Would you rather have red sparkly hair or pink sparkly teeth?

Would you rather receive asweet Valentine’s card or a sweet Valentine’s treat?

Would you rather have to spend the next week dressed as Cupid and carry his bow everywhere or act out a scene from Romeo & Juliet in front of all of your friends?

Would you rather receive Valentine’s candy from your teacher or have no homework for a day?

Would you rather have to eat an entire 5 lb. box of chocolates or a drink a gallon of red punch?

Would you rather have to wear a suit of red roses or a suit of heart shaped chocolates all day?

Would you rather swim in a pool of Valentine’s punch or a pool of warm cocoa?

Would you rather have to sing a love song in front of your whole school or recite a heart-felt poem on a YouTube (where it would live for forever!)?

Would you rather be able to say “Happy Valentine’s Day” in 100 languages or know the answer to 1000 random trivia questions?

Would you rather have to wear a rose in your teeth all day, or walk around with a chocolate moustache?

Would you rather have to handwrite the little messages on 1000 candy hearts or eat 1000 candy hearts?

Would you rather have to whisper “Happy Valentine’s Day” in your math teacher’s ear or shout “Will You Be My Valentine” at the gym teacher?

Would you rather have to start every sentence by blowing a kiss first or sing everything you say on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather have red-hot candies stuck in your hair or sparkly hearts stuck to your teeth?

Would you rather be invited to the White House to celebrate Valentine’s Day or have a celebrity chef come to your house to make your Valentine’s Day dinner?

Would you rather have to wear a giant heart costume or a giant M&M costume?

Would you rather have to kiss your dog on the lips or your least favorite teacher on the cheek for Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather be stuck in a home that has no power on Valentine’s Day or one that has no food?

Would you rather have to sing Bruno Mars’ “Just the Way You Are” on a YouTube video that everyone you know will see or appear in Diet Coke commercial on TV dressed asCupid?

Would you rather have to write in red pen for the next year or dot all of your letter “i”s with a heart?

Would you rather wear a shirt tomorrow that lists all of the cards that you received on Valentine’s Day or all of the candy you ate?

Would you rather have snow on February 14th or a warm 80-degree day?

Would you rather spend Valentine’sDay in a home with no Internet or a home without indoor plumbing?

Would you rather have your favorite athlete send you a Valentine’s card at or your favorite TV/movie star? (And who would it be?)

Would you rather have a constant itch or constant hiccups on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather have flowers grow in your footsteps or confetti fall from the sky every time you sit down?

Would you rather have to say everything you are thinking or never be able to speak on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather receive a dozen red roses or a dozen chocolate cupcakes on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather be gossiped about by your classmates after you leave the room on Valentine’s Day or have them not remember whom you are?

Would you rather have to speak only using words found on conversation heart candy or have to sing everything you say as if it were a love song?

Would you rather eat 3 chocolate covered dog biscuits or the petals from 3 roses?

Would you rather have to go the month of February wearing earplugs or nose plugs?

Would you rather have to wear your shoes on the wrong feet for Valentine’s Day or wear your pants backwards?

Would you rather have to eat 12 chocolate covered earthworms today or 12 spicy hot peppers?

Would you rather have to read a page from your diary in front of the class on Valentine’s Day or share a video of your most embarrassing moment?

Would you rather eat 12 chocolate covered strawberries or 12 chocolate covered marshmallows?

Would you rather have to receive a kiss on the lips from a llama or a lick on the face from a pig?

Would you rather have to unwrap 1000 pieces of foil-wrapped chocolate or pop 1000 pink balloons?

Would you rather have to eat 100 chocolate bars on Valentine’sDay or never eat chocolate again?

Would you rather have to sign all of your homework with “XOXOXOXO” or have to wear a red lipstick kiss on your cheek on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather be forced to hang out with someone you don’t like on Valentine’s Day or have your siblings follow you around in school all day?

Would you rather kiss a frog or hug a porcupine on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather spend Valentine’s Day with the ability to be invisible or have the ability to fly?

Would you rather be able to travel through time on Valentine’s Day or have the ability to read minds?

Would you rather have to kiss a toad or lick your best friend’s big toe on Valentine’s Day?

Would you rather have to live Valentine’s Day over and over in the coming year or give up talking to your friends and family for the next 6 months?

Would you rather have ears shaped like hearts or a bright red nose?

Would you rather have to go without TV and Internet on Valentine’s Day or without candy?

Would you rather have to eat a Valentine’s Day meal prepared by your dog or have to drink a gallon of ketchup?

Would you rather receive 100 Valentine’s cards from people you don’t know very well, or only 1 card from someone special to you?