Algebra II with Trigonometry

Course Syllabus

Teacher: Ms. Kelsey McLean



  • To work as a team to learn algebra and use these skills to connect mathematics to the real world.
  • To increase your problem solving skills, ability to reason, and ability to communicate mathematically.


This course is an extension of Algebra I and Geometry. It involves a review of the operations of the real number system, solutions of linear equations and inequalities in two and three variables, properties of polynomials, complex numbers, and rational expressions. The concepts of relations and functions are further developed emphasizing linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. We will also explore matrices and probability/statistics.


Textbook:Algebra 2 Common Core by Pearson

Supplies:Chromebook, earbuds, pencils, eraser, loose-leaf paper, graph paper, binder,

Textbook app (we will download our e-text)

Calculator:A TI-30XIIS Multiview Scientific Calculator is required for this course.


  • Nine weeks grades:50% Tests (includes unit tests and projects)

30% Quizzes

20% Assignments (including homework and classwork)

  • Students are encouraged to keep track of their grades and returned work.
  • Students are encouraged to check their grades frequently in iNow.
  • Failure to meet deadlines is unacceptable in a real world work environment. Likewise, failure to meet deadlines is unacceptable in this class. Any assignment turned in after the specified due date (unless it is an excused absence) will not be accepted for full credit. A student may have one additional day at a 50% deduction of the grade. Once a day has passed, a student can no longer turn in the assignment. This does not override the school’s absence/makeup work policy. See the school policies for excused and unexcused absences.


  • I am available during 5D and after school for any extra help needed.
  • I strongly encourage you to be in class every day, especially on review days. If you only miss a review, you will still be responsible for taking the test on the day you return to school.
  • Students are responsible for all make-up work including missed notes, assignments, quizzes and tests. It is each student’s responsibility to check with me to schedule makeup work on the day he/she returns to class. All work should be made up within 2 days.


  • Consult the Hoover High School Student Handbook for all rules regarding dress code, behavior, food, drink cell phones and academic integrity.
  • Students are expected to arrive in class on time with all materials needed.
  • Students are expected to show respect for the teacher and fellow classmates at all times.
  • Academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment and a parent contact and/or discipline referral. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, lending/copying homework assignments, committing plagiarism, discussing test/quiz items with someone who has not taken the test/quiz, and storing unauthorized information on the Chromebook/calculator/other device.


The Internet may be used in class to research and complete classroom activities/projects. Hoover City Schools’ Internet usage policies apply to the usage of the Internet in this classroom. No student should use the Internet without prior permission from the teacher. If a student violates the policies set forth by the school or the teacher, the student will lose his/her Internet privileges, thus their grade will suffer. They will also be subject to discipline measures.