Minutes of Crewkerne Health Centre Patient Forum (PF) held on Thursday 22nd March 2012
at CrewkerneHealth Centre (CHC) at 7 pm
Present: Neville Adams, Geoff Clarke, Tesa Budd, David Colwill, Kerry Cousins, Roger Smith,
Sue Dewson,Ann Down, David Hughes (Chair), Jayne Nicholas (Secretary) and Louise Walker.
Apologies: Sylvia Allman, Joan Farris, Biddy Martin and Lisa James
Item / Minutes and matters arising from meeting 24/01/12 / Action
1. / Dropped kerbs are currently being completed. Jayne suggested that when completed may be an opportunity to publicise the practice and PF joint working. Louise offered to work with David H to devise a press release.
Item 5 – Update on Projects: Sylvia, Jayne and David had worked together on the out of hours/emergency information cards for patients. Jayne circulated their latest draft (attached) and David reported that before discussing cards they came up with some general points:
  • No-one of the patient PF knows each other’s background, skill and experience which could help us in future work. Agreed to add to next agenda.
  • Would be good if we had a logo to raise the PF profile.
  • Next time the Practice Leaflet is re-designed PF could have input into it. Louise said that she had already considered this and was happy for it to happen, although much of the information was required by the PCT. All agreed that the PF could also have a page and it would be good to include the emergency information.
The project group came up with some suggestion as to how this information could be used:
  1. Suggest and A5 leaflet size to make it as legible as possible, yet still compact.
  2. Include information in Practice Leaflet
  3. Put copies out for patients and ask for initial feedback
  4. Have some printed on card etc. Louise had already discussed with GPs who had suggested using patient donation fund for this purpose.
  5. Consider different formats – larger version, wallet sized cards, fridge magnet etc all of which could be available for purchase with a basic version free of charge.
  6. Locations suggested were pharmacies, Local Information Centre etc but might need to consider implications for the other practice e.
  7. Still a draft document and needs the optician, late pharmacy details added.
Louise offered to find out potential costs/quantities etc and feedback to next meeting. To add to next agenda.
Tesa gave Initial feedback on some of print size rather small. Various suggestions were made as to possible methods of using and Geoff noted that we don’t want to print large quantities which may be wasted if details have to be changed and important to put a date on the information. / LW/DH
2. / Pharmacy Application
Louise noted that building work had not yet started due to last minute change of mind on 25th January by District Council that planning permission will now be required. Community Pharmacies have taken legal advice and looked at precedents around the country and have now applied for a Certificate of Legal Occupation which would not require planning permission. Meanwhile the planning application for the signage has been turned down by District Council, although David H noted that the Town Council had recommended approval for 2 out of the 3 signs. Issue is the lighting which is necessary for a pharmacy to indicate it is open, especially at night – needs to be ‘back lit’.
Louise is hoping that the Pharmacy and new entrance will now be completed by the end of June for a summer opening. Jayne asked if the practice had incurred costs through this delay and Louise said that the extra months notes storage was the main expenditure.
David H noted that he had received from NHS Somerset (PCT) an ‘Application to be on the Pharmaceutical List’ which had been sent to the PF for comment. Included a long list of all the service the pharmacy must offer. Louise explained that this is to cover any further delay in planning application.
Neville commented that he had had 2 patients approach him to ask how the pharmacy has been funded and what the implications on NHS resources might be. Louise clarified that it was entirely funded by private enterprise.
3. / Feedback on Meetings attended
David H noted that he has attended several recent meetings as Chair of the PF:
  1. Open Public Meeting in Merriott for the branch surgery which was unanimously accepted by those present. Dr Gilson explained the plans for the development and had also offered to attend the PF to explain further once the plans have moved further forward.
Louise advised that it was on the left (leaving Crewkerne) after the mini-roundabout, near the first chicane. It is currently derelict barns andthere will also be artisan workshops and residential accommodation as part of the development. Tesa asked what percentage of patients in Merriott attended CHC rather that Stoke–sub-Hamdon? General feeling was that most people did but Louise estimated 2000.
David C noted that branch surgery plans have been very positively received and Louise advised that patients in the north part of Crewkerne also see it as a positive development.
Louise advised that work need to start by October 2012 before the current changes to the NHS take place, to ensure funding is in place.
David C thought that manning it will be a key issue and Louise agreed that staffing will be a key issue to consider. The plan is for two doctors, 1 nurse and 1 phlebotomist but how this is managed will be discussed with PF when plans have progressed.
Tesa asked about opening hours and Louise agreed this would need to be careful consideration.
  1. The Health & Social Care Bill received parliamentary approval this week and therefore there is a lot going on at the moment. On the 7th March 2012 a Patient and Public Engagement Meeting about how the views of the public would be involved. Roger asked whether CHC PF actually needed to know all this?
Louise and Jayne both said that part of the Bill is to increase public involvement and Louise said that it all felt very ‘top down’ at the moment instead of ‘bottom up’ as the Bill talks about.
  1. On 21st March 2012 a meeting of Patient Group Chairs to offer feedback on the purpose of a Federation. It was noted that Crewkerne was a part of ‘CLICK’ Federation, which covers a population of 45,824 of which CHC is the largest practice with 12,000 patients representing 25% of the patients.
There is an ongoing debate about how patients will be represented. Jayne suggested people look at the LINk website:
And read Eileen Tipper’s report as she is the patient representative working on the Clinical Commissioning Board.
Louise noted that Frome Federation have a Patient Forum which represented all the practices and a representative was coming to talk to the Federation about its role.
David H shared the definition of a Federation ‘A loose, informal association of GP practices that have agreed to work collaboratively together to address common concerns’
David C asked how we can take this forward and David H replied that there is a lot happening at present and he hopes it will settle down. Meanwhile, Patient Groups Chairs Meeting take place regularly and David H is happy to attend and feedback to the PF. Neville asked whose views David H is putting forward and David H replied that he is still learning and will welcome input.
Geoff reminded the group of our role to keep the focus on local people.
Louise suggested that this group will focus on local issues and David H’s role is to take our issues into the wider world.
4. / Clinical Audit Training
Information received from PCT who are putting on this course and circulated by David H. Joan had expressed an interest in attending 25th April date. Louise had spoken to Jo Bird, the trainer, who had offered to do a specific 1½ hour course for patients which could be delivered in the practice.
Louise also mentioned that there were limited places on the advertised courses and offered the place she has on 25/4/12 to Joan and also offered to organise a session in the practice which will require at least 5 people to attend. / LW
5. / Physical Activity Website
This has been circulated by David H for comments before the website went live. David C felt it was a waste of time and Roger noted that such things were very useful as part of rehabilitation following an illness.
please pass thoughts to / All
6. / Patient and Public Events
David H has circulated ‘Men Alert’ as an example of the type of event we could consider. Agreed to add to next agenda. Louise suggested we could also consider dementia, diabetes, carers, men’s health etc and David suggested it could be done in conjunction with other surgeries. / KC
7. / Election to Patient Forum
David H read the minutes of 22nd Sept 2011 where Geoff had raised election of PF members and we had agreed to put on the April agenda.
Geoff suggested that we need a wider representation and Louise noted that we are a good sized group, unlike many other practice groups who were quite small.
Tesa asked how other groups had gained representation and Louise suggested that it would be good to have a representation from Wadham school and Yeovil College was also mentioned.
Question was raised as to how we make the AGM and open meeting and ensure attendance. Need to set date soon.
Geoff suggested the Town Council newssheet and Jayne noted the Town Council website has recently been re-launched. Would be good to have a link to the practice and Louise agreed to consider.
David H noted that he had only received one contact from the PF page on CHC website and that should have been sent to the practice. / KC
8. / Any other business
  1. Geoff asked about prescriptions and 48 hours and whether they could be done in 24 hours? Louise replies that they are often done within that time but can occasionally be challenging due to illness/absence and therefore practice would be failing to meet the deadline. Louise always noted that practice will always do their best to help.
  2. Jayne mentioned NHS Choices website where patients can leave feedback on their experience at the practice and felt that there may be an opportunity for the PF to influence this feedback. Louise said that she has tried to respond but had found the site difficult to negotiate.
  3. Louise advised people that the results of the Patient Survey are now on the website – link on the homepage. Nothing contentious and positive input from the PF was noted. The survey was open for 3 months and received 207 responses.
  4. Geoff had received positive feedback on the telephone system. Louise said that the practice has received mixed feedback but patients have generally been reassured once they have used the new system. Three GPs are currently using it, Drs Balian, Field and Merrifield and David H asked if there were plans to include the others. Louise replied that they were still considering it and it was down to personal choice and experience. David C thought it was strange that it was not a policy and was concerned that there were no plans to roll it out. Louise responded that all GPs have increased their telephone consultations but only the three have protected telephone consultations and issue their own appointments. Discussion took place about continuing mixed experience about obtaining telephone appointments.
  5. Tesa asked how the practice was doing with answering with own name and Louise said was already happening and staff had found the experience was generally positive and more human. Tesa also asked for Fundraising to be added to next agenda.
/ KC
9. / Date of next meeting
24th April 2012 7pm Crewkerne Health Centre
Roger asked PF to consider setting dates for whole year and this was agreed would be done at next meeting. All to bring diaries / All