Wounds Australia National Conference 2018
Submission Guidelines
The goal of Wounds Australia biannual conference is to present the best scientific research in all areas of wound healing. Please review the submission guidelines carefully.
Timing of oral presentation
There are two types of oral presentation: one for 13 minutes (10 minutes presentation and 3 minutes questions and discussion) and 3 minutes (presentation only, no question time). Further information regarding session dates, times and audio visual requirements will be outlined in the abstract acceptance
Abstract format
Abstracts are to be submitted with a title and description of the project only. Author and affiliate information should not appear on the abstract. This information is entered at the time of submission.
Abstracts should have a 250 word count; this does not include the title. Use Arial 11 font. Please bold the headings used in the body.
Product trade names should not be included in the title or body of the abstract. Generic names or category of product should be used instead. Do not include images or tables in your submission. No identifying information is to appear in the title or text body.
Abstract title
The title should adequately convey the content of the abstract and must not contain product trade names. Abstracts without titles or titles that identify presenting institutions, authors or geographic area will be disqualified. Do NOTcapitalise all letters in the title of the abstract. Capitalise the first letter of all major words in the title as well as prepositions, articles and conjunctions of four letters or more.
Author and Affiliation information
During the abstract submission process, list the complete name including first, middle initials (optional), last name and institutional affiliation, as it should be listed in the conference publication if selected for presentation.
Do not identify any of the authors or affiliations in the abstract (see above).
Abstract body
A clear communication of the clinical or laboratory research objective(s), study methods and findings must be presented in the abstract. A case series or complex case study abstract should include pertinent details of the situations encountered, materials or technology used, response to treatment and outcomes achieved and / or lessons learned. An information / educational report should communicate the purpose of the project in a clear and logical manner to allow the reader to understand usage of the potential application or concern that has been revealed.
Suggested headings are:
References are encouraged but should be limited to the ten most pertinent citations.
Review process
Each abstract will be blind-reviewed by a panel of expert judges. There are objective scoring measures.
Notification of outcome of submission
The primary contact will be notified of acceptance or rejection via email by 1 May 2018.
All presenters are expected to register to attend the conference in order to present their accepted abstracts. Failure to register by the required date may result in your abstract being withdrawn from the program.
Please fill in the template below and save it without these first two pages.
When completed go toto complete the submission process
If you require assistance please contact Conference Logistics on 02 6281 6624 or email .
Wounds Australia National Conference 2018
Abstract submission template
Please complete all sections below.
Please enter what type of abstract are you submitting – Oral or Poster
13 minutes
3 minutes
Concurrent session themes
Please select as many concurrent session/s themes that are applicable to your abstract
- Infection/Biofilm
- Pain
- Ageing
- Pressure Injury/ulcer
- Health Economics
- Models of Practice
- Skin integrity
- Diverse populations
- Natural therapies
- Bariatric care
- International stream
- Lower leg wounds
- Innovations in wound care
- Psychological impact
- Wound Bed Preparation
- Palliative Care
Please enter the theme number/s:4,11,13………..
Sample Abstract
Title of Abstract(max 15 words)
A pressure ulcer prevention education programme: “iPUPP” for older persons, at risk of pressure ulceration.
Abstract(max 250 words)
The aim of this study is to explore the impact of a structured, pressure ulcer prevention, education programme on older persons’ knowledge of and attitudes and behaviours towards pressure ulcer prevention, in addition to the impact of the programme on pressure ulcer incidence. The Pressure Ulcer Prevention Programme (iPUPP), based on the SSKIN principles, will be delivered via a multimedia programme.
A multi-centre Randomised Controlled Trial, incorporating a pre and post-test experimental design will be employed to determine participants’ knowledge of pressure ulcers and their prevention, and use of preventative strategies before and after the intervention. The sample (n=64) will be selected from at risk older adults living in the community. The education programme will consist of 5 sessions delivered every 5 days over 20 days. A Visual skin Assessment (VSA) andSub Epidermal Moisture measurement (SEM) will be used to provide an objective measure of skin integrity.
Study Outcomes
Participant knowledge of, and attitudes and behaviours towards, pressure ulcers and their prevention, pressure ulcer incidence and participant perceptions of the programme(collected using qualitative semi structured interviews). Quantitative data will be analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics as appropriate.
The research will be the first of its kind in Ireland, and will provide valuable data to ensure evidence based care delivery to this cohort of people in the community setting, and also explore the impact of education using multimedia delivery for pressure ulcer prevention.
- Lindholm C & Searle R (2016) Wound Management for the 21st Century: Combining Effectiveness and Efficiency. International Wound Journal. 13(suppl.S2):5-15.
When completed go toto complete the submission process
If you require assistance please contact Conference Logistics on 02 6281 6624 or email .