Minutes – 29thOctober 2014, 8:15pm
Attendees : Angus Kay, Kirsty Stoddart, Pam Williams, Norma Bone, Iain Morrice, Moira Nicol, John Smith, Murray Peebles, Elaine Sandeman, Colin Davidson, Gavin Orr, Ann Laidlaw, Jonathan Page, Gillian Page, Col Barber, Anne Douglas, Rhoda Ross
Apologies :Nicky Freedman, Lorna Broadhurst, Craig Stewart, Frances Turnbull, Frank Tooley, Janis Brown, Pat Hampton, Darren Cavaroli,
1 / Club Status / Action
Not much progress, having difficulty contacting voluntary lawyer for advice on what “best practice” would be. Once we have that then will discuss with Harmeny AC as whole club would need to change status, not just HPR. / Kirsty
2 / Finance update
A summary of the current financial position, and recent income and expenditure was given. If anyone wantsto know the figures please contact Lorna.
3 / Friday Morning Runs
One of the runners who has regularly attended Friday runs only felt they didn’t need to join the club. It was clarified that the Friday runs are “club runs” in the same way that Wednesday or Sunday runs are. Kirsty to email the runner to clarify the situation and explain benefits of club membership. Whilst we physically can’t prevent anyone from running along with us, it is not fair on the others who do pay if we don’t say anything. / Kirsty
4 / 7R Race - Update
All planning going well, items for goodybags currently being collected ( shortbread, Tunnocks, porridge, etc ) 7R Calendar - preview was shown, very positive feedback, and is currently at the printers.
Norma was asked to send out email asking for definite commitment from volunteers
This year’s charities are : McMillan Nurses, Pentland Rangers, and a charity to be chosen by Catherine Barr ( the owner of Harlaw Farm who give us access for carpark & registration )
Suggestion that we buy 30 quality hi-viz marshal vests, as current ones are not very good. / Norma
5 / London Marathon Club Places
5 people applied for club places, we have not yet had confirmation of places, but are assuming 3 :
1st Ann Laidlaw, 2nd Frances Turnbull, 3rd Colin Davidson. Reserve : Nicky Freedman
6 / Thursday Track Session at Saughton
Craig has negotiated a group entry fee with Edinburgh Leisure which the club will pay, and adults will pay Craig £2 a session – this is a trial until end of the year. Excellent attendance at first session, people encouraged to attend if they want this to continue into 2015.
7 / Runners Strength & Conditioning Gym Class
Craig and Gail investigating setting up a weekly gym class for members. Craig is in talks with a local coach who may be able to run this and has access to a hall. He is also speaking with a Scot Athletics strength and conditioning coach to ensure that the course content would be suitable.
Aiming to start this in 2015, would probably be on a Tuesday evening.
Once we have proposed costs for coach and hire of hall, then club will look to see if they could subsidise some of this, but at the moment costs are unknown. / Craig
8 / Wednesday Run Rota
This was again discussed and overall consensus was that it had been a success, and should continue next year. Current rota runs until end of 2014, so a new rota will be required for 2015. This will be taken to next Committee meeting for action / Angus
9 / JogScotland Course
We have had some enquiries if a new course would be starting soon. Felt it was now too late in the year, so would look to start one around Feb 2015, which might capture some of those with New Year resolutions ! Email to be sent to all qualified jogscotland leaders to see if there are any volunteers to run a course.
Also discussed why we have such a poor conversion from js course to full time club members – survey to be written and sent to previous course participants. / Norma
10 / Club Newsletter
Craig’s first newsletter was very well received, especially by those who are not on Facebook. Next one is planned for January 2015, so could all members please consider if they could write a short article that would be of interest to others. / Craig
11 / HPR Committee for 2014/15
Chairman – no-one has volunteered for this position. Kirsty has kindly agreed to continue in an interim role and we will look again for a volunteer in early 2015
Secretary – Angus Kay ( proposed by Ann Laidlaw, seconded by Norma Bone )
Treasurer – Lorna Broadhurst ( previously elected by HAC )
Membership – Norma Bone ( previously elected by HAC )
HAC Liaison – Craig Stewart ( previously elected by HAC )
PT Liaison – Nicky Freedman ( previously elected by PT )
Members – Darren Cavaroli, Iain Morrice, Moira Nicol, Murray Peebles ( all nominated by Norma Bone, seconded by Col Barber)
13 / AOB
  1. Pam asked whether any profit from Rigg Race went o charity. As 50% already goes to Balerno Children’s Gala then we have always retained the remainder in club funds.
  2. It was confirmed by Norma that the annual ceilidh would again be held late January 2015
  3. Carnethy are planning to run an ultra 6 stage relay race for invited clubs only, along the full length of the Fife Coastal Path ( 117 miles ), in Oct 2015. We are likely to get an invite, but no further details at the moment
  4. Norma asked for someone to store a box of assorted medals/trophies – Ann kindly volunteered
  5. Trophy Engraving – the trophies have not had the 2014 winners engraved yet, Angus will get them done along with the 2015 winners in early January, in advance of the ceilidh
  6. Iain will again be organising the annual 2nd January run
  7. We should get an invite to Carnethy’s ESKapade run along the length of the river Esk ( from Musselbugh to Carlops ) over the festive season. Iain will pass on details later, and although this is approx 25 miles, you can just do shorter sections if you want.
/ Angus