Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Scripture Reading: 1 John 5:12-15
Call to Celebration“Assurance Medley”Arr. Kirkland
Welcome to Worshipers“Come, Now Is the Time to Worship”Doerksen
(56, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 202“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”CORONATION
(G3 version, all stanzas…KEY: F, G)
Chorus“Step By Step”Beaker
(51, MPW, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Morning Prayer
Our Response“We Fall Down”Tomlin
(66, MP2, 1x each KEY…E, F)
Hymn No. 2“Holy, Holy, Holy”NICAEA
(Stanza 1: Piano Only,
Stanza 3: Piano/Rhythm
Stanza 4: ALL- Big, Bold…KEY: D)
Testimony in Song“Holy Ground”Davis
Time of Decision“Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go”FALLS CREEK
(BH 285…KEY: F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Hymn No. 44“Crown Him King of Kings”CROWN HIM
Hymn No. 45“Crown Him with Many Crowns”DIADEMATA
(Stanzas 1,2,3…KEY: D
Stanza 4…KEY: Eb)
Morning Prayer
Welcome to Worshipers“Let It Rise”Davis
(4, MPW, 1x instrumental, 1x ALL…KEY: E)
Testimony in Song
Hymn No. 79“My Jesus, I Love Thee”GORDON
(Organ Intro., Stanzas 1,2…KEY: F
Stanza 4…KEY: G)
Chorus“I Worship You, Almighty God”Corbett
(28, PW, 2x..KEY: G)
Choral Worship“I Worship You”Berry
-The First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated”HENDON
(597, CH…KEY: F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through our Tithes and Offerings
Ministry Opportunities
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“I Worship You”Berry
(Key Change to the end)-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Trading My Sorrows”Evans
(75, MP2, 1x instrumental,
1x ALL, End at Meas. 41…KEY: G)
Hymn No. 147“How Great Thou Art”O STOR GUD
(4, WORD Hymnal, Organ Intro.,
Stanzas 1, 2…KEY: Bb
Stanza 4…KEY: C, Choral Ending)
Piano Modulation C to E
“Awesome In This Place”Billington
(36, MPW,
Morning Prayer
Our Response“Worthy, You Are Worthy”Moen
(81, PW, 1x each KEY: Eb, E, F)
Hymn No. 153“Worthy of Worship”JUDSON
(Stanzas 1, 3…KEY: F)
Hymn No. 571“Trust and Obey”TRUST AND OBEY
(Stanza 1: Keyboard Only- Rhodes,
Stanza 3: Piano/Organ, Stanza 5: ALL…KEY: F)
Choral Worship“Holy Is He”Clydesdale
-The First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Change My Heart, O God”Espinosa
(195, PW…KEY: C)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through our Tithes and Offerings
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Holy Is He”Clydesdale
(Meas. 262-ff)-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Firm Foundation”Gordon/Harvill
(9, MPW, Play the Ink,
1st time instrumental only,
2nd time All sing – Verse 1 ONLY…KEY: F)
Hymn No. 406“The Solid Rock”SOLID ROCK
(Stanzas 1, 2,
Organ Interlude
Stanza 4…KEY: F)
(Directly into “I Worship You” Meas. 74, Beat 4)
Morning Prayer
Our Response“Here I Am to Worship”Hughes
(G3 Version, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 275“I Surrender All”SURRENDER
(Continue with G3 Version)
Chorus“We Will Glorify”Paris
(68, PW, 1x Each Key)
Testimony in Song
Message in WordPastor
Time of Decision“Room At the Cross”STANPHILL
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Our Tithes and Offerings
Ministry Opportunities
Postlude“Firm Foundation”
(Worship Band and Praise Team, MEAS. 1-14)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Enter to Worship“Made Me Glad”Webster
(G3. V. 1 Praise Team, V. 2 ALL…KEY: Bb, C)
Morning PrayerPastor
Welcome to Worshipers“Bless God”Licciardello
(33, PW, 1x Each KEY…Eb, F)
Hymn No. 441“Since Jesus Came Into My Heart”McDANIEL
(ORGAN Intro, Stanzas 1, 2…KEY: Ab)
Hymn No. 579“Shine, Jesus, Shine”SHINE
(Refrain ONLY…KEY: Ab)
Chorus“Thou Art Worthy”Mills
(5, PW, 1x…KEY: Ab)
Testimony in Song
Our Response“Lord, I Give You My Heart”Morgan
(97, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Hymn No. 450“I Need Thee Every Hour”NEED
(G3 Version, Play the Ink…KEY: G, Ab)
Choral Worship“Midnight Cry”Arr. Fettke
-The First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Come Just As You Are”Sabolick
(47, MPW…KEY: F)
“Wherever He Leads I’ll Go”FALLS CREEK
(285, BH…KEY: F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through our Tithes and Offerings
Ministry Opportunities
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Every Knee Shall Bow
Preparation for Worship
Enter to Worship“Come, Now is the Time to Worship”Doerksen
(56, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 4“To God Be the Glory”TO GOD BE THE GLORY
(Organ Intro, Stanzas 1, 3…KEY: Ab)
Every Tongue Confess
Welcome to Worshipers“Ancient of Days”Sadler/Harville
(1, MPW, 1x Instruments only,
1x ALL, Coda 2nd time…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 202“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”CORONATION
(Stanzas 1, 3, 4…KEY: G)
Morning PrayerKeith Haygood
Testimony in Song
Jesus Christ is Lord
Chorus“Once Again”Redman
(Play the Ink…KEY: Eb)
Hymn No. 134“Jesus Paid It All”ALL TO CHRIST
(Refrain, Verse 4, Refrain…KEY: Eb)
Choral Worship“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”Arr. Smith
-The First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Come Just As You Are”Sabolick
(47, MPW…KEY: F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Our Tithes and Offerings
Ministry Opportunities
Parting Song“To God Be the Glory”
(Refrain Only)
Worship Leader Guide
Resurrection Sunday
Preparation for WorshipPre-School Choir
Enter to Worship“Was It a Morning Like This?”
Welcome to Worshipers“Celebrate Jesus”Oliver
(121, PW…KEY: F)
Hymn No.“Crown Him with Many Crowns”DIADEMATA
(G3 version, Play the Ink…KEY:C,D,Eb)
Chorus“Thank You, Lord”Jernigan
(174, PW, 2x…KEY: Eb)
Choral Worship“How Can I Thank You?”Haygood
Morning Prayer
Choral Response“Written in Red”
-Celebration Choir
Scripture Reading: John 28:1-7
(Music begins at verse 5,Reader builds with intensity, go directly into…)
Chorus“Trading My Sorrows”Evans
(Meas. 1-41 Repeat intro as needed…KEY: G
Hymn No. 7“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee”ODE TO JOY
(HIGH ENERGY! Stanza 1…KEY: G)
(Reprise “Trading My Sorrows” at Coda)
Choral Worship“Empty Now”Martin
-Celebration Choir
Time of Decision“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”ASSAM
(305, BH…KEY: Db)
“Change My Heart, O God”Espinosa
(195, PW…KEY: C)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Parting Song“Trading My Sorrows”
(Sing Meas. 1-20, Band Continues to 41…KEY: G)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Enter to Worship“God is Good”Moen/Overstreet
(45, MP2, 1x-Meas. 1-14,
Worship Leader and Piano SLOW, THEN Meas. 1
Faster Tempo ALL…KEY: E)
Welcome to Worshipers“Bless God”Licciardello
(33, PW, 1x each KEY: Eb, F)
Hymn No. 15“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”NETTLETON
(Stanzas 1, 3…KEY: Eb)
Chorus“Awesome In This Place”Billington
(36, MPW, Meas. 9-ff…KEY: E)
Morning Prayer
Choral Response“You Are God”Berry
-The Celebration Choir
Chorus“Here I Am to Worship”Hughes
(G3, Version…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 275“I Surrender All”SURRENDER
(Continue with G3)
Testimony in Song“Untitled Hymn”Rice
Time of Decision“Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go”FALLS CREEK
(285, BH…KEY: F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving“My Tribute”Crouch
Parting Song“Awesome In This Place”
(Chorus Only)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Enter to Worship“Show Your Power”Arr. Elkins
-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers “Because We Believe”Gordon/Harvill
(6, MPW, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 2“Holy, Holy, Holy”NICAEA
(Organ Intro, Stanzas 1,3,4…KEY: D)
“We Fall Down”Tomlin
(66, MP2, 1x each KEY: E, F)
Family Prayer Time
Our Response“My Jesus, I Love Thee”GORDON
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY: F, G)
“I Give You My Heart”Morgan
(97, MP2, 2x…KEY: G)
“Agnus Dei”Smith
(15, MPW, Play the Ink…KEY: A)
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“As For Me and My House”Chapman
(54, MPW…KEY: G
Modulate G to A at Keith’s cue)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Ministry Opportunities
Parting Song“Because We Believe”Gordon/Harvill
(Chorus Only…KEY: D)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Show Your Power”Arr. Elkins
-First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Come, Now Is the Time to Worship”Doerksen
(56, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 621“Lead On, O King Eternal”LANCASHIRE
(Stanzas 1, 3…KEY: D)
“Salvation Belongs to Our God”Howard/Turner
(10, MPW, No Intro…KEY: A)
“Blessed Be the Lord, God Almighty”Fitts
(7, PW, 2x in Bb, 1x in C)
Family Prayer Time
Our Response“You Are My King”Foote
(82, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 330“Amazing Grace”NEW BRITTAIN
(Stanzas 1, 2: ALL
Stanza 3: Organ Only
Stanza 5: ALL…KEY )
Hymn 329“Grace Greater Than Our Sin”MOODY
(Refrain Only…KEY: G)
Choral Worship“But Still He Loved Me”Wyatt
-The First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Change My Heart, O God”Espinosa
(195, PW…KEY: C)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Parting Song “You Are My King”
(Meas. 13-ff…KEY: D)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Fill This Place”Arr. Sterling
-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Because We Believe”Gordon/Harvill
(6, MPW, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Medley of Hymns“At the Cross”HUDSON
(G3, Play the Ink,“Down At the Cross”GLORY TO HIS NAME
KEY: Eb, F, G)“The Old-Rugged Cross”OLD RUGGED CROSS
Chorus“Above All”Baloche/LeBlanc
(77, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Testimony in Song
Our Response“Grace Flows Down”Bell/Giglio/Padget
(G3, Meas.1 – 28, 2X,
END AT 27 2ND X …KEY: D)
“Ancient Words”DeShazo
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Time of Decision“Softly and Tenderly”THOMPSON
(312, BH…KEY: G)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Benediction“Ancient Words”
(Refrain Only…KEY: G)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship at
Preparation for Worship
Enter to Worship“Fill This Place”Arr. Sterling
(Intro: Meas 63-66,-First Family Choir
THEN All in at 43…KEY: Ab)
Welcome to Worshipers“Come, Now Is the Time to Worship”Doerksen
(56, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 202“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”CORONATION
(G3 version, all stanzas…KEY: F, G)
Chorus“Step By Step”Beaker
(51, MPW, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Family Prayer Time
Choral Response“He Keeps Me Singing”Arr. Haygood
-First Family Choir
Chorus“Made Me Glad”Webster
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY: Bb)
Hymn No. 10“How Great Thou Art”O STOR GUD
(Stanzas 1, 4…KEY: Bb)
Go back to “You have made me glad… at key change.
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“Nothing But the Blood”PLAINFIELD
(135, BH…KEY: G)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Parting Song“Step by Step”
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“The Solid Rock”Arr. Haygood
-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers
Chorus“Let Everything that has Breath”Redman
(59, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 2“Holy, Holy, Holy”NICAEA
(v. 1: ALL, v. 3: A Cappella,
v. 4: ALL…KEY: D)
Chorus“Open the Eyes of My Heart”Baloche
(Exp. God, Meas. 1-61…KEY: D)
Morning Prayer
Our Response“The Wonderful Cross”Watts/Tomlin
(76, PW, Play the Ink…KEY: C, D)
“Grace Flows Down”Bell/Giglio/Padget
(G3, Meas.1 – 28, 2X,
END AT 27 2ND X …KEY: D)
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“Take Me, Change Me, Lead Me”Haygood
(KEY: Eb, F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Parting Song“The Solid Rock”
(Refrain Only)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“O Worship the King”Arr. Elkins
(G3…KEY: Eb, F, G)
Morning Prayer
Welcome to Worshipers“You’re Worthy of My Praise”Ruis
(41, MPW, Play the Ink…KEY: E)
Hymn No. 138“At Calvary”CALVARY
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY: C, D)
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:6-8
Chorus“You Are My King”Foote
(82, MP2, NO repeat at 12, play 2nd ending,
Then on to bridge, as is from there…KEY: D)
Chorus“I Give You My Heart”Morgan
(97, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Testimony in Song
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 11:27-29
Prayer of Confession
Choral Response“Written in Red”Arr. Kirkland
-First Family Choir
Message/Lord’s Supper
Our Response“Thank You, Lord”Jernigan
(174, PW, 2x…KEY: Eb)
Time of Decision“Lord, I Come”Haygood
(KEY: Db)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Parting Song“Thank You, Lord”
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Show Your Power”Arr. Elkins
-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Forever”Tomlin
(68, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Hymn No. 10“How Great Thou Art”O STOR GUD
(Use Word Hymnal, No. 4,
Stanzas 1, 2…KEY: Bb
Stanza 4…KEY: C, Choral Ending)
Chorus“Shine On Us”Smith
(19, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: C, F)
Morning Prayer
Choral Worship“At the Name of Jesus”Berry
-The First Family Choir
Hymn No. 134“Jesus Paid It All”ALL TO CHRIST
(Stanzas 1, 4…KEY: Eb)
Chorus“Thank You, Lord”Jernigan
(174, PW…KEY: Eb)
Chorus“Once again”Redman
(78, MP2…KEY: Eb)
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“Lord, I Come”Haygood
(KEY: Db)
“I’d Rather Have Jesus”Shea
(550, BH…KEY: Db)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through GivingDon Cone
Parting Song“Forever”
(Meas 25-35…KEY: G)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“At the Name of Jesus”Berry
(Meas. ?-ff)-First Family Choir
Hymn No. 16“O Worship the King”LYONS
(G3…KEY: Eb, F, G)“He Is the King”
Welcome to Worshipers“God Is Good All the Time”Overstreet/Moen
(45, MPW, Play the Ink
TEXT for 1st verse Only…KEY: E)
Hymn No. 215“Majesty”MAJESTY
(1x…KEY: Bb)
Chorus“Draw Me Close”Carpenter
(29, MPW…KEY: Bb)
Morning PrayerKeith Haygood
Our Response“Draw Me Close”
(Chorus Only)
Choral Worship“My Eternal King”Marshall
-First Family Choir
Chorus“We Fall Down”Tomlin
(66, MP2, 1x each KEY: E, F)
Hymn No. 210“My Jesus, I Love Thee”GORDON
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY: F, G)
Chorus“The Family Prayer Song”Chapman
(54, MPW, 2x in G, 1x in Ab)
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“The Family Prayer Song”Chapman
(54, MPW…KEY: G)
Offertory Prayer
Worship Through Giving
Parting Song“God Is Good, All the Time”
(Meas. 1-16)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Holy Ground”Davis
Welcome to Worshipers“Come, Now Is the Time to Worship”Doerksen
(56, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: D)
Hymn No. 15“Come, Thou Fount”NETTLETON
(Use Haygood Arr.)
Chorus“Because We Believe”Harvill
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY: D, Eb)
Morning Prayer
Our Response“Fairest Lord Jesus”CRUSADERS’ HYMN
(176, BH, Stanzas 1, 4…KEY: Eb)
“Made Me Glad”Webster
(G3, Play the Ink…KEY Bb, C)
“I Give You My Heart”
(97, MP2, 2x…KEY: G)
Choral Worship“My Eternal King”Marshall
-First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Oh How He Loves You and Me”Patricia
(146, BH…KEY: Ab)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Parting Song“Made Me Glad”
(Meas. 25-37, Verse 2…KEY: Bb)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Assurance Medley”Arr. Clydesdale
-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Holy Spirit, Rain Down”Fragar
(88, MP2…KEY: G)
Hymn No. 16“O Worship the King”LYONS
(Stanzas 1, 2…KEY: Ab)
Chorus“Shout to the Lord”Zschech
(16, MPW, A Major song ending…KEY: A)
Return to “O Worship the King” Stanza 4…KEY: A)
Morning Prayer
Our Response“He Knows My Name”Walker
(G3, Play the ink…KEY: E)“‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus”TRUST IN JESUS
Chorus“Agnus Dei”Smith
(15, MPW…KEY: A)
(61, MP2…KEY: A)
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“Lord, I Come”Haygood
(KEY: Db)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Parting Song“Shout to the Lord”
(Meas. 21-35…KEY: A)
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Chorus“God Is Good, All the Time”Moen/Overstreet
(45 MP2, as directed…KEY: E)
Welcome to Worshipers“God is Good all the Time”
Hymn No. 147“How Great Thou Art”O STOR GUD
(Organ Intro,Stanzas 1, 2…KEY: Bb
Stanza 4…KEY: C,
“Awesome In This Place”Billington
(36, MPW, C,V,C…KEY: E)
Morning Prayer
Testimony in Song
Chorus“Have Your Way In Us”Haygood
(2x, KEY: G)
Chorus“Above All”Baloche/LeBlanc
(77, MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Hymn No.“Nothing But the Blood”PLAINFIELD
(Stanzas 1, 4…KEY: G)
Choral Worship“Holy Is He”Clydesdale
-The First Family Choir
Time of Decision“Lord, I Come”Haygood
(KEY: Db)
Offertory Prayer
Parting Song“Awesome In This Place”
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Enter to Worship“Holy Is He”Clydesdale
(Meas.262-ff)-The First Family Choir
Welcome to Worshipers“Holy Spirit, Rain Down”Fragar
(88, MP2…KEY: G)
Hymn No. 425“He Keeps Me Singing”SWEETEST NAME
(Stanzas 1, 3, 5…KEY: Ab)
Chorus“I Sing Praises”MacAlmon
(27, PW, 2x…KEY: Ab)
(Opt. Transition
“I Worship You, Almighty God”Corbett
(28, PW, 2x…KEY: G
Morning Prayer
Choral Response“You Are God”Berry
-The First Family Choir
Chorus“Agnus Dei”Smith
(My Utmost, p. 146, meas. 13-80)
Chorus“Once Again”Redman
(78, MP2, play the ink…KEY: Eb)
Testimony in Song
Time of Decision“My Jesus, I Love Thee”GORDON
(210, BH…KEY: F)
Offertory Prayer
Worship through Giving
Parting Song“Holy Spirit, Rain Down”
Worship Leader Guide
The Celebration of Worship
Preparation for Worship
Call to Celebration“Forever”Tomlin
(MP2, Play the Ink…KEY: G)
Welcome to Worshipers
(Forever Refrain Only)
Choral Praise“You Are Welcome Here”Arr. Elkins
(G3)-The First Family Choir
Hymn No. “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”ODE TO JOY
(Stanzas 1, 4…KEY: G)
Chorus“Step By Step”Mullins
(MP2…KEY: G)
Morning Prayer
Our Response“The Wonderful Cross”Watts/Tomlin
(76, PW, Play the Ink…KEY: C, D)
“Grace Flows Down”Bell/Giglio/Padget
(G3, Meas.1 – 28, 2X,
END AT 27 2ND X …KEY: D)
Hymn No. 330“Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound”NEW BRITTAIN
(Stanzas 1, 2, ,5…KEY: G)
Testimony in Song“Untitled Hymn”Rice
Time of Decision“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”ASSAM