US History II
Midterm Review Sheet
There will be 80 multiple choice questions and 20 map questions for a total of 100 scantron questions.
World War I and the 1920s (Unit 1 Test)
- Espionage and Sedition Acts
- Causes of WWI
- Rationing
- Calvin Coolidge
- Woodrow Wilson
- British Blockade
- Sacco and Vanzetti
- Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- Schlieffen Plan
- Dawes Plan
- Isolationist and Nativist philosophies
- Kellogg-Briand Pact
- Scopes Trial
- Teapot-Dome Scandal
- The role of labor unions
- The Lost Generation
- The role of the US government in business
- US foreign policy
- Prohibition
- 14 Points/League of Nations
- Treaty of Versailles
- Lusitania
- The Great Migration
- Harlem Renaissance
- Red Scare
- “Return to Normalcy”
- Zimmerman Note
- Unrestricted Submarine warfare
The Great Depression and the New Deal
- Hoover
- Causes of the Great Depression
- Boulder Dam
- New Deal
- Rugged Individualism
- Townsend
- Father Coughlin
- American Liberty League
- New Deal Coalition
- Psychological stress
- Effects of the Great Depression
- Fireside Chats
- Bank Holiday
- Agricultural Adjustment Act
- Stock Market Crash
- Hoovervilles
- The Supreme Court and the New Deal
- Dust Bowl
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Bonus Army
- Wagner Act
- Court Packing Plan
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
Europe Between the Wars and World War II
- Stalin
- Governments in Europe between the wars
- Hitler
- Mussolini
- Lend-Lease
- Pearl Harbor
- US as the “great arsenal of democracy”
- Japanese Internment
- Rationing
- Island Hopping
- Iwo Jima
- Battle of Okinawa
- Battle of Midway
- Atomic Bombs
- Role of women and minorities in the war
- US home front policies – rationing, women, etc.
- Battle of the Bulge
- Battle of Stalingrad
- D-Day
- Sudetenland
- Munich Pact
- Operation Torch
- Non-Aggression Pact
- Tripartite Pact
- Blitzkrieg of Poland
- US Neutrality Acts and Isolationism
- Yalta Conference
- Atlantic Charter
- Philippines
- Japan after WWII
American Foreign Policy 1945-1960s (Cold War)
- Sputnik I
- Marshall Plan
- Truman Doctrine
- Containment
- Berlin Airlift
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- Berlin Wall
- Iron Curtain
- McCarran Act
- Red Scare
- Satellite Nations
- Korean War
- Communism in China
- UN
- Warsaw Pact
- Hydrogen bomb
- Rosenbergs
- U-2 incident
- Blacklist
- Iran
- Hungary
- Bay of Pigs
- Hotline
- Soviet blockade of Berlin
- Cuban Missile Crisis
American Domestic Policy 1945-1960s (Post-war America)
- Labor Strikes
- GI Bill of Rights
- Election of 1948
- Fair Deal
- Election of 1952
- Election of 1960
- White Flight
- New Frontier
- Role of television in the 1950s
- Federal Communications Commission
- Suburbs/Levittown
- The Other America
- Urban Renewal
- Changes in the roles of women and family