World Language Curriculum

Communication (1-15)

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

1. Greets and responds to greetings. / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. learn appropriate titles for Mr., Mrs., Miss.
  2. greet others at different times of day.
  3. give an appropriate farewell.
  4. add basic courtesies to greetings (please, thank you).
  1. In pairs, students role play greeting younger
and older people of differing sexes at different times of the day.
2. Students write letters to parents or friends and prospective employers using correct saluations and closings.
Students use appropriate greetings in addressing shopkeepers and other merchants and act them out in role play.
Spanish II / Students will:
  1. learn appropriate greetings and farewells as used in formal and familiar situations.
  2. learn the appropriate greetings when
answering the telephone or making a phone
call. / In pairs, the students role play phone
conversations, one as answered in a
household, the other as in a place of
employment. 1. In pairs, the students role
play phone conversations, one as answered
in a household, the other as in a place of
Spanish III / Students will:
learn to use the appropriate greetings, salutations and farewells needed in the workplace. / 1. In directed dialogs, students greet customers, clients and patients, depending on the everyday situation.
2. Students role-play business/work situations involving introductions among colleagues.
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
1. continue to use appropriate greetings and farewells previously learned. / Given directed dialogs, students interview
characters from reading selections or
famous Hispanics.

Conversational Spanish (elective)


Students will:

  1. learn the appropriate salutations and farewells used in the work- place.
  2. learn the titles of address used with the public, “Mr., Mrs., Ms.”
learn the appropriate salutations when answering the phone. / The students view videos showing the proper
means of greeting customers, patients, clients.
The students will practice answering the phone
with pre-arranged phone calls made by members of
the local Hispanic community.
2. Introduce and respond to introductions. / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. Introduce themselves.
  2. Introduce each other.
/ 1. In pairs, students role play meeting new people
at school, at parties, in a mercado…
2. Students role play introductions of their family
to a friend at a large family gathering.
Spanish II / Students will:
  1. review the basic introductions, both in a
formal and familiar situation. / Based upon the situations studied in the
textbook, the students introduce to their
family and their teachers the various
Hispanic students profiled in the “notas

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

Spanish III / Students will:
1. learn to make formal introductions as needed in the workplace. / Students role play business/work situations
involving introductions among colleagues.
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
see Benchmark 1.

Conversational Spanish (elective)


Students will:

  1. learn appropriate phrases of introduction, such as, “Me gustaria presentarle,” responding with, “Encantado” or “Mucho gusto.”
/ The students will introduce a classmate to a native
3. Ask and answer questions. / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. ask each other and respond to each other’s
questions about (but not limited to)
d)language spoken
f)possessions and surroundings
j)activities (sports, hobbies)
k)school subjects, classroom objects
l)clothing, colors
  1. use appropriate question syntax using the inversion of noun or pronoun and the verb or questions without a stated subject.
  2. use appropriate punctuation (¿?).
  3. use qué, quién, cuándo, cómo, cuánto, por qué, dónde, adónde, de dónde, cuál, a qué hora, con quién(es).
5recognize gender and number and use
appropriate noun markers referring to
gender and number. / 1. Students interview each other before creating a
character sketch to share with the class.
2. Students play “20 questions” to determining
someone’s occupation.
3. Students role play a scene in a tienda de ____
asking appropiate information about quality
and cost of merchandise.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

Spanish II / Students will:
  1. ask one another information about what their colleagues’ interests and hobbies are, how they spend their free time/vacations, etc.
  2. respond to the questions as asked them by the teacher, reviewing the correct word order of the interrogative and declarative sentences, reviewing the interrogative words.
  3. review a “you” question with an “I/we” response.
/ 1. Working with a partner, using “question cards,” the students must ask the question phrased in English as printed on the card, but translated to Spanish in this oral communication activity.
2. Students listen to tapes which accompany the textbook, practicing listening and speaking
Spanish III / Students will:
  1. question and respond to one another’s questions related to
a.)personal and legal information
b.)physical description
d.)daily routines
e.)household duties
g.)restaurant dining
h.)clothes shopping, fashion
i.)weekend activities
j) vacations / 1. Students role-play a job application interview, filling out forms written in Spanish.
2. Students interview new patients in a
doctor’s office.
3. Students role-play a desk clerk in a hotel.
4. Students view excerpts from “telenovelas”, seeing and hearing authentic language in situations
which include introductions, questions and answers and requests.
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
  1. be able to respond to questions of comprehension based upon literary selections from text.
  2. be able to ask questions related to the
content within the selections. / Students develop comprehension questions of their own to question their colleagues.
These are used in the review of the material previously learned; questions and answers are done with a partner.

Conversational Spanish



Students will:

  1. learn the correct word order of an interrogative and declarative sentence.
2 learn the interrogative words.
  1. learn the question with “you” ( Ud., Uds.) as the subject, responding with “I, we” (yo, nosotros) as the answer.
  2. learn the correct word order of the negative
sentence. i.e. No necesito hablar con nadie. / 1. The students will practice typical questions used in
the workplace, in role play situations, with their colleagues. They will elicit appropriate responses
from their classmates.
2. Students will place a phone call to a native speaker
requesting information.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

4. Make and respond to requests. / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. ask to leave the classroom for specific purposes.
  2. ask to borrow items.
  3. ask for information from a tourist bureau in South or Central America.
  4. ask for information about clothing from a store or catalog.
  5. use appropriate responses to requests such as :
¡Claro!, Con mucho gusto, ¡Qué no!, Tal vez, !Cómo no!, Por supuesto, No es posible, ¿Por qué no? / 1. Students ask to go get a drink, go to their lockers in target language.
2. Students write to the department of tourism in a
South or Central American city.
Spanish II / Students will:
  1. review and expand the appropriate vocabulary used to make requests.
  2. construct sentences that employ the
conjugated verb of request followed by the
infinitive as a complement. / 1. Students receive a “directive” written on a piece of paper that requests them to carry out an activity,
incorporating new vocabulary. Their colleagues
must identify the activity as performed by
expressing it aloud.
Spanish III / Students will :
1. use commands to give directions and request information or “encourage” others to carry out their wishes, demands through the use of the subjunctive. / 1. Students develop ad campaigns for consumers to buy personal care products.
2. Students make lists of parents’ requests to do household chores.
3. Students view TV commercials, in Spanish,
utilizing commands and the subjunctive.
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
  1. review the imperative and subjunctive moods.
  2. learn the components of a formal/familiar letter written in Spanish.
/ Students write letters to the various embassies of the Hispanic nations requesting current information of the
individual countries. If e-mail addresses are available, communication will be done via the computer.

Conversational Spanish



Students will:

  1. learn the appropriate
wording of sentences using
the conditional tense, i.e.
Cuando le gustaria . . .? / Students create their own dialogs using expressions to respond to office/store customer situations.
5. Express likes, dislike and feelings. / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. appropriately use the expressions me encanta(n), me gusta(n), no me gusta(n), detesto and others.
  2. use idioms of tener to express feelings.
  3. use the expressions deseo, necesityo, quiero, prefiero.
  4. use appropriate interjections such as exacto, perfecto, estupendo, bueno, qué malo, qué lástima
  5. study stem changing verbs such as tener, querer, preferir. Use adjectives of feelings and emotions.
  6. Recognize when to use the verbs ser or estar when describing feelings and emotions.
/ 1. Students discuss their school schedule and
classes expressing likes and dislikes.
2. Students write about the seasons of the year
expressing their feelings about each season.
3. Students work in cooperative groups to plan
a menu that all are willing to each. Each
explains his/her preferences while trying to
build a balances meal.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

Spanish II / Students will:
  1. use interjections, such as “Que lata, lio, va,malo!”, etc., learning the construction of “Que + noun/adjective” to express an emotion.
  2. learn verbs of emotion, likes and dislikes, such as sentirse, alegrarse de, divertirse, enfadarse, enamorarse etc.
/ Students view “facial expression” cards
exhibiting an emotion. They will describe
the emotion viewed, in Spanish, utilizing
new expressions learned.
Spanish III / Students will:
  1. appropriately use the correct tenses and moods of the verb, gustar.
  2. use the subjunctive mood as the expressions of emotions will require its use (me alegro de que, ojala, lo siento que.)
  3. expand their knowledge of the expressions with tener used to express feelings (tener miedo, ganas de).
learn appropriate idioms expressing feelings (Que lastima, No vale la pena). / 1. Students make folders outlining the use of the subjunctive.
2. Students create, design greeting cards
pertinent to the season written in Spanish.
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
  1. voice their opinions of the themes of the reading selections and styles of literature.
/ Students write a critique of the literary piece
as if a columnist for a newspaper.

Conversational Spanish (elective)


Students will:

  1. learn the verbs gustar, encantar, sentir,
and querer including the appropriate pronouns associated. / 1. Using various foods from the Hispanic menu, in
unmarked containers, students taste and give an
2. Students view photos/pictures to express their
emotions of the situations.
6. Express needs / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. ask for help or clarification in class.
  2. use expressions such as necesito, no tengo, no comprendo, tengo un problema con, ¿Cómo se dice…?, ¿Qué quiere decir …?, ¿Cómo?.
/ 1. During role play in a convenience store
situation, students make requests for a specific item.
2. While creating a clay map of South America,
students predict materials and steps needed to complete the project.
3. While describing the seasons, students predict
the clothing needs for each.
Spanish II / Students will:
learn both the short-form and long-form possessives, associating the “needs” of the possessor with the correct possessive used. / Referring to pictorial sequences, the students
respond to what might be the needs of those
not pictured in the last frame.
Spanish III / Students will:
  1. request/provide assistance utilizing such phrases as En que puedo servirle/ayudarle?
/ 1. Students create and act out an emergency room situation or the scene of an accident.
2. Students develop dialogs as store clerk and
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
  1. review the “verbs of necessity,” expanding their knowledge base with additional vocabulary as presented before each
reading selection. / 1. Students develop lists of needs for:
a) a college dorm room
b) an apartment
c) packing a suitcase for a fictitious trip to . . .
d) a new car.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

Conversational Spanish (elective)


Students will:

  1. learn the verb necesitar in the various tenses used in everyday conversation.
  2. learn vocabulary of “needs” as related to the workplace (i.e. doctor’s office, gas station, grocery store, etc.).
/ Students view a sequence of events in the aforementioned workplace sites, responding orally
to the needs of the individuals seen in the situations.
  1. Express agreement and
disagreement / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. use expressions of agreement and dis-
agreement such as yo también, está bien, estoy de acuerdo, en mi opinión..
2. determine if statements are true or false / 1.Students discuss their favorite seasons giving
reasons for each choice and allowing others
in the class to react to those reasons.
2. Students read information about South
Spanish II / The students will:
  1. learn negative words (as compared and
contrasted with the affirmative
counterpart) and the construction of the
negative phrase/sentence, in Spanish. / Students write negative responses to
questions listened to in oral communication
Spanish III / Students will:
  1. be able to express their opinions in
structurally sound sentences incorporating
the use of the negative (No estoy de
acuerdo con nadie). / A debate of a current topic will be presented during class, each side having researched the subject to support their viewpoint.
Spanish IV/V / Students will:
  1. review such expressions of
agreement/disagreement within the context
of the selections read (i.e. “Tierra y
Libertad. Sentimientos y Pasiones, La
Mujer,” etc.). / Students prepare and debate controversial
issues taken from the reading material.

Conversational Spanish (elective)


Students will:

  1. learn expressions/”modismos” that relate
to agreement and disagreement, such as
no estoy de acuerdo, claro, por supuesto,
como no, etc. / Students will be given a “prompter” to which they must express a common “modismo” or expression.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

8. Give and follow directions. / Spanish I / Students will:
  1. create and execute commands for use in a classroom situation such as, levántense, siéntense , vayan, abran, cierren, coloreen,dibujen, borren, repitan, cuenten, muesten
  2. use and respond to commands when playing sports. Such commands include pasen, juegen den …
  3. use and following negative commands.
  4. add direct and indirect object pronouns to appropriate commands such as da me, muestra me, da me lo…
  5. read and understand signs and commands related to health and safety such as no fume, hale, empuje, pare, zona escolar, entrada, salida, peligro, despacio, no pase …
  6. create and follow sets of instructions to direct their peers to create or build something (particularly using vocabulary of geometric shapes, colors and adjectives of size.)
  7. give or follow directions using commands for verbs such as subir, bajar, entrar, salir, and prepositions an prepositional phrases such as arriba de, debajo de, enfrente de, detrás de, a lado de, a la izquierda de, a la derecha de, dentro de, afuera de, en, sobre, por encima de.
  8. form and use adverbs such as rapidamente, and lentamente
while giving commands. / 1. Students use total physical response (TPR)
commands to complete activities in the classroom.
2. Students use an inflatable ball in class and give
each other commands for using the ball.
3. Students follow sets of written directions
taking them from point A to point B around city maps which they have designed and/or around maps of a Spanish speaking city.
4. Students react appropriately to “city signs”
(stop, go with care, pull) displayed around the classroom or school.
5. Students prepare oral and written instructions,
read written instructions, and/or follow oral
instructions to draw bodies using current
vocabulary of body parts, geometric shapes, colors, locations and sizes.
Spanish II / Students will:
  1. review the vocabulary of geographic markings, such as:
a.) street, road, avenue
b.) the cardinal points.
  1. review the correct wording of addresses in Spanish.
  2. learn the “Favor de + inf.” as a construction used to give
directions. / From a “pool” of verb infinitives, a student
will read one selected to his/her colleague,
using the “Favor de . . ..” construction. The
colleague is to act out the “request” given.
Spanish III / Students will:
  1. learn the forms of the familiar and formal commands, affirmative and negative.
  2. learn the placement of the object pronouns
with these commands. / 1. Students draw pictures based upon the directions orally given.
2. Students write out the directions of a recipe, in Spanish.
3. Students must follow varied sets of directions, written in Spanish, to make their way around the school campus.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples

Spanish IV/V / Students will:
  1. see Benchmark 4 and
2. review sequential order. / 1. Students decide a “How to” activity which
they must convey to a fellow student to
carry out. The directions, in Spanish, are
given aloud to the colleague and the activity
is to be performed in front of the class.
2. Students translate a recipe written in
English to Spanish; the translation is sent to
a bilingual class in a neighboring town for
evaluation of translation skills.

Conversational Spanish (elective)


Students will:

  1. learn the appropriate imperative mood of the verbs to be used in giving directions.
  2. learn the vocabulary of buildings, geographic locations, etc. which will enable them to give directions to different places of business.
  3. learn “office” vocabulary to be used in filling out forms, making appointments, etc.
/ The map of a hospital is given to the students. One member of a team is given an office to be found in the building. He or she must give directions orally
to another member of the team to arrive at that
  1. Provide and obtain information and knowledge.
/ Spanish I / Students will:
  1. use the present tens of -ar, -er, and –ir, verbs in oral and written communication.
  2. use the persent tense of ser, estar, ir, caer, conocer, dar, hacer, poner, saber, salir, traer, ver and other irregular verbs in oral and written communication.
  3. use the present tense of the stem changing verbs (e to i, e to ie, o to ue, u to ue) in oral and written communication.
  4. use the near future ir + a + infinitive.
  5. begin to use the pretérito to express the past.
  6. use the appropriate articles: definite, indefinite, demonstrative an possessive, when referring to nouns.
  7. use correct forms of adjectives when describing nouns. Types of adjectives include the following:
  1. ending in -o (alto, bajo).
  2. not ending -o (fácil, increíble).
  3. adjectives of nationality.
  1. use correct placement of adjectives when describing nouns. Including:
  1. regular adjectives
  2. adjectives of qualtity: mucho, poco, mismo.
  1. use appropriate negative constructions such as no, ningún, nada, nunca, nadie, ni…ni.
  2. use appropriate question format (see Benchmark 3).
11. use correct forms of a and de. / 1. Students interview each other about sports
and leisure time activities. Each provides information about his/her favorite activities.
2. Students research an animal and tell about its
habitat, food, activities.
3. Students write letters to pen pals describing
their school and school subjects.
4. Students research a Spanish speaking
country. Students brainstorm what they know
about the country, questions they would like answered about the country, and then do research to determine the veracity of their original information and the answers to their questions.
5. Using the Internet, if possible, students
research a tradition or custom related to a holiday in a Spanish speaking country.

Benchmark Course Objectives Examples