Mindsets for Parents

“We Are Connected”

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“We Are Connected teaches us to understand that everyone who comes into our lives can assist us in living our dreams. By applying this mindset, you will learn to constantly explore synergies with others, embrace diversity, and relish competition that will help you maximize your potential with and through others.” (

Course 1: 6th Grade

Introduction & Embrace Everyone

  • Embrace Everyone Video:
  • Terra & Bella Video:
  • What in these videos demonstrated the importance of embracing others? Why do you think it is important to embrace everyone? What happens if we discriminate?

Maximize Positive Relationships

  • Maximize Positive Relationships Video:
  • Lebron James Together Video:
  • What in these videos demonstrated the importance of working with others? Why do you think it is important to maximize the good relationships in your life? What happens when you don’t nurture the relationships in your life?

Build Your Dream Team

  • Build Your Dream Team Video:
  • Who was Scott’s dream team? What happens when you don’t leverage others to help you?

Lead with Value

  • Lead with Value Video:
  • Free Hugs Video:
  • What in these videos demonstrated the value of giving someone something? Why is it important to find ways to help others? What happens when we are only asking for help and not giving it to others?

Course 2: 7thGrade

Mindset in Action

  • Best Basketball Turnover Video:
  • How does the video embody the We Are Connected mindset? How would you have acted in that situation? How did you see the other mindsets represented? What are some ways you have seen the We Are Connected mindset in life around you?

Mindset in School

  • Students will play: Connection Bingo Game
  • What is something new you learned about someone in our class? Why was it important to include everyone in order to be successful? What can we learn from this when it comes to school and your academic career?

Mindset at Home

  • Video: Boys & Girls Club
  • What kind of counter-mindsets or negative thinking do you think these individuals had to overcome? What do your connections look like outside of school?

Mindset in Future Life

  • Read: “What Goes Around Comes Around” story
  • What most inspires you about the story of Jonny? Describe a time when a stranger made a difference in your life. How could we apply what we learned from Jonny’s story in our own lives?

Course 3: 8thGrade

WAC Through Creativity

  • Video: Coca-Cola Small World Machines
  • How are inspiration and creativity related to the We Are Connected Mindset in this video? In the video, you see a creative solution allowing the Pakistani and Indian people to connect. How has innovative technology helped you connect with someone far away? What are some examples of times when you changed your mind about someone once you made a connection with them? (ex. – rival schools, different “groups” at school, different ages / grades, etc…)

WAC Through Communication

  • Video: World’s Biggest Eye Contact Experiment
  • The video asks the question, “Where has the human connection gone?” As we rely more and more on technology, how do you think human connection has been affected? What did you notice about the participants in the eye contact experiment? Were their reactions similar or different based on where they were from? Why do you think some of the participants began crying, hugging, or grasping hands? What do you think they were feeling? What did you learn about communication and connection by watching the eye contact experiment?

WAC Through Connection

  • Why do you think it’s important to introduce ourselves to others? Do you find it hard to meet other people? Why or why not? What happens when we do not take the opportunity to meet new people? Do you think this would be hard for people who are shy? What could they do to be more comfortable?
  • Video: Entire Basketball Team Surprises and Thanks Coach
  • In the video, we see how teachers and students happen to be put together by chance but have made a lasting connection, who has benefited the most, the students or the teachers? How did the teachers make a difference in the lives of their students? How have connections you have made with teachers or school staff affected you through the years? Have you remained connected?

WAC Through College & Career Planning

  • Video: Connection Scribing Video
  • Video: Casteller Video
  • Think about the people in your life who can help you on your journey. Have you discussed your college and career goals with your parents, friends, or counselor? Who do you discuss your goals and dreams with?