UltraNetCam HSPI User’s Guide
A HomeSeer HS2 plug-in used to capture snapshots from network cameras for surveillance and security purposes.
Copyright © 2013

Revised 02/03/2013
This document contains proprietary and copyrighted information and may not be copied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium without prior consent, in writing, from .

Table of Contents

Introduction 5

Intended Audience 5

UltraNetCam HSPI Overview 5

How It Works 5

Features 5

Requirements 6

UltraNetCam HSPI Installation 6

Downloading the HomeSeer Plug-in 6

Installing the HomeSeer Plug-in 6

UltraNetCam HSPI Configuration 7

Web Page Layout 7

Screenshot 7

Options 7

NetCam Types 8

Screenshot 9

Adding a New NetCam Type 9

Modifying an Existing NetCam Type 9

Deleting an Existing NetCam Type 9

NetCam Controls 9

Screenshot 10

Adding a New NetCam Control 10

Modifying an Existing Control 10

Deleting an Existing Control 10

Deleting All Controls for a NetCam Type 10

NetCam Controls - Import 10

Screenshot 11

Importing Controls 11

Importing File Format 11

NetCam Controls - Export 11

Screenshot 12

Exporting Controls 12

NetCam Devices 12

Screenshot 12

Adding a New NetCam Device 12

Modifying an NetCam Device 13

Deleting an Existing NetCam Device 13

Testing an Existing NetCam Device 13

UltraNetCam HomeSeer Devices 13

UltraNetCam Device Types 13

Screenshot 13

Screenshot 14

UltraNetCam HSPI Snapshots 14

Viewing Snapshots 14

Screenshot 14

UltraNetCam HSPI Cameras 15

Viewing the Last Camera Snapshot 15

Screenshot 15

UltraNetCam HSPI Triggers 15

UltraNetCam Alarm Trigger 15

UltraNetCam HSPI Trigger Actions 16

UltraNetCam Event Snapshots 16

Action Properties 16

Screenshot 17

UltraNetCam Take Snapshot 17

Action Properties 17

Screenshot 18

UltraNetCam CGI 18

Action Properties 18

Screenshot 19

UltraNetCam Purge Snapshot 19

Action Properties 19

Screenshot 20

UltraNetCam HSPI Trigger Conditions 20

UltraNetCam HSPI API Reference 20

RefreshLatestSnapshots Subroutine 20

Example 20


UltraNetCam is a HomeSeer HS2 plug-in used to capture snapshots from network cameras installed in your home for surveillance and security purposes. UltraNetCam supports taking simultaneous snapshots from your network cameras and provides the ability to archive the snapshots off site to an FTP repository or sending e-mail notifications containing the last snapshot, or a compressed attachment of the snapshots or an MP4 video of the snapshots.

Intended Audience

This document is intended for the HomeSeer user that has chosen to install and configure the UltraNetCam HomeSeer Plug-in.

UltraNetCam HSPI Overview

How It Works

UltraNetCam HSPI connects to your network cameras using the HTTP protocol and captures a series of snapshots (still images) in response to an external trigger (motion sensor, door opening, etc.) to create a snapshot event. The snapshot event can be viewed using HomeSeer and can be sent by e-mail or archived to an FTP repository.


·  Multiple threading allows UltraNetCam HSPI to take simultaneous snapshots from your network cameras without disrupting the performance of HomeSeer.

·  Supports multiple network cameras (limited by your HomeSeer hardware).

·  An Event Snapshot Action supports taking from 1 to n snapshots with x seconds between each snapshot. In addition, you can send an e-mail notification, compress event snapshots and upload the compressed file to a local or remote FTP server.

·  A Take Snapshot Action allows you to refresh the last snapshot and thumbnail image.

·  A CGI Command Action allows you to run a command supported by your network camera (e.g. go to preset n and wait x seconds for command to complete).

·  Automatically convert a snapshot event to MP4 video if snapshot count exceeds a set threshold.

·  A Purge Snapshots Action allows you to purge snapshots (or all but the last n events) for the selected network camera.

·  Snapshot events are automatically purged from the FTP archive directory based on a pre-defined FTP archive threshold.

·  Foscam motion alarm trigger supported by select Foscam network cameras.

·  A network camera View webpage that displays the last snapshot for each network camera.

·  A Snapshot webpage that displays the event snapshot by camera and event number.

·  User ID and password are not sent as part of the URL query string.

·  Error Try/Catch logic to ensure plug-in doesn't fail with an unhandled exception.


·  Homeseer 2.2 or greater

·  One or more IP network cameras that support JPEG snapshots.

UltraNetCam HSPI Installation

Downloading the HomeSeer Plug-in

  1. From your HomeSeer web page, select the Updater button.
  2. Click the Next button until you find the entry for UltraNetCam, then click the checkbox to mark the plug-in for installation.
  3. Click the Next button to begin downloading the UltraNetCam plug-in package.
  4. Restart HomeSeer once you see the following message displayed:

Installing the HomeSeer Plug-in

  1. During startup, HomeSeer will automatically launch the plug-in installer. Simply step though the plug-in installer wizard to install and enable the HomeSeer plug-in.

  2. Once the installer finishes, the UltraNetCam plug-in should be enabled and ready for use.

UltraNetCam HSPI Configuration

Web Page Layout

The UltraNetCam plug-in has 6 web pages that provide access to the available features of the plug-in.


The available web pages are as follows:

  1. Status – Displays the plug-in and the network camera status.
  2. Options – Displays and allows you to change the options associated with the plug-in.
  3. Types – Provides the ability to define the types of network cameras you have installed in your home.
  4. Controls – Displays and allows you to add, modify and delete network camera controls. You can also import and export controls.
  5. Devices – Displays and allows you to add, modify, delete and test network camera devices installed in your home.
  6. Snapshots – Provides the ability view and delete snapshot events. The snapshots are arranged by camera and date.
  7. Cameras – Provides the ability to display and refresh the latest snapshot from each network camera.


All options are set from the Options web page. The following options are supported:

  1. Maximum Snapshot Events per Camera –The maximum number of snapshots to keep per camera. The default is 50.
  2. Snapshots Per Page – The default number of snapshots to display on the Snapshots web page.
  3. SnapshotMaxWidth – The maximum width of the snapshots to display on the Snapshots web page.
  4. Email Notification – Enable sending Snapshot Event e-mail notifications using the plug-in.
  5. Email To – The default e-mail notification recipient address.
  6. Email From – The default e-mail notification sender address.
  7. Email Subject – The default e-mail notification subject.
  8. Email Body Template – The default e-mail notification message body.

9.  Archive Directory Limit - The maximum size of all archived snapshot events to be stored in the archive directory.

10.  Archive Directory – The absolute path to the archive directory (e.g. c:\LocalDir or \\HostnameOrIPAddress\SharedFolder).

  1. Archive Events – Enable archiving Snapshot Events to FTP archive.
  2. Archive Limit – The maximum size of all archived snapshot events to be stored on the FTP server.
  3. Archive Directory – The directory on the FTP archive to store the snapshot events.
  4. FTP Server – The fully qualified domain name or IP address of the FTP server.
  5. FTP User Name – The FTP user name.
  6. FTP Password – The FTP user password.
  7. FFmpeg Status – The status indicating if the FFmpeg 3rd party program is installed. This program is required to convert snapshots to MP4 video.
  8. Convert Snapshot Event to Video – Snapshots will automatically be converted to an MP4 video if the number of snapshots exceeds this value.
  9. Authorized User Roles – Specify the HomeSeer users authorized to access the UltraNetCam web page.
  10. Register Link – If set to Yes, the UltraNetCam button will be displayed on all web pages.
  11. Debug Mode – If set to Yes, the plug-in will write verbose logging to the HomeSeer log file.

NetCam Types

The NetCam Types web page allows you to add, modify and delete the types of network cameras you have installed in your home. A NetCam Type entry contains the vendor, model, snapshot path and video stream path. If your cameras do not have a video stream path, then simply reenter the snapshot path in this field.

Before you begin to create the network camera devices, you’ll need to review either the network camera user manual or obtain the application program interface (API) documentation from the network camera vendor.


Adding a New NetCam Type

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Enter the NetCam Vendor name.
  3. Enter the NetCam Model or Type (e.g. JPEG, H.264 or FI9820W).
  4. Enter the path to the snapshot path (e.g. /snapshot.cgi)
  5. Enter the path to the video stream (e.g. /videostream.cgi).
    Note: If your camera does not have a video stream path, then simply reenter the snapshot path in this field.
  6. To add the NetCam Type, simply click on the Add New icon

Modifying an Existing NetCam Type

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Find the NetCam Type you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon
  3. Edit the values as needed, then press the Save icon
  4. To cancel the changes, simply press the Cancel icon

Deleting an Existing NetCam Type

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Find the NetCam Type you want to delete, and then click the Delete icon
  3. Confirm you want to delete the NetCam Type by clicking OK.

NetCam Controls

The NetCam Controls web page allows you to add, modify and delete controls associated with the selected NetCam Type. NetCam Controls allow you to control your NetCam using HomeSeer device actions.

Before you begin to create the network camera controls, you’ll need to review either the network camera user manual or obtain the application program interface (API) documentation from the network camera vendor.


Adding a New NetCam Control

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Controls button.
  2. Select the NetCam Type from the drop-down list, and then press the Update button.
  3. Navigate to the bottom of the Controls web page.
  4. Enter the Control Name and Control URL into the text boxes provided, and then press the Add New icon

Modifying an Existing Control

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Controls button.
  2. Select the NetCam Type from the drop-down list, and then press the Update button.
  3. Find the Control Name you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon
  4. Edit the Control Name and/or the Control URL, then press the Save icon
  5. To cancel the changes, simply press the Cancel icon

Deleting an Existing Control

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Controls button.
  2. Select the NetCam Type from the drop-down list, and then press the Update button.
  3. Find the Control Name you want to edit, and then click the Delete icon
  4. Confirm you want to delete the control by pressing OK.

Deleting All Controls for a NetCam Type

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Controls button.
  2. Select the NetCam Type from the drop-down list, and then click the “Delete all NetCam Controls for the selected device.
  3. Click the Update button to delete all the Controls for the selected device.

NetCam Controls - Import

The Import web page allows you to import NetCam controls exported by another user.


Importing Controls

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Controls button.
  2. Select the NetCam Type from the drop-down list, and then press the Update button.
  3. Click the Browse button to find the file you want to import.
  4. Click the Upload button to import the NetCam Controls.

Importing File Format

When importing Controls into UltraNetCam HSPI, please using the following file format:
[Control Name] /path-to-action.extenstion?parm1=value1&parm2=value2

# Comment

[Move Up - Start] /decoder_control.cgi?command=0

[Move Up - Stop] /decoder_control.cgi?command=1

[Move Down - Start] /decoder_control.cgi?command=2

[Move Down - Stop] /decoder_control.cgi?command=3

[Move Left - Start] /decoder_control.cgi?command=4

[Move Left - Stop] /decoder_control.cgi?command=5

[Move Right - Start] /decoder_control.cgi?command=6

[Move Right - Stop] /decoder_control.cgi?command=7

NetCam Controls - Export

The Export web page allows you to export the controls for archive purposes.


Exporting Controls

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Controls button.
  2. Select the NetCam Type from the drop-down list, and then press the Export File button.
  3. Save the file to your local hard drive.

NetCam Devices

The NetCam Devices web page allows you to add, modify and delete the network cameras you have installed in your home. A NetCam Device entry contains the network camera name, IP address, TCP port, camera type and the credentials needed to log into the cameras interface.


Adding a New NetCam Device

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Enter the NetCam name (e.g. Basement, outside, etc.).
  3. Enter the NetCam IP address (e.g.
  4. Enter the NetCam TCP port number (e.g. 80).
  5. Select the NetCam type. If the type is not available, you need to add a new type using UltraNetCam > Types.
  6. Enter the NetCam User Id and User Password in the fields provided.
  7. To add the NetCam Device, simply click on the Add New icon

Modifying an NetCam Device

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Find the NetCam Device you want to edit, and then click the Edit icon
  3. Edit the values as needed, then press the Save icon
  4. To cancel the changes, simply press the Cancel icon

Deleting an Existing NetCam Device

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Find the NetCam Device you want to delete, and then click the Delete icon
  3. Confirm you want to delete the NetCam Device by clicking OK.

Testing an Existing NetCam Device

  1. Click on the UltraNetCam > Types button.
  2. Find the NetCam Device you want to test, and then click the Snapshot Test icon
    Note: The Snapshot Test attempts to take a snapshot from your camera. Any errors are written to the HomeSeer log.

UltraNetCam HomeSeer Devices