
1 Knowsley Road,


Cheshire, SK1 4JA,

United Kingdom

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Via Susa n. 23




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To LOC of international mountain races selected

by WMRA like potential LOC of Associated races (WMRA Permit)

or of 15th WMRA Grand Prix 2013 races.

Copy toWMRA Member Council

f. a.To I.A.A.F.

f. a.To Area Continental Athletic Association

f. a.To all WMRA National Members

WMRA Calendar 2013: 15th WMRA Grand Prix 2013and WMRA Permit 2013: application form.

DearMountain Race Organisers,

WMRA are starting already to prepare the 2013 WMRA Calendar.

The 2013 Calendar has four different sections – like in the past years - as follows:

Section 1: International Mountain races staged by WMRA (that is WMRA World Championships, WMRA Long Distance Challenge, WMRA International Youth Cup), Area Continental Championships, Championships of other Organisations (such as the Commonwealth or Balkan Athletic Federations), and Masters World Mountain Running Championships (in cooperation with WMA);

Section 2: Mountain races chosen for inclusion in the 15th WMRA Grand Prix 2013 (application form annex n. 1);

Section 3: WMRA Associated races that is WMRA Permit races (application form annex n. 2);

Section 4: Mountain races worldwide whose races are open to athletes from other than the host country.

Races in Section 2 will be ”IAAF permit races”. LOC of these races must pay to WMRA a sum that will be fixed by WMRA Council (minimum 500,00 Euros – maximum 750.00 Euros; nothing for World Mountain Running Championships) because the final amount for final money prize will be paid by WMRA. Of course anti-doping control is a requirement for all Grand Prix races and costs– like in the past years – will be on charge of LOC. These races will have on the WMRA webpage a link and appear in the WMRA newsletter. News about the race will be publish also in IAAF news of the official IAAF webpage. WMRA Council will select the 2013 Grand Prix races and will fix the WMRA fee on31st August 2012.The application form for “WMRA Grand Prix race 2013” (Section 2) is annex n. 1.

Races in Section 3 must pay to WMRA a fee – like in the past – of 100,00$ USD (or 50,00 Euros) and these races will have on the WMRA webpage a link and appear in the WMRA newsletter. The application form for “WMRA Associated races” that is “IAAF permit races 2013” (Section 3) is annex n. 2.

Races in Section 4 will be put in the WMRA Calendar free of charge but only with date of event and location. Inclusion is limited to races affiliated to the National Athletic Federation of the country in which it takes place.

WMRA Council considered that your race could be a race to be included in WMRA Calendar like“Grand Prix race – IAAF permit race” or like “Associated race – WMRA permit race”.

For this reason WMRA invites to you for considering one of thesetwo possibilities. WMRA asks to you for sending to WMRA the enclosed application form using document annex n. 1 or annex n. 2, completed and signed, as soon as possible (deadline 27thAugust 2012): thank you in advance for it.

Of course, with a limited number of races to be part of the 15th WMRA Grand Prix 2013, it will not be possible for everyone who puts in a bid to be selected: many factors will be taken into account when the final selection is made. We will be trying to ensure an even spread of events in time and place and type of race.

The races to be included in the calendar under section 4 will provide by each National Athletic Federation to WMRA, when the mountain running national Calendar will be prepared.

We are confident that WMRA Calendar will be interesting like in the past time and above of all that the 15th WMRA Grand Prix 2013 races - as always until now - will enjoy greatly enhanced status and attract the worlds best mountain runners: first draft of WMRA Calendar 2013 is enclosed (annex n. 3).

May we take this opportunity to express our thanks to you, a mountain race organiser, for your good work in contributing to the continued development of the sport of mountain running.

Best wishes.

Turin, July19th , 2012


WMRA President

Annex n. 1 to letter 19thJuly, 2012

/ 15th WMRA Grand Prix 2013
(Appendix 1 to WMRA GP Regulations) /
Name of Federation:
Telephone: / e-mail:
We hereby submit our application to have the mountain race described below to be included in the 14thWMRA Grand Prix Series for 2012
We declare that we have read and fully understand and agree to abide by the WMRA Grand Prix regulations and the IAAF permit regulations.
Signature: / (President or General Secretary of the Federation)


Applications for inclusion in the WMRA Grand Prix is free on charge.

Applications may be made via e-mail.

Successful applicant will be obliged to apply for IAAF permit and to pay the fee to WMRA (included fee to IAAF) that will be fixed in a sum minimum of 500,00 Euros and maximum of 750,00 Euros: decision on 31st August 2012).

Anti-doping control is compulsory for WMRA GRAND PRIX race.

Unsuccessful applicants may put their race in WMRA International mountain race calendar as associate members of WMRA (that is WMRA Permit) for which there is a fee of 100,00 USD or 50,00 Euros.

Please return – enter 27th August 2012 - this application to:

Bruno Gozzelino (WMRA President)

Via Susa n. 23, 10138 - Torino, Italy,

fax: 0039.011.4343372


15thWMRA Grand Prix 2013


Event data

NAME of event / (edition / local name)
DATEof event: / Possible alternative date:
VENUE - Place: / Country:
Web site:
ORGANIZER: / (name of club)
Event director: / Name: / Address:
Phone: / Fax:
Second / Name: / Address:
Contact person / e-mail:
Phone: / Fax:
COURSE / Men: / Women:
Length / Km / km
Total ascent / M / m
Total descent / M / m
Start: location, altitude / M / m
Finish:Location, altitude / M / m
Course type
Asphalted road / Km / km
Macadam/4WD road / Km / km
Mountain Path / Km / km
Record time / min / Sec / Min / sec
Record holder / year / / / /
Attachment: / course profile in a .doc or .xls file / YES / NO
PRIZES / Men: / Women: / Total:
Budget / EUR / EUR / EUR
1st prize / EUR / EUR
Number of prizes awarded
The above race details are correct.
We fully accept WMRA Grand Prix Regulations and annual Rules.
Date: / Event director: / (signature)

Annex n. 2 to letter 19th July, 2012




1 Knowsley Road,


Cheshire, SK1 4JA,

United Kingdom

Tel. +44. 161 474 7554

+44. 7 816 833 086




Via Susa n. 23




Tel. Home: +39 011 3855914

Tel. Off/Fax: +39 011 4343372




Name of IAAF Member Federation…………………………………………………….

Event Organisation

Name of Event Organiser ………………………………………………………………......



Telephone:…………………. Fax ...... E-mail:…………………………………......

Webpage address ......

We hereby submit our application to have the mountain race described below to be included in the WMRA International mountain race calendar as WMRA affiliated race member that is WMRA Permit for 2013.

We declare that this mountain race is approved by, and held under the auspices of, our National Athletic Federation (IAAF Member)

Signed:…………………………………………...... …….

(President or General Secretary of the Local Organising Committee - LOC)






Total Ascent…………………………...... Total Descent…………………………………

Date of Competition…………………………. Edition of Competition ………………

Terrain: (Tick whichever applies and for what distance)

Sealed Road……………………………...... 4WD track……………………………....

Mountain Path…………………………….....Meadow………………………………...

Profile attached: YES NO

Race Records:

Men’s Race record……………….. Name…………………………………...... Year……...

Women’s Race record……………Name…………………………………...... Year……...

Anti-doping is scheduled: YES NO


Total Prize Budget (excluding the GP prize money) in Euros………………………….


1st prize: Men:…………………………… Women:…………………………………

2nd prize: Men:…………………………… Women:…………………………………

3rd prize: Men:……………………………. Women:………………………………...

NOTE: For inclusion in the WMRA Calendar 2013 as WMRA associate member race, that is WMRA Permit it is necessary to pay a fee of 100$ USD (or 50.00 Euros or equivalent).

Payment Options

1)Send a $100 USD cheque made payable to the WMRA in care of the WMRA treasurer:

Nancy Hobbs, WMRA Treasurer,

PO Box 9454,

Colorado Springs, CO80932, USA

2)Transfer by wire $112 USD to our USD account after having taken contact with WMRA Treasurer Nancy Hobbs,

email address:

(This includes a $12.00 USD wire transfer fee charged by our US Bank and this is assessed to any country making a wire transfer)

3) Hand $100 USD by cash to a member of the WMRA council who will issue a receipt.

Please return this application – enter 27th August 2012 - to:

Bruno Gozzelino (WMRA President)

Via Susa n. 23,

10138 - Torino, (Italy)

fax: 0039.011.4343372;


Benefits of registering your race as an associate of WMRA

  1. Access to international network of top mountain races
  2. Increased international recognition of your event and international profile for your sponsors, town and country.
  3. Increased international entry from athletes worldwide.
  4. Inclusion in the WMRA international calendar which appears in WMRA and IAAF publications.

Annex n. 3 to letter 19thJuly, 2012




1 Knowsley Road,


Cheshire, SK1 4JA,

United Kingdom

Tel. +44. 161 474 7554

+44. 7 816 833 086




Via Susa n. 23




Tel. Home: +39 011 3855914

Tel. Off/Fax: +39 011 4343372


WMRA Calendar 2013

Draft at 19thJuly 2012

tbd 2013 5th Balkan Mountain Running Championshipstbdtbd

tbd2013 5th EVAA Master Mountain Running Championshipstbdtbd

23rdJune201310thNACACMountain Running Championships(uphill) North Conway; (NH)USA

tbdJune2013 8th WMRA International Youth Cup (races for 16–17 years old)tbdtbd

6thJuly2013 12th EA Mountain Running ChampionshipsBorovetsBUL

3rdAugust2013 10thWMRALongDistanceMountain Running ChallengeSzklarska Poręba POL

tbdAugust2013 8thCONSUDATLEMountain Running Championships tbdtbd

31st August 201313th WMRA/WMA Master World Mountain Running Championships Janské LáznéCZE

8thSeptember2013 29thWMRAWorldMountain Running ChampionshipsKrynica - ZdrójPOL

tbdSeptember 2013 3rd Commonwealth Mountain Running Championshipstbdtbd

tbdNovember 2013 5th AACMountain Running Championships Obudu (CrossRiverState) NGR

9thObuduRanchInternationalMountain Race