WPTA: North Central District Meeting Agenda Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017 (5:30 pm)

Please see the CE portion of the meeting. In addition, we will be having a social before the meeting, and afterwards for those interested. Please inform members and nonmembers at staff meetings and in your departments, in case they do not receive email from the WPTA. Videoconferencing with sites as listed:

·  Minocqua - Marshfield Clinic Large Room (#6)

·  Park Falls – Marshfield Clinic Conf Room

·  Merrill – Marshfield Clinic Conf Room

·  Weston – Room 1B at Marshfield Clinic Weston Center

·  Wausau – Marshfield Clinic Room 1

·  Stevens Point – Marshfield Clinic Room 2

·  Marshfield – Large Videoconference Room (Ground Floor past Urgent Care)

·  Wisconsin Rapids – Marshfield Clinic Conf Room

·  LaCrosse – UW

·  Web link available for others. Contact Dave Smith, 715-389-7501

CE/Presentation/Discussion: (end of meeting)

·  Wes Kurszewski, PT presentation “"Waking the Sleeping Giant, Part 2: PAIN 101”

·  Wes Kurszewski will be presenting the VA’s Pain Program as taught to patients. This will be very informative and appropriate for all therapists, who practice in any setting. He will be presenting from Froehlke Auditorium in Marshfield, at the Marshfield Clinic, as well as over videoconferencing as previous meetings. This will be a FREE CE opportunity. Mark your calendars now. Also, there will be a social gathering with appetizers before the meeting, and an informal social gathering afterwards if those at your site so choose.

Officer Reports:

·  Review and approval of minutes from May meeting – (on website)

·  Treasurer report– Dave Smith


·  Membership Committee: Denise Kearns-Legoo and Cindy Koehler

o  Social gathering before business meeting and informal gathering after the continuing education course.

§  Before mtg: apps, drinks – funds from NCD. Kate Bennett will coordinate the Marshfield site.

§  After CE portion: informal social at location of choice by those present, with expenses not covered by the NCD.

·  Education Committee: (Wes Kurszewski-Vice Chair, Janice Devine-Ruggles, Karna Sandok) – presented by Wes Kurszewski

§  Upcoming Courses:

·  Fall 2018 Ethics Course

o  Ideas for future courses: Any other ideas – please get to CE Committee members (email Wes Kurszewski).

o  WPTA CEU Locker: free account to keep track of CEUs and requirements, searching for approved courses, and assuring courses are high quality for our profession. Visit: http://www.wpta.org/ceu-locker/

Old Business:

New Business:

·  WPTA News

o  Fall Conference : October 12-13, 2017 in Madison, WI

·  WPTA Chapter Board: update on current topics: Dennis Kaster

·  Marketing campaign; don’t forget to visit the website www.visityourPT.com

·  Continuing Education Task Force update

·  Legislative Issues: Legislative day: Oct. 31 in Madison

·  We (the districts) have been asked for a Donation of money $125.00 to Student SIG kickball tourney prize money for voucher for registration off fall/spring conf

·  Consider that the BOD can vote and approve donations without district vote if less than $200.00

·  Donate money to Political Action Committee (PAC) for legislative issues

·  Fall elections for our NC District: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer; we are still taking nominations. Current Nominations:

·  Chair: Nicki Quarne (has served one term of 2 possible); no others nominated at mtg

·  Vice Chair: Wes Kurszewski (no limit for terms); no others nominated at mtg

·  Secretary/Treasurer: Dave Smith (no limit for terms); no others nominated at mtg

·  ***** Again, nominations will be accepted until start of elections this coming fall ******

Upcoming Events: SAVE THE DATE!!!

·  Fall Conference: October 12-13, 2017 in Madison, WI

·  Spring Conference: April 12-13, 2018 in Waukesha, WI

·  Fall Conference: October 4-5, 2018 in Wisconsin Dells, WI

Future Meetings: Note the meetings will be held on the SECOND Tuesday of the month in Feb, May, and October. Our next meeting date is February 13, 2017

Submitted by NCD Chair: Nicole Quarne, PT, August 1, 2017