Present a

British Flyball Association Sanctioned

limited open tournament

(96 Teams over 2 Days)

To be held at

Cowgate Farm, Hawkinge, Kent

CT18 7AR


Saturday 26th - 27th August 2017

(Closing date for entry 26th July2017)

For further information please contact:

Janice Aird

Telephone : 07815 841045

Email :

Entry form for Limited Open Tournament (96 Teams)

Saturday 26th to Sunday 27th August 2017

(Closing Date 26 July 2017)

Declared times must be submitted in writing (or my email) at least 14 days before the Tournament and must be at least 1/2 second slower or faster than seed time (Rule 4.40)

All declared times are subject to a Team breakout time which is half a second faster then their declared time (Rule5.17(l)

All times, seed or declared except Div 1 are subject to the division breakout rule.

Team Name BFA Number

Team CaptainBFA No.


Email ;

Tel No;

Please listmemberswilling to Judgeor Measure and whether qualified or provisional

Teams Entered ______at £40 per Team ______

Entryform for Multi Breed Limited Open Tournament (18 Teams)

Monday 28th August 2017

(Closing Date 26th July 2017)

Declared times must be submitted in writing (or my email) at least 14 days before the Tournament and must be at least 1/2 second slower or faster than seed time (Rule 4.40)

All declared times are subject to a Team breakout time which is half a second faster then their declared time (Rule5.17(l)

All times, seed or declared except Div 1 are subject to the division breakout rule.

Team Name BFA Number

Team CaptainBFA No.


Email ;

Tel No;

Please listmemberswilling to Judgeor Measure and whether qualified or provisional

Teams Entered ______at £40.00 per Team ______

STARTERS Entry Limited to 12 Teams time permitting Monday 28th August 2017

Team Name BFA Number

Team CaptainBFA No.


Email ;

Tel No;

Please listmemberswilling to Judgeor Measure and whether qualified or provisional

Teams Entered______at £25 per Team______

Tournament Rules and Regulations

(1) The Tournament Organiser(s) reserve the right to refuse entries and admission to the event ofany persons not in good standing within the BFA.

(2) No person shall carry out punitive or harsh handling of a dog at the event.

(3) Bitches in season are not allowed near the tournament area. Mating of dogs is not allowed.Any bitch due to whelp within seven days of the competitions is not permitted at theTournament. No bitch can compete whilst in pup and for at least eight weeks after giving birth.

(4) A dog must be withdrawn from competition if it is:

(A) Suffering from infectious or contagious diseases.

(B) A danger to the safety of any person or animal.

(C) Likely to cause suffering to the dog if it continues to compete.

(5) It is the Team Captain’s responsibility to ensure the Team is available for their Division andrunning order.

(6) The Organiser(s) reserve the right to make any alterations they deem necessary in the eventof unforeseen circumstances.

(7) If circumstances make it necessary to cancel the Tournament, the Organiser(s) reserve theright to defray expenses incurred by deducting such expenses from the entry fees received.

(8) All dogs enter the event at their own risk and whilst every care will be taken, the TournamentOrganiser(s) cannot accept responsibility for damage, injury, or loss however caused to dogs,persons or property whilst at the event.

(9) All owners/handlers must clear up after their dogs. Anyone failing to do so will be asked toleave the venue.

(10) Current BFA Rules and Policies will apply throughout the Sanctioned Tournament.

(11) No person shall impugn the decision of the head judge or judges.



Camping is available on site from Monday 21st August 2017 at

£8.00 per night per unit.



All enquiries to:

Janice Aird

184 Downs Road



CT19 5th,

Please make cheques payable to: Shooting Star Flyball Team

E-mail entries and details for online payments to:

Please provide an e-mail address running orders