M 08/07/14
Minutes of Wormegay Parish Council Meeting held on 8th July 2014 in the Mission Room at 1900hrs.
Present: A. McAdam Chair, S. Read Vice Chair, K. Gauntley, D Parker, N. Malby, G. Reddington, K. Reddington
And two members of the public.
08.07.01 Apologies for Absence
None were recorded
08.07.02 Minutes of the meeting held on 27th May 2014.
Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on 25th June 2014.
The minutes of the meeting held on 27th May 2014 were signed as a true record with no amendments.
The minutes of the Planning meeting held on 25th June 2014 were signed as a true record with no amendments.
08.07.03 Declaration of interest in items on the Agenda.
G. Reddington and K. Reddington were both asked to sign ref item number 7 on the Agenda as they are related to the Clerk.
08.07.04 The Speed Watch – Update on findings.
Su Read reported what the Speed Watch Scheme requirements for training are after consulting with G. Reddington. Six people are required for this Scheme, three people in a group, the training will take two to three hours and a venue is required, a co-ordinator is required who will also be responsible for the storage of the required equipment, and areas to be monitored will need to be discussed. As we now have 6 volunteers, the training can now go ahead. Volunteers are k. Reddington, G. Reddington, N. Malby, A McAdam, T. Wright, Mrs Malby. S. Read will contact the Speed Watch Scheme to enable the training to begin. The Chair asked S. Read to act as co-ordinator who agreed. The areas to be monitored were suggested as both ends of the village and the A134. Miss Bates suggested the Mission Room could be used as a venue for the training. The Chair asked Miss Bates if anyone from the neighbourhood watch group would like to be involved with the training but no one was available.
08.07.05 Welcome to the Village Leaflet.
The Village Leaflet is being prepared but the Chair is waiting for a date for the Fruit, Veg and Cake Show being held in Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall.
Mrs Bobbie Howling has suggested a request to be sent to Parishioners asking for any information that would be helpful for the WW1 Commemoration.
A parishioner had reported Bin Labels and covering letter had not been delivered to Bell Cottages. The Chair ensured that these would be delivered.
08.07.06 Fundraising – Organising Events in the Village Hall in Tottenhill e.g. Car Boot Sale
The Chair reported there was less need for Fundraising for Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall Committee as there were sufficient funds in the kitty at this time, and therefore we as a Parish Council could benefit from the use of the Hall and the Field for Fund raising activities. Car Boot Sales were suggested. A time of 10am to 2 pm was mentioned and by the Chair and K. Gauntley suggested every last Sunday in the month. D. Parker suggested we try this idea as a fundraising event. The Chair asked the Clerk to find out about times and dates of surrounding Car Boot Sales and report back.
The prices of hiring the Hall and the Field were to be checked, as it was not certain at this time if there would be a fee for both.
08.07.07 Clerks Expenses – SLCC Advice Note
The SLCC Advice Note was discussed. Reference to the section on Homeworking (29-33), as our Clerk works from home. Discussed was the breakdown to verify the £4 per week suggested. S. Read suggested the time, effort and expense for the Clerk to breakdown this cost was of no benefit as the amount was reasonable. It was then agreed to pay the Clerk £4 per week for the use of office at home. This was to be back dated to the start of the Clerks employment with Wormegay Parish Council (26.11.13) and a Cheque was raised.
S. Read stated the following should be minuted. (In line with the SLCC suggestions regarding tax on provided Computors.) The Laptop and Printer brought by Wormegay Parish Council are both owned by Wormegay Parish Council and should only be used for work needed for Wormegay Parish Council.
08.07.08 Parish Assets – Laptop, Printer, Mower.
As the Parish Assets were due for review this Month is was agreed the Council Laptop, Printer and Mower should be added to the Parish Council insurance. The Chair asked the Clerk to contact the insurance company and add these items.
N. Malby reported he was in the position to lend Wormegay Parish Council a projector should it be required. D. Parker suggested he may have Projector Screen we could use with the Projector, K. Gauntley also suggested the same.
08.07.09 Financial Report for this meeting and approval of cheques.
Missing from financial report on 27th May 2014 are the following two cheques both dated 10th May 2014 – Balance brought forward from this meeting should read £9064.66
Cheque no 583 Open Spaces £45.00
Cheque no. 584 NPTP Training £45.00
Total £90.00
Balance carried forward including precept and other income £8974.66
Cheques written since last meeting
Cheque no 585 John Cross Audit Fees £20.00
Cheque no 586 JMR CON. J Rolfe War Memorial works £489.50
Total £509.50 £8465.16
Receipts since last meeting
NALC refund for Appraisal Training £30.00 £8495.16
The Clerk requests the following cheques to be approved and signed
Clerks Wages and Expenses Cheque no 587
Wages 29/04/14 – 27/05/14 4hrs per wk x 4wks @£8.344 per hour
Wages 27/05/14 – 08/07/14 6hrs per wk x 6wks @£8.344 per hour
Travel Expenses 36 miles @ 45p per mile £16.20
Calculator £5.00
WW1 Book £7.00
Post Office – postage for Audit Report £0.93
Total £463.01
Balance carried forward £8032.15
Pn £18.00 (W&T Village Hall) cheque not presented on
Bank Statement 131 £8513.16 - £463.01 + £18.00 = £8032.15
Cheque no 588 raised for £128.00 = £4.00 per week for use of office at home by Clerk back dated to 26/11/13
Total carried forward £7904.15
08.07.10 Planning Matters – A G Pearce update
The Chair explained an update had not been received by A G Pearce at this time.
08.07.11 Highway Matters
The Chair reported the Rangers had visited on June 14th 2014 and asked if anyone had noticed any work completed. K. Reddington reported the cracked and sunken pavement had been marked but not repaired. An email had noted this would be completed by a patching gang. N. Malby raised the issue about moving the 30mph sign by the new houses. All other work had been programmed. The Chair reported this was unlikely to happen in the current financial climate and it would be a long process. S. Read suggested the 30mph signs at both ends of the Village were approximately the same distant from the nearest houses to the signs. The verges in Craven Lane came under discussion and the Chair reported after to speaking to Andy Wallace, who apologised and said they would be done, that a mistake had been made as these are normally cut when the others in the Village are. A representative from Highways had met with Mr Pope at his work place in Watlington to discuss the verges in Craven Lane. It was reported G. Reddington had contacted Andy Wallace about the verges in Craven Lane.
The Chair reported that Highways had been informed of a new hedge planted on Highways land in front of “Glenkindie” on the A134. Also reported was “The Maples” who had removed the boundary between them and the Poorlands, and a 30mph sign had been removed in Bardolphs Way.
The Chair asked if there were any other matters for Highways. Problems with a drain outside the “Paddocks” in Bardolphs Way. A pot hole was noticed outside the entrance to the Carrot Factory and by the Play Area. Grupps in Bardolphs way needed attention. The Chair asked the Clerk to contact Highways.
A stopcock was reported to have been tarmacked over in Bardolphs Way. The Chair asked the Clerk to contact Anglian Water.
A Parishioner commented that there was no disabled access to the Play Area.
The branches of the tree in front of Mr. D. Harrods bungalow was causing concern because of the BT lines. The Chair asked the Clerk to contact BT.
08.07.12 Parish Burial Ground – Cutting of Hedge
The Chair reported Mr. D Long was unable to cut the hedge by the Burial Ground due to ill health. It was suggested we send Mr. D. Long a card. The Chair asked the Clerk to arrange this.
It was asked if Ray Allen would be able to take on this, but unfortunately he is too busy.
The Chair suggested we ask Gavin Lawrence to quote for the cutting of the Hedge.
08.07.13 NALC Summer Conference.
The NALC Summer Conference had already taken place.
08.07.14 Police Matters
G. Reddington reported that the next SNAP meeting would be the following Wednesday 16th July at Watlington School. G. Reddington would be attending.
The Chair reported that a quantity of Police Vehicles were seen to be entering the Hill Estate.
No one at this time was able to give a reason. The Chair asked G. Reddington to give an update after the Snap meeting
08.07.15 School news
S. Read reported that Wormegay School was in the process of being an Academy after the order had been signed, and after talks with parents.
08.07.16 War Memorial – Commemoration August 3rd 2014
The Chair reported that the Commemoration on the 3rd August 2014 would be at 3pm.
The Chair reported the work had been completed on the War Memorial. The Chains around the War Memorial had been wired brushed, instead of Shot Blasted and coated. The Chair asked if a quote for this had been found, it was not clear at this time. The Chair reported another name (Mr Rowe) would be added to the War Memorial at a future date. The Chair will write to local businesses requesting possible donations towards the cost of maintenance done to War Memorial.
The Chair reported a conversation with Mr. Chopping regarding Q R Codes, and would report further information.
A parishioner asked if we were having refreshments at the Commemoration and would we be charging for them. The Chair stated a nominal price would be charged to cover costs. Items required for the refreshments would be purchased and the Chair asked the Clerk to liase with K. Gauntley to obtain these.
The Chair asked G. Reddington to order Cakes and Sausage Rolls for this event.
A Tea urn was available and cups and saucers may be borrowed from Tottenhill and Wormegay Village Hall. The Chair had looked into purchasing display boards for photographs etc. These being too expensive the Chair asked the Clerk to see if some could be borrowed for this event.
Volunteers were asked for by the Chair, these would be G. Reddington, K. Reddington, N. Malby, A McAdam and T. Wright.
08.07.17 Correspondence.
FLP Outdoor play solutions
NALC Refund for Appraisal Training
Norfolk RCC NHS Complaints Advocacy Service
Lloyds Bank – two statements
John Cross Audit letter
Plans for Field View
SLCC 40th Anniversary National Conference
08.07.18 Village Matters and items for future Agendas
On reviewing days and times of our meetings, it was agreed, they would still be held on Tuesdays but the time would change from 1930 hrs to 1900hrs. The Chair reported a temporary vicar had been shown around. The minister to be Father James immediate replacement, is a retired Male Vicar, due to stipulation by the outgoing priest that his immediate successor, be male. The subsequent replacement when recruited, can be either Male or Female.
08.07.19 Date and Time of next meeting
The next meeting of Wormegay Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 2nd September 2014 in the Mission Room at 1900 hrs.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 2100 hrs