maths work. Later in the term we will be holding a ‘Space Day’ when a mobile planetarium will visit us and give the children an amazing ‘out of this world’ experience. More details about this event will follow…keep those space costumes handy though as we may need them again!!!
  • Spare Clothes and Welly Boots – Thank you so much for sending spare clothes and welly boots into school, it is so helpful for our visits to the Nature Garden and as the weather is now very wet and cold they will be invaluable when the children are playing outside. Please also remember to NAME EVERYTHING (even shoes and coats) to help your child to locate and look after their belongings.
  • P.E. Days – Please note that our P.E. days have changed back again and will now beMonday afternoon and Wednesdaymorning. Please remember it is helpful to keep the kits in school all weekin case we have to change our sessions about. Thank you.
  • Bike Groups– Our bike group sessions will continue to be held onMonday and Friday, weather permitting. Children are very welcome to bring in their own bikes and scooters on these days and they can leave them in the bike park outside school. It is also helpful to send in helmets if they have them (named) which they can hang on their pegs.
  • Biscuit Money- Thank you so much for the biscuit donations last term, please remember to send in £1 per child, each term so that we can buy some biscuits and additional fruit to supplement our snack time.

Many thanks for your continued support, please do come and see us if you have any worries or concerns at all.

Kindest Regards,

Mrs Ervine and Mrs Newing