This occasion is a special celebration for you parents who have brought these children into the world, and nurtured them into adulthood. Today you are witnessing another stage in the lives of your son and daughter. Your continuing support and encouragement will be needed as this couple unites in marriage. Is there something you would like to say to your son and daughter now on their wedding day?

Mother of the bride - a reading for her daughter:

B ______

I like to think that you learned from me that some things are important. Commitment, love, loyalty, "being there" are at the center of everything.

I tried my best to teach you, by example, that life is very complex,

that there are no final solutions,

there is only commitment to the search for quality and genuineness.

I taught you to value human relationships,

to run away from bigotry and to expose it when you find it.

I taught you to believe in the value of books,

to respect education and learning, to admire goodness, integrity and wisdom.

Let's not forget humor, how to laugh and how to cry and how to love.

Above all, perhaps, I taught you by example that a thoughtful and examined life requires difficult choices; that there are, for such a life, no instant fixes.

We live in a world which sells trivial answers for every complex problem.

In our household, from our example, you were able to draw on a different set of strengths from the family,

Love is something that’s not available in any store or TV ad.

In our home we shared our problems and fixed them with love and faith.

We always encouraged each other to trust in God, and in ourselves

That God would bless and make a way through any trial that came along.

I see all of these strengths in your life now.

You have become the kind of woman I dreamed of raising.

I’m proud of you my daughter, and want only the best for you now as you

Start your new life together as husband and wife.

Step - Mother of the bride - a reading for her daughter:


Though I was not there at your birth, and through the early years of your childhood, I’ve witnessed

your growth to womanhood. I see in you the things learned that your father and I have instilled in you.

We have shared many things over the many years as mother and daughter:

From finding your first love, and the many broken heartfelt moments that life has brought you since.

We share in happy times also, like getting your first license and buying your first car.

There were times of joy, distress, and even sadness that we as a family shared together.

There were arguments, and shouting matches, times of laughter and even the quite moments in our home

The one thing I’ll cherish is the memory that there was bonds of love that no one could brake. Today you start your

New live together, may you take with you the memories of happy moments and apply them in your home today.

Father of the bride - a reading for his daughter:

B______, Today, my heart is full of emotion for you. Not only are you all grown up, but you have blessed me with (her age) ______years of joy. No matter how old you are, you will always be my baby, my (favorite pet name as a child) ______My Daughter.

Today as I sit here watching you now becoming a wife. I Am truly blessed to be called your father today.

May this day be filled with joy and happiness for you both.

What a joy and pleasure it was to be able to walk you down this aisle as your father, and to give you to

G ______. My baby has grown up to be a beautiful woman. It brings tears of joy to my eyes to watch you both now standing before me.