AT 7:00 P.M.
The Worth County Board of Education met Thursday, May 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Worth County Board Room.
Chairman Jenkins called the meeting to order.
Mr. Jerry Jones gave the invocation.
Chairman Jenkins led the pledge to the flag and welcomed visitors.
All Board Members were present. Also in attendance were Barbara Thomas, Ed. D., Superintendent of Schools, and Mr. Clarence Miller, Board Attorney.
Randy Bacon made the motion to approve the agenda for May 9, 2013. Melvin Jefferson seconded the motion and the vote passed unanimously.
Dr. Lois Butler, an Education Support Professional employed by the Worth County Board of Education and under the supervision of WCHS Principal, Dr. Russ Chesser, addressed the board asking them to consider formally setting aside a date in the future to recognize the Education Support Professional of the Year.
A group of parents attended the board meeting supporting those students who did not pass all areas of the GHSGT. Their requests were to allow these students to participate in the graduation ceremony. Persons addressing the board requesting that students who had not passed all areas of the GHSGT be allowed to participate in the graduation were: Audrey Cherry, Lisa Adams, Mary Wooden, Pamela Howard, and student, Shatavia Curry, speaking on behalf of herself and her fellow classmates.
Mr. Jenkins stated that one of the requirements for graduation is passing all areas of the GHSGT. He also stated that passing all components of the GHSGT is a State of Georgia requirement. Mr. Jenkins stated that procedure to change any policy requires a motion and approval of the new policy and then two readings of that new policy for final approval.
Mr. Jenkins stated his concern with the importance being put on the student not being able to participate in the graduation ceremony and not on the fact they were not receiving a diploma.
Dr. Thomas recognized the WCMS participants in the Georgia Southwestern Math Competition in Americus. Representing the 6th grade were Abby Adkins and Nakia Daniels, representing the 7th grade were Southern Williams and Bradley Woodall, and representing the 8th grade was Michael Smith.
Dr. Thomas announced the governor had proclaimed May 8th as School Nurse Appreciation Day in Georgia. She then recognized the nurses in each school. WCPS nurse, Kelly Cooper, was not in attendance. Those recognized and presented certificates were: WCES, Kim Kitchens; WCMS, Claudia Johnson; and WCHS, Suzanne Lasseter.
Dr. Thomas recognized and presented a certificate to the March School Nutrition Employee of the Month, Dorothy “Dot” Allen.
Awarded the Minton School Property Bid to Jerald Carter in the amount of $36,150.00.
Randy Bacon made the motion to approve as presented. Jerry Jones seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Custodial Bid
William Oliver made the motion to table the Custodial Bid until Mr. Jimmy Odom, Director of Maintenance, could review to make sure the bid specs were met and to check the qualifications of the lowest bidder.
Jerry Jones seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Copier Bids
Opened and awarded the Copier Bid to Colson Business Solutions (the lowest responsible bidder meeting bid specs) in the amount of $91,740.00 annually.
Jerry Jones made the motion to approve as presented. Melvin Jefferson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Consent to approve April 11, 2013 Board Meeting Minutes
Consent to approve April 18, 2013 Called Board Minutes
Consent to approve April 18, 2013 Work Session Minutes
Consent to approve Expenditure Reports for April
Consent to approve Food Service Report for April
School / Group Name / Destination & Purpose / Date of Trip / Expenses Paid ByWCHS / JROTC / Camilla, GA – Mitchell EMC / 4/19/2013 / JROTC
School / Group Name / Type of Project / Date(s) / Funds Used ForWCES / PTO / School Dance / 5/4/2013 / WCES Playground Equipment
WCMS / P.E. Dept. / Field Day Tee Shirts & Concessions / 5/23/2013 / Purchase equipment for P.E. Dept. for the upcoming school year
Approval of the Millennium Second Chance Education Center request to use the high school cafeteria for their graduation ceremony on June 14, 2013.
Melvin Jefferson made the motion to approve the consent agenda as presented. Randy Bacon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The motion to approve the tentative FY14 Budget and Salary Schedule was tabled.
Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Albany State University concerning affiliation of students for Social Work Practicum beginning May 10, 2013 and ending April 30, 2014.
William Oliver made the motion to approve as presented. Melvin Jefferson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval to enter into an agreement with Southwest Georgia Community Action Council Head Start to allow leasing of building (excluding the canning plant) at 504 East Price Street, Sylvester, Georgia and the Sumner building kitchen and cafeteria.
Melvin Jefferson made the motion to approve as presented. William Oliver seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of the Alternative Education Program Resolution for grades 6 through 8 for FY14.
Randy Bacon made the motion to approve as presented. Melvin Jefferson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously
Approval to declare the following as unnecessary and not usable by the Worth County School District for future use:
a. Sears Table Saw – Serial #2207 Mo163
b. Big Green Table Saw – Serial #93-YO3O3B-13
c. Rockwell Router – Serial #84E26999
d. Planer – Serial #G4004
e. Drillpress – Serial #1303768
f. Rockwell Table Saw – Serial #GW2772
g. Dewalt – Serial #40800002
h. Miller 130 – Serial #LA207293
i. Miller 135 – Serial #LB246941
j. Brake – Serial #U.A.6.3
k. (1) Student Desk
Jerry Jones made the motion to approve as presented. Melvin Jefferson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of an agreement with Millennium Second Chance Education Center to use space at the current workroom at Worth County Board of Education, current office space at the side entrance of Worth County Board of Education and 40 computers with Internet connectivity with anticipation to add five (5) additional computers as these are available. The agreement will begin July 1, 2012 and conclude June 30, 2013.
Jerry Jones made the motion to approve as presented. William Oliver seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval to provide transportation for the summer program of the Boys and Girls Club in Albany, GA with morning and afternoon pickup beginning May 28, 2013 and ending on July 12, 2013 with no activities on July 4, 2013. Also, possible transportation for one or two field trips for Camp Sylvester participants.
Jerry Jones made the motion to approve as presented. Randy Bacon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Approval of the 2014 Code of Conduct and Dress Code.
William Oliver made the motion to approve as presented. Melvin Jefferson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Melvin Jefferson made the motion to enter into executive session at 9:34 p.m. to consider personnel, student discipline, and/or property acquisition. Randy Bacon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Returned to open session at 11:25 p.m.
1. Melissa Giggey, WCHS, Effective May 29, 2013.
2. Judith Jackson, WCHS, Effective May 29, 2013.
3. Cedric L. Stegall, WCHS, Effective June 12, 2013.
1. Christine Henderson, WCPS, Effective April 16, 2013.
2. Bobby Odom, Transportation Department, Effective May 23, 2013.
3. N. L. Rugg, Transportation Department, Effective May 23, 2013.
1. Michael L. Kovach, WCHS, Effective June 6, 2013.
1. Linda Odom, Transportation Department, Effective May 23, 2013.
2. Betty A. Godwin, Transportation Department, Effective May 23, 2013.
1. Melissa Kelly, Math Teacher, WCHS to CTAE, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
1. Amanda Baker, ELA Teacher, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
2. David Beaumont, English Teacher, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
3. Lisa Brooks, Math Teacher, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
4. Godfrey Jermel Demps, Coach/Alt. School/Credit Recovery, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
5. Cassie Johnson Dukes, Special Education Teacher, WCPS, Effective July 22, 2013.
6. Adam Gray, Coach/Social Studies Teacher, WCHS, Effective July 1, 2013.
7. Pamela Howard, Math Teacher, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
8. Amber Hudson, 1st grade Teacher, WCPS, Effective July 22, 2013.
9. Hope Inman, Kindergarten Teacher, WCPS, Effective July 22, 2013.
10. Drake McCauley, Math Teacher, WCHS, Effective July 22, 2013.
11. Lora Nichols, Math Teacher, WCMS, Effective July 22, 2013.
12. Heather Rivera, English/Language Arts Teacher, WCMS, Effective July 22, 2013.
13. Steven Rouse, Principal, WCES, Effective July 1, 2013.
14. Debra Allen Segroves, Special Education Teacher, WCMS, Effective July 22, 2013.
15. Teresa Sumner, School Improvement Specialist, WCPS, Effective July 8, 2013.
16. Fran Williams, Math Teacher, WCMS, Effective July 22, 2013.
1. Elaine Bozeman, Transportation Director, Effective July 1, 2013.
NOTE: As per Georgia State Code Section 20-2-211 all employees hired after July 1, 2000, shall be fingerprinted and have a criminal record check. Employees listed above are recommended for employment subject to verification of a clean record.
1. Jeanne Brooks
2. Duane Fallin
3. Cheryl Smith
4. Steve Terry
1. Kayla Couch, Effective May 6, 2013 through May 17, 2013.
2. Brandi Fletcher, Effective April 24, 2013 through May 2, 2013.
3. Kristen Garland, Effective April 29, 2013 through June 30, 2013.
4. Kristen Garland, Effective July 1, 2013 through September 5, 2013.
5. LaShawnda Lowe, Effective March 25, 2013 through March 29, 2013.
6. Tina Pate, Effective April 17, 2013 through April 19, 2013.
7. Kanicee Walker, Effective April 15, 2013 through April 26, 2013.
8. Joyce Wilkerson, Effective April 8, 2013 through May 28, 2013.
9. Lindsey Wright, Effective March 15, 2013 through March 21, 2013.
1. Judy S. Smith, Effective March 19, 2013 with expected date to return to work April 10, 2013.
Randy Bacon made the motion to approve the superintendent’s recommendations A, B, C, F, and G. Sections D and E were tabled. The motion passed with a 4-1 vote. William Jenkins, Randy Bacon, Melvin Jefferson, and Jerry Jones voted for; William Oliver abstained.
A Work Session will be held on Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at 7:00 p. m. to discuss the tentative FY14 Budget and Salary Schedule. A Called Meeting will immediately follow the Work Session concerning the Custodial Bid, the tentative FY 14 Budget and Salary Schedule, and Personnel.
Jerry Jones made the motion to adjourn. Randy Bacon seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
Barbara Thomas, Ed. D. William R. Jenkins
Superintendent Board Chairman
WCBE – May 9, 2013 – Page 4