Part I: Behind the Scenes

  1. Conceptual Overview:Students will interpret a television clip from The Twilight Zone. Students will be able to relate the themes and ideas within this clip to the ideas they have generated about dystopias in the past. Learning will be accomplished through observing and interpreting the episode, filling out a worksheet and if time allows, beginning to read “There Will Come Soft Rain” by Ray Bradbury with a reading response sheet.
  2. Standards Addressed:CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.9-12.2:Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
  3. Materials Required:YouTube Clip: “There Will Come Soft Rain” by Ray Bradbury
  4. Modifications for Diverse Learning Needs:I will address IEPS and make accommodation when necessary.

Part II: Heart of the Lesson

  1. Title of Lesson:Dystopias: The Obsolete
  2. Subject Area: Literature
  3. Grade Level: 9-12
  4. Objectives:Students will further explore the ideas of dystopias by observing the television program The Twilight Zone: The Obsolete Man. The teacher will encourage students to explore dystopian themes as well as the effects of a totalitarian government within the episode as well as prompting students to think how these themes may relate to life today. Students will complete a worksheet in order to show their understanding.
  5. Body of Lesson
  1. Introductory Activity:Defining Terms (5 Minutes):Students will define and explore the meanings of the terms obsolete and totalitarianism.
  2. Procedure:
  1. Watch The Twilight Zone: The Obsolete Man (25 Minutes)
  2. Discussion (5 Minutes)
  1. Assessment Plan:Students will be graded upon completion of the worksheet (10 points).
  2. Concluding Activity:Begin reading “There Will Come Soft Rain” (15 Minutes)

Part III: Supporting Material

  1. Definitions of “Obsolete” and “Totalitarianism”
  2. The Obsolete Man: Worksheet


Obsolete:Something that is no longer produced or used; out of date. (

Ex: Telegraph, Landlines (almost obsolete), etc.

Totalitarianism: or totalitarian state is a term used by some political scientists to describe a political system in which the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever possible. (Wikipedia)

Ex: Nazi Germany, Communist Russia

Questions to Ask:

What are some objects that have become obsolete?

What are some careers or jobs that have become obsolete?

What are some examples of a Totalitarian state?

What are some characteristics of a Totalitarian state?


“The Obsolete Man” Response Sheet

  1. Why is the Romney Wordsworth considered to be “obsolete?
  1. Why does he want his execution to be televised?
  1. Compare and Contrast how Romney Wordsworth and the Chancellor deal with death.
  1. Wordsworth asks the Chancellor "History teaches you nothing, does it?" The Chancellor replies, "On the contrary, history teaches us a great deal." What do you think is meant by these quotes?
  1. How does this episode represent a dystopia?