Green Organics Designer AromaStix

A collection of the most ancient and precious essential oils in all of aromatherapy. These high quality essential oils are rich in history and aromatically, they are potent aphrodisiacs and the most sought after fragrance materials for high-end perfumes and cosmetics worldwide.

Designer AromaStix can be used individually or layered one over the other to design your own signature fragrance. The great thing about the layering of these fine fragrances is you can wear one fragrance on your wrists, and design another for the neck or to wear over the heart. You can design a new perfume fragrance as your mood changes, one for work, one for romance, and another to relax and prepare for sleep.

This collection can be combined and recombined in many creative ways to create just the right fragrance for men and women of all ages. These wonderful and amazing fragrances will not only make you feel happy, sensual, relaxed and beautiful, they also balance the mind, support a healthy body and lift the spirit. And the best thing is, your designer perfumes are all natural with none of the toxic ingredients found in commercial perfumes so they can benefit children as well.

Designer AromaStix allow you to express your own individuality. They stir the imagination, heighten sensuality, and thrill the senses. That’s why we buy, give, treasure and love them.

Dove Spirit: Innocence, compassion, faith, peace and hope.

The Dove is a ground feeder and while it maintains a close connection to the Earth it is also considered a messenger of the Divine. Dove is a universal symbol of purity, and recognized as a messenger of hope. During times of hardship or crisis Dove Spirit can soothe our troubled hearts and worried minds and reminds up of the blessings still to be found all around us.

With Dove as your kindred Spirit, your life is bound to improve. Be open to miracles and new possibilities. The Dove’s soft mournful cooing reminds us of our need to mourn and release pain, sorrow and disappointment from the past allowing us to awaken to the promise of new life and new dreams waiting to be fulfilled.

When Noah sent out the third Dove and it returned with the olive branch, he knew that the storm was over. Let Dove Spirit rekindle your hope and faith that the flood waters in your life will recede and you can enter into a time of peace and harmony.

Apply to the wrists and inhale as needed.

Can be applied over the heart to restore hope when we are feeling hopeless, as well as over the solar plexus of center of will and action.

Applied to the back of the neck we access the Governing Meridian spreading peace and hope through all systems of the body.

You can also apply to the soles of the feet and move forward in faith.

Contains: Myrrh, Spikenard, Sandalwood, Rose damascena, Lavender,fine and fractionated coconut oil.


Myrrh – Inner stillness and peace; eases sorrow and grief; a bridge between “Heaven” and “Earth”.

Spikenard – Calming effect on the mind; soothes deep anxiety; can instill a deep sense of peace; brings faith and hope in times of struggle.

Sandalwood – Helps with obsessive worry; attachment to pre-determined outcomes; aids meditation and prayer.

Rose damascena – Calms and supports the heart; good for nervous anxiety, effective for insomnia and palpitations; compassion, heals emotional wounds.

Lavender,fine – A true aromatic “Rescue Remedy” working to calm strong emotions that tend to over-whelm the mind; known as a crisis soother and bringer of peace.

Available in 10ml stix


This is the signature blend of Green Organics as it represents the values that are important to the company and our distributors, to live in harmony and balance with the Earth and the other life we share this home with. Being green and organic not only helps preserve our health but the health of the Earth as well.

Terra, the Earth, is our mother energy our home, this blend helps us to reconnect with that nurturing, comforting and healing energy. We feel this connection when we sit on beach and watch the sunset, walk in the woods, lie on the grass or dig in our gardens. T

he rhythms of the Earth are the rhythms of our body and we need this connection to be and stay healthy. Scientists are now beginning to study our need for connecting to the Earth and their conclusion is that the biological clock of the body needs to be continually calibrated by the pulse of the Earth that governs the circadian rhythms of all life on the planet in order to be healthy. How long has it been since you have really connected to Terra, felt yourself relax into the beauty of nature. Use Terra blend and make the connection. Apply to your feet when you can’t walk barefoot on the earth and feel grounded and supported.

Apply a drop over the heart to feel held in the unconditional love and nurturing Terra radiates.

Add 6 to 12 drops in a ½ cup of Dead Sea Salt and soak in a warm bath relaxing into the healing waters of Terra.

Wear as a perfume or inhale the earthy fragrance while you feel embraced by Terra.

Nothing removes stress from the body faster than connecting to the Earth.

Terra, the Earth, make the connection.

Contains: Vetiver, Patchouli, Lavender fine, Neroli, Rose Geranium, Jojoba.

Available in 10ml AromaStix

Wolf Spirit: Finding our place, family, cooperation, loyalty

With Wolf Spirit we empower the teacher within to help us understand the great mysteries of life.

Indigenous peoples see the Wolf represented by the Dog Star, Sirius, and symbolic of the clan of teachers. Wolf has much to teach us about being in a relationship, family, group or community. The wolf mates for life, raises their pups in a family where everyone provides care, protection and love to the young, everyone provides for and cares for the elderly.

Unlike dogs, the eyes of the wolf are the eyes of man and it was legend that if a man led a good and honorable life his reward would be to return as a wolf.

Awaken the Wolf Spirit in you and come to know your place in the journey we call life. You may feel drawn to teach what you know to others, or to write a book or mentor a younger person.

Apply to the soles of the feet and walk your path with honor and cooperation with others, sharing your wisdom and experience.

Apply to the wrists and inhale when you need to resolve relationship issues that require cooperation and give-and-take. The Wolf is also territorial and understands the need for boundaries, you can apply over the heart and solar plexus when you need to stand your ground or defend your position.

Contains: Black Spruce, Siberian Fir, Ocean Pine, Bergamot, Lime and fractionated coconut oil.


Black Spruce, Siberian Fir, Ocean Pine: Helps to have boundaries and a distinct self-identification, promotes a sense of freedom and vibrant self-image. Gives Wolf Spirit strength and clarity.

Bergamot: Uplifting and known in aromatherapy a “Nature’s Prozac”, has an affinity for the heart and to react from the heart and not the head when we deal with others. Promotes cooperation and release of anger.

Lime: Provides the freshness we experience when in the fresh air. Renews the spirit.

Available in 10ml AromaStix

Frankincense Fragrance of Kings

Frankincense Bosewellia carterii; producing organ resin, extraction by steam distillation, country of origin Oman.

Frankincense is known for its ability to slow down the breathing and when inhaled from a tissue during particularly stressful or intense moments, it enables one to find the calm needed to face the situation. It may also be applied to the solar plexus to restore calm as well as the heart if needed.

Frankincense is also a good remedy for depression and anxiety layered with Neroli, and grief layered with Rose. When layered with Lavender and use several times a day over the heart it will help with recent as well as old traumas.

Frankincense used as a chest rub will help eliminate catarrh and restore balance to the whole cardio-respiratory system. Apply to the chest as needed.

Frankincense is known for its ability to diminish scar tissue. Layer it with Lavender for its added cell regenerative properties. This is effective even for old scars. Apply liberally and rub into the scarred area several times a day.

Blends well with Lavender, Rose and Sandalwood.

Available in 10ml AromaStix

Jasmine Queen of the Night

JasmineJasminum grandiflorium; producing organ the flowers, extraction by solvent with separation by alcohol to produce an absolute, country of origin Egypt.

Caution: Jasmine should not be taken internally due to its solvent extraction.

In India the jasmine plant is called “queen of the night” or “moonlight in the garden.” This plant with blossoms the color of moonlight generously emits, especially at night, a magical fragrance that penetrates the deepest layers of our soul, opening the doors to our emotions.

When used as perfume and inhaled Jasmine can awaken innocence, sweetness and purity. Through the limbic region of the brain, Jasmine influences the emotional part of us. No other oil is able to so intensely change our mood. Lifting our mood it can bring euphoria to darkness. It is known to help with emotional blocks, coldness, fear, and paranoia particularly if caused by sexual abuse. Jasmine can help restore trust, allowing us to experience physical love.

Jasmine seems to increase the attractiveness of the person who is wearing it. Apply it as you would any perfume and enjoy the beauty it draws from deep within your being and radiates outward. Perfumes containing Jasmine have always sold very well. Undiluted this oil is almost too strong. The gentler the fragrance, the more effective this essential oil will be.

Jasmine has been used as a birthing oil as it is said to ‘warm the womb’ and facilitate the birth. Apply it to the lower back and on the uterus acupressure point on the feet during labor. It also aids in milk production and menstruation. It helps relieve back ache, simply roll on the painful area and gently massage it in. Use only the last two weeks before delivery.

Jasmine has been a favorite perfume oil since the beginning of perfumery. Its intense fragrance lingers on the skin and is enhanced by layering with Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang. When you want to create a perfume for the perfect romantic evening, Jasmine should be your first choice.

Available in 10ml AromaStix

Lavender The Divine Mother

Lavender, fine Lavandula angustifolia; producing organ flowering plant, extraction by steam distillation, country of origin France.

True Lavender, known as the “Divine Mother” is an exception emotional and spiritual essence. It may be the perfect oil because it is so astonishingly effective. Suitable for young children without reservation, provided it is absolutely pure and of certified origin.

Lavender essential oil is unmatched in its nurturing and balancing abilities within all the systems of the body. As a known antimicrobial, it can kill air-borne pathogens in the sinuses and respiratory airways. It is analgesic and disinfecting when applied to insect bites and stings, soothes muscle aches, relieves headaches, and stimulates the immune system. Apply over bites and stings as needed.

Lavender is a nerve tonic and antidepressant and can help to alleviate stress. Apply over the heart, solar plexus, back of the neck and shoulders, and inhale from a tissue when you feel your body becoming stressed. AromaStix are easy to carry with you and apply when needed.

True Lavender should be in every family medicine cabinet, and if one does not know which remedy to use, opting for this wonder of nature is almost an assurance of success.

Lavender is famous for its ability to treat minor burns and sun burns and to speed up the formation of scar tissue to wounds. Apply over minor burns that are not open wounds. If applied immediately it may help prevent blistering. Lavender may be layered with Frankincense to help diminish scars, very helpful for acne scarring.

Lavender is an incredible face oil having cell regenerative properties. Layer with Frankincense for wrinkles.

Lavender is a fragrance loved by many. It blends well with almost any other essential oil and supports and adds to the effectiveness of any oil it combines with. When you are feeling down, unloved, unappreciated or out of sorts in any way reach for your Lavender, fine the most nurturing of all single essential oils. Most effective when applied over the heart. For added benefit you may want to layer with Rose.

Lavender is often preferred by the elderly, being reminiscent of their childhood when Lavender was often used for perfume. Calming and nurturing it can be applied as perfume, over the heart, and used for back and shoulder massage.

Available in 10ml AromaStix

Neroli The Essence of Nobility

Neroil Cistus aurantium var, amara; producing organ the flowers, extraction by steam distillation, country of origin, Italy.

Anna Maria de la Termoille, Princess of Nerole, introduced orange blossom oil to Italian society in the 17th century. She loved the fragrance and used it everywhere – on her gloves, stationery, lace shawls, and ribbons, and in the bath, among many other places. The nobility soon followed her example, and it became fashionable to surround oneself with orange blossom scent. Orange blossom oil is still called Neroli in her honor.

Neroli is above all known for its skin rejuvenating and anti-aging properties. Since it is suitable for all skin types and is non-irritating, it may be used for acne and for sensitive and inflamed skin. Apply to the area of need. The essential oil is also beneficial for small broken blood vessels under the skin’s surface.

It supports the skin’s renewal process and is specific for scars, stretch marks and layers well with Frankincense and/or Lavender for added benefits.

Neroli is a primary essence for those suffering depression or anxiety. Apply to the wrists, over the heart and inhale from a tissue as needed. When a person is in shock, Neroli may be very helpful applied to the K1 Wellspring of Life acupressure point in the center of the sole of the foot. Roll on to the point and follow with Lavender, fine. Also may be inhaled from a tissue.

Neroli, an aphrodisiac, teaches us to like and care for our body.

It offers strength and courage that helps us see life’s beauty. It is very helpful for those with psychosomatic illness.

Neroli is beneficial for the heart, helping to regulate heart rhythm and to reduce cramp-like heart conditions. Rolling it across the wrists will stimulate the heart meridian and you may also apply over the heart. You may want to layer with Lavender for stress and Ylang Ylang if you are feeling angry or frustrated.

Available in 10ml AromaStix

Patchouli Fragrance of the Earth

PatchouliPogostemon cablin; producing organ the leaves, extraction by steam distillation, country of origin .

Patchouli is one of the most recognizable fragrances in the world. Extensively used in cosmetics as it is good for aging skin to help with wrinkles. A good anti-inflammatory, it works well for cracked and chapped skin, dermatitis, eczema (weeping), allergic and inflamed skin. Gently roll on the area of concern. It is also a fixative in soaps and perfumes, especially the oriental fragrance types.

Patchouli, recognized as a powerful aphrodisiac, is found in many perfumes. Its earthy fragrance helps with frigidity, nervous exhaustion and stress related conditions. Equally loved by men and women it is powerful when layered with Rose and Sandalwood.

Patchouli is known to have anti-toxin properties for poisonous insects and snake bites. Roll on the bite several times a day until you see results. (If you think you have been bitten by a poisonous insect or snake seek medical attention.) In Japan and Malaysia it is used as an antidote to poisonous snake bites.

India ink once contained Patchouli oil which helped to fix the color and make the ink dry quickly. To fix ink, add 5 drops of Patchouli to a bottle of good quality brown or violet ink. Use this scented oil to write your goals and intentions.

Available in 10ml AromaStix


Peppermint Mentha piperit; producing organ whole plant, Extraction by steam distillation, country of origin France.