Worth a total of 200 points in a project category
RESEARCH, TYPED RESPONSE and Survey answer DUE:______worth 125 points
PSA DUE:______worth 75 points
You may work in pairs or groups of 3. You may not work alone or in larger groups.
You should complete for homework what you do not finish in class. You may do on laptops/chromebook or personal device such as phone or tablet
Start with a general opinion concerning the question “Should Marijuana be legalized?” Most of you have an opinion about this. Some of you have a view point or belief. For the purpose of this assignment, let’s make an assumption and say you have an opinion based on pre-conceived ideas and that you have not taken time to research fact.
STEP 1) Find a minimum of 10 sources online that speak about thelaws, uses, or ongoing debate about Legalization of Marijuana from both a medical and Recreational perspective. A good starting point is the class website. You may find any of your own sources but be careful as many sources are very “one sided” regardless of their position (see step 2)
STEP 2) List each source of the article your information came from. You do not need to use a specific MLA or APA format to cite your source, but you do need to evaluate the “source of the source”.
Example: Are you getting the information from an evidence based source that used research, is it
merely propaganda trying to sell you an idea, is the source based on opinions or popular
thought with little fact, etc?
STEP 3) ON A GOOGLE DOC---Create a graphic organizer of your choice that allows you to take notes concerning the debate question “Should Marijuana be legalized”. REMEMBER TO PLACE EACH PERSON’S NAME ON THE DOC AT THE TOP.
Consider from both a recreational and medicinal view point. Break up the articles so that each person takes 1/2 or 1/3 of the articles to review then record facts from EACH article..As many as possible. (1 person create the doc then all 3 people collaborate on it). A pro/con charts work well and also a 3 column fact chart
Consider also the method of using the drug:
Smoked from “Joint” or “Blunt”
Smoked from Bong, bowl or other “pipe” like device.
Inhaled via vaporizers
Ingested as tea, soup, baked goods, or pill
Used topically
STEP 4) Discuss your research with a partner/group.
1) Did your thoughts change after researching from your original opinion? How? In What ways?
2) What are your main thoughts now about the legalization movement?
3) Should Marijuana be legalized recreationally? Medicinally? With restrictions or without?
The answer to these questions now is now your fact based position not just an opinion. Be ready to use fact to support your answer
STEP 5) EACH PERSON (not each pair/small group of 3) shouldwrite a response to the question
“Should Marijuana be legalized”.
Remember to consider from both a recreational and medicinal view point.
Each person’s response MUST demonstrate a fact based position NOT just an opinion
Facts should be cited OR referenced based on the sources you are taking the information from.
Length is not a factor so long as your response demonstrated a complete stance, comprehension
and facts that completely answer the question(s) with a logical, thought out, viewpoint.
Your factual based position should be one of the following stances (usually):
- NO: Marijuana should not be legalized
- YES: Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes only with the following restrictions:*
- YES: Marijuana should be legalized for both medicinal and recreational purposes with the following restrictions:*
*If you select need to also decide if there should be any restrictions or not such as age of use or method of use (smoked vs edibles)
STEP 6) Using the link on the class website OR the google classroom provided, Place your personal answer on the survey provided.
STEP 7) : CREATE and RECORD A PSA (Public Service Announcement)
Your PSA is a 30 second advertisement that explains your viewpoint to your audience
It may be a “Radio” ad, “Television” ad, OR internet “pop up” ad. It is not real, you are making it up. It needs to show your GROUP’S debate outcome:
1) Everyone agrees with one particular position
2) People in the group have opposing viewpoints.
If a “radio” ad, you must upload recording to the classroom drive in mp3 format. REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR NAMES on the upload psa. Place a “public share link:” into your DOC or embed into doc from the google drive!
If a television ad, the video should include slides/information. Your faces do not need to be on it. You should speak over the slides. Upload your video to the drive OR youtube. If posted on youtube, mark as private. In either case, place a “public share link:” into your DOC or embed into doc from the google drive!
If an internet ad, it may or may not have sound but should not just be a single meme/graphic. It should also be about 30 seconds giving specific information. Upload to drive then share link on DOC or embed into doc
WHAT TO TURN IN:GOOGLE DRIVE DOC with your 1) facts, written responses, link to PSA
Answer to survey