“Yes, I was in this 400 strong audience, and as you can see at the end of the 4 days
we were celebrating our new found freedom. Why not you too?”

“If you look closely at this photo above,
I am in the audience. For 4 life-changing days
I was glued to my seat, madly writing down one money-making idea after another.
By the end of it I had the success blueprint to my own $100K a year internet business.
Wouldn’t you like the same? If so, here’s how
(in fact you have nothing to lose)…”


Dear Friend,

Please read EVERY word of this letter (if you’d like your own online business, it’s critical that you do)

If you've ever wanted an unfair advantage in making US$100,000in the next 12 months, then let me send you the full DVD recordings of 4 days that literally changed the direction of my financial life forever. And you risk NOTHING.

Put simply, I was given a virtual “license to print money” and so will you too when you discover the secrets I’m about to tell you.

When I walked out I was loaded to the gills with product creation ideas… search engine optimisation strategies … traffic generation tactics … website building secrets … copywriting techniques and more.

The best part? It was all made dead simple because the experts explained it in everyday English that even a child could understand. Meaning I could make money immediately.

I’ve been to many other seminars (and maybe you have too) – but THIS is the stuff no-one else tells you. And that’s why I’m even allowing you to get your hands on it.

Look at me - I’m now selling stuff online! Why not you too?

We were given so many strategies that it doesn’t matter how many people discover this program, there is still enough profits to be made by everyone.

There are literally TOO many niche markets to explore …. TOO many products than can be created and sold… and TOO much money being left on the table.

Let me make you a promise:


You can be a successful Internet entrepreneur
who lives the "Internet Dream", generating
$$$ at the flip of a switch, even while you sleep.

You won't even haveto give up your day job to create cash flow on auto-pilot. The simple software that is demonstrated in this program will do 80% of the work for you. By working SMART, you can start our own business from home without anyone else even knowing about it.

Wouldn’t it be great to one day leave your job because your part time online business is generating more cash than your full-time occupation? It happened to many of the experts featured in this program. And it may happen to you if you learn and apply the supercharged success secrets too.

It just makes sense because once you have the world's best experts on your TV there to teach you their secrets you too could …

Generate up to $34,000 in just 72 hours –
from scratch, with NO product and NO website
just like World Internet Summit has proven over and over with absolute beginners!

Simon - $32,130 in 72 HOURS
/ Steinar - $34,866 in 72 HOURS

Michael - $32,346 in 72 HOURS

/ …and Krissy - $28,340 in 72 HOURS

These absolute beginners were shown LIVE on stage how to build a business from scratch, then the organisers gave them the profits!

Imagine... being able to generate money like this online,
at the touch of a button.

Imagine that you have a system that allows you to operate your business from virtually anywhere in the world.

Imagine a system that automates your business so you can walk away, go on a vacation or business trip... and money rolls in even while you're gone.

Is it possible? You bet it is. And I found out how to do it personally.

You can do it too - even if you're clueless about computers and technology.

Now it's your turn to experience the
complete DVD recordings that will
expand your mind … and your bank account.

Imagine knowing exactly the direction you are going to go in. And knowing how you’re going to do it.

Even knowing how much money you’re going to make. Imagine having the guidance of the world’s best experts on tap so that you can watch their presentations over and over again. So that YOU know exactly why and how it’s going to work.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Imagine... 17 DVDs that give youthat boost of power you need for your own online business.

But first, what is World Internet Summit
and who is behind it?

World Internet Summit was the first event to bring the world's best internet experts TO the masses. Having appeared in 14 different countries this was their 25th training event.

Its creators, Tom Hua and Brett McFall are 2 of the most successful internet marketers online today. In fact, here's a brief introduction of who they are...

A product-creation expert, Tom Hua moved from China to Australia with just $100 to his name. Yet inside just a few short years Tom was able to use the internet to become a self-made multi-millionaire.

Before most of the renowned experts today had even worked out how to make $1 online, Tom created the ebook reseller web site model of which his is still the biggest of its kind today. One of the true pioneers in the internet marketing industry, a search for Tom Hua's name on Google, now brings up over 1,000,000 websites.

His amazing global internet businesses generate over $1.8 million per year. And every week via his e-newsletter he shares his unique strategies, proven by his own hands-on experience, for building personal wealth by leveraging the power of the Internet.

A marketing expert from Australia, Brett McFall has written over 10,000 sales messages in the past 18 years for 153 different industries. He's an expert in making your website sell ... no matter what product or service, and will show you some of his most profitable techniques that you can use right away. Techniques that he's used to make $30,000 in a single weekend... $65,000 in 3 weeks ... and over $1,000,000 in 3 months.

Brett went from being Australia's highest paid copywriter ($25,000 for a simply written letter) to the LOWEST. Why? Because he no longer consults, deciding instead to focus on his internet businesses (which make money on auto-pilot) and teaching others how to do it LIVE.

Online since 2002, his own personal websites sell everything from e-books to software, and make over $500,000 a year on virtual auto-pilot, while he surfs, travels the world and lives the life of his dreams. Along with Tom, he’s the co-creator of the world’s biggest internet business event, World Internet Summit – taking it from zero to a multi-million dollar company in just 2 short years.

World Internet Summit has become famous for revealing everything you need to know about starting an online business. What’s make it different from any other event?

They use a step by step method that makes it easy to follow, WITHOUT overloading you.

They do this by only inviting the world’s BEST experts in internet marketing to reveal how they do what they do. Only people who are actually making money online full time. Only people who were once where perhaps you are now.

So who revealed their secrets at this event? Only the best hand-picked internet experts from around the world!

Armand Morin (USA) The Product Creation Expert

If you’ve been on the Internet at all over the past 10 years, you have seen Armand Morin whether you knew it or not.

Either by seeing the end result of one of his many products, one of his student’s websites, or by simply seeing his name on hundreds of thousands of websites all over the Internet.

Armand Morin is one of the most well known Internet Marketers in the world today. Having started online in 1996, his personal online businesses alone have generated over $25,000,000 in revenue since then. This doesn’t include the millions of dollars his students have produced from his teachings.

Armand has taught tens of thousands of people his amazingly unique and proprietary Internet business building principles and strategies which work without fail for every single business who has implemented them.

Armand has helped thousands of people from all walks of life to increase and enhance their online businesses through automation with his highly acclaimed “Generator” brand of software which is used by tens of thousands of people in 101 different countries.

Adam Ginsberg (USA) - The eBay Guy

In 2001 Adam began selling on eBay. In under one year he became the U.S #1 seller in the Sports Category and was named the #1 new seller on eBay in 2002. Adam's commitment to success on eBay is demonstrated by his outstanding (98%+) feedback satisfaction score and his Titanium Power Seller Status, eBay's highest level.

He has established several successful stores on eBay and he has personally sold over £10,000,000 on eBay in the last three years. Not just a "technology marketing wizard" Adam is an exceptional speaker and trainer. He presents practical step-by-step formulas which are easy to follow and implement and his casual yet informative style draws significantly from his own inspirational success story.

Adam has been featured in Entrepreneur and Fortune Magazines. He has also been interviewed and been seen on CNBC with David Faber and ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. Most Recently Adam has been featured on NBC- The Today Show.

Ewen Chia (Singapore) - The Affiliate Guy

Ewen Chia is widely regarded as the “World’s #1 Super Affiliateand his name is synonymous with Affiliate Marketing.

If there’s just ONE person who can teach you how to make a fortune online from other people’s products without a website, product or list - it’s Ewen Chia.

As a well-known and highly-respected Internet Marketing guru, Ewen has also recently generated an obscene US$1.497 MILLION in just 48 hours all from free traffic.

He is known as the ‘Secret Weapon’ of every Internet Marketing guru out there because of his uncanny ability to take on the coveted #1 reseller spot in every major marketing rollout.

Ewen has taught thousands of people how to live the ‘Internet Lifestyle’,quit their day jobs and achieve financial freedom online, and he can teach YOU to do thesame quickly and easily.

During his BRAND NEW presentation at the World Internet Summit, Ewen will teach you his proprietary super affiliate system that will allow you to generate HUGE affiliate cash windfalls at a push of a button, simply by giving away FREE products available everywhere.

Shaune Clarke (Canada) - The Interview Guy

Shaune Clarke is a talk show host turned marketing consultant who says…

“Interviewing Is The Triple-Threat of Internet Marketing... Product Development -- Sales Copy -- Marketing ... All-In-One!”

Shaune will show you how you can use the power of "intimate interviews"toquickly create…

Expert Status In Any Field

A Surge of FREE Traffic

Unstoppable Marketing BUZZ

Emotion-Rich Sales Copy

In-Demand, High-Margin, Products

Instant Credibility With Joint Venture Partners

Rick Raddatz (USA) - The Software Solution Guy

Have you read those stories about entrepreneurs who make millions... only toLOSE EVERYTHING... and then make it right back?How do they do that?You're about to find out.

Rick Raddatz was a multi-millionaire at age 28. But by age 32 (many people don't know this) he had LOST EVERYTHING in a single year through thePERFECT FINANCIAL STORMof a divorce,the tech-stock crash, and a $200,000 tax error (not in his favor). Rick found himself not only broke - but over $100,000 in debt.

Now at age 38, he has a thriving internet company, a networth over $10 Million,anda million-dollar vacation home in Breckenridge Colorado where he now spends most of his time.

How did he do all this? He did it just like youcan -- he started his comeback in his basement, with an idea, and the guts to buy a ticket to an internet marketing seminar on his last credit card.

Hear Rick's inspirational story at World Internet Summit to learn what he knows about closing sales via the web using the power of audio and video.

You'll discover how Rick buildsopt-in forms that net 35% to 52% opt-in rateswith ease, and how you can do it too.Rick knows how to TRIPLE your conversion with audio and video.

Mike Stewart (USA) - The Audio & Video Guy

Video is so hot right now. Finally, it's time has arrived on the internet. And one of the people who is at the forefront of this technology is Mike Stewart.

Using audio and video together on your website is a powerful combination. So Mike will teach you how easy it is to put audio on your pages.

Then he's going to reveal the absolute latest technology for using video on your websites - including how simple it can be to put video on your site ... the latest craze, "video blogging" and how to do it ... plus "vodcasting."

Do you know that you can create your own website "infomercials?" Those are those ads that you currently see on late night TV - and which bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales every week. Mike shows you how.

Also the 6 Primary Money-Making "Blueprints" for online videos(what's working online RIGHT NOW to make money for people who are NOT Steven Spielberg! It's not about your technical skills, it's about simple steps of communicating with an eager audience online!) And tons more.This is the edge you've been looking for.

Alan Forrest Smith (UK) - The Sales Maximiser

Alan creates powerful marketing and advertising for his many clients around the world. In fact he’s famous for writing super-effective sales or advertising materials no matter what you sell.

Alan regularly takes poor selling sites and within 7 days turns them into money making machines.

In fact, one recent campaign made over ?3,000 in just 7 days. Other clients have made increases in sales of 2,300% virtually overnight.

These sorts of results have made famous in USA, Australia, Asia and here in the UK. You literally will sit on the edge of your seat as Alan reveals the secret tools for taking bad sites and making them profitable

What ever it takes to get the results, online, offline or fusion marketing... Alan knows how to do it.

Tim Brocklehurst (UK) - The Rapid List-Building Guy

Tim Brocklehurst was running successful viral marketing campaigns offline before the term was even coined on the Internet.
With a background in creative advertising, software development and magazine publishing, Tim hit the ground running as an Internet Marketer in late 2005. Then he quickly earned recognition for his speed in building niche lists and growing online businesses fast.
His area of speciality is viral marketing. His work in this field has uncovered an extra dimension to the viral factor. This explains the speed with which he has been able to grow lists and businesses. Tim will reveal how to build a massive list of 5,000 people in no time flat.

Tim will reveal how everyone can develop an upward spiral of signups and sales growing exponentially and endlessly with "viral spiral marketing".

And yes, this time last year Tim was an attendee at World Internet Summit, so you'll want to discover how he was able to succeed so fast.

Tracy Repchuk (Canada) - The Newbie's Coach

The great thing about Tracy is that she too was once in the audience of World Internet Summit. She simply applied what she learnt … used her own initiative …and achieved success so quickly that it caught everyone by surprise.

She is now an award-winning writer, bestselling author of "31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles," and was nominated for awards such as Canadian Entrepreneur of the Year, and Chamber of Commerce Business Woman of the Year, and has become recognized as a "Quantum Leap Specialist."

Tracy teaches you internet marketing and mindset techniques that get you what you want, FAST.

How fast? Well her entry into internet marketing started in September 2006. Within her first 5 months she’d earned over $95,717, won “Internet Marketing Success Of The Year,” and became an international speaker, copywriter, coach and mentor.

With her compassion for ‘newbies,’ she guidesthem along her proven path to direct internet marketing profits, adds a dash of joint venture, and creates multiple streams of income from a formula you can duplicate for every idea you have.

Tracy will reveal:

  • How to find your niche - turning passion into profits
  • Deadly website combinations that make money
  • How to build your list usingyour story
  • Rapid product creation in 5 easy steps
  • How to create a traffic hurricane to your site
  • Proven joint venture basics

Maximizing your marketing funnel and more (all with proven examples of exactly how she does it)