Log on right away; click on Shared drive; click on Student Work; click on Jaskowiak; click on Assignments; click on SEMESTER ONE MIDTERM TEST REVIEW; open the PowerPoint; answer the questions on the sheet (the slide numbers show you where to find the information to answer each question)


#1: Describe several changes that occurred because of the Neolithic Revolution. (SLIDE 3) ______

#2: What was it about the geography of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China that affected their development into civilizations? (SLIDE 4) ______#3: What was the form of writing developed by the Egyptians? (SLIDE 5) ______

#4: What were some achievements in technology developed by the Egyptians? (SLIDE 6) ______

#5: What are the followers of Siddharta Gautama called? (SLIDE 7) ______

#6: What do they believe they can achieve by following the Eight-Fold Path? (SLIDE 7) ______

#7: How do Chinese rulers justify their rule? (SLIDE 8) ______

#8: How is the overthrow of Chinese rulers justified? (SLIDE 9) ______

#9: What are India’s technological contributions? (SLIDE 10) ______

#10: The Sumerians developed the first form of writing. Where did Sumerians live and what was the name of this writing? (SLIDE 11) ______

#11: Give a thorough description of Hammurabi’s Code. (SLIDE 12) ______

#12: What was the philosophy of Confucius called and what was it based on? (SLIDE 13) ______

#13: When people wanted to become government workers in China, they had to pass a civil service exam. What was the exam based on? (SLIDE 14) ______

#14: What were two beliefs that Buddhists and Hindus shared? (SLIDE 15) ______

#15: What were two Hindu beliefs that Buddhists rejected? (SLIDE 15) ______

#16: What was a way the Persians kept the people they conquered content and less likely to rebel? (SLIDE 16) ______

#17: What was a way the Persians promoted trade in their empire? (SLIDE 17) ______

#18: What were the rules and guidelines followed by Jews? (SLIDE 18) ______

#19: What did the Phoenicians develop and who was influenced by it? (SLIDE 19) ______

#20: List the accomplishments if India’s Gupta Empire. (SLIDE 20) ______

#21: What was the effect of Greece’s geography on its development? (SLIDE 21) ______

#22: What was the system of government invented by Athens and what later culture was influenced by it? (SLIDE 22) ______

#23: What body of water was Rome located around, and what did Rome’s location do for its development? (SLIDE 23) ______

#24: What is “cultural diffusion”? (SLIDE 23) ______

#25: What were two ways that Sparta’s culture was different from the culture of Athens? (SLIDE 24) ______

#26: What was the greatest legacy of Alexander the Great? (SLIDE 25) ______

#27: Name the ways Greek and Roman culture affected modern Western Civilization (which Americans live in today). (SLIDE 26) ______

#28: What was the major way religion changed in Rome? (SLIDE 27) ______

#29: What were some of the most important contributions of Greece? (SLIDE 28) ______

#30: “Pax Romana” means “Roman Peace”. What was it? (SLIDE 29) ______

#31: What is a belief shared by Jews, Christians, and Muslims? (SLIDE 30) ______

#32: Give a thorough description of the First Stage and Third Stage of the Roman Empire’s decline. (SLIDE 31) ______

#33: How did the death of Julius Caesar change the Roman Republic? (SLIDE 32) ______

#34: What is the “shahadah”, the Muslims’ main statement of belief? (SLIDE 33) ______

#35: Describe the Fourth Pillar of Islam. (SLIDE 34) ______

#36: Describe the Fifth Pillar of Islam (SLIDE 35) ______

#37: What was the main issue that led to the split of Muslims into the Shi’a and Sunni groups? (SLIDE 36) ______

#38: What is the name of the law that Muslims obey? (SLIDE 37) ______

#39: What are some behaviors that this law encourages and forbids? (SLIDE 37) ______

#40: How was Islam introduced to East Africa? (SLIDE 38) ______

#41: Why did Muslims consider Jews and Christians to be “People of the Book”? (SLIDE 39) ______

#42: Who is the Muslim who traveled over 73,000 miles in his lifetime journeying to the various parts of the Islamic Empire and beyond? (SLIDE 40) ______

#43: What is Islam’s holiest city? (SLIDE 41) ______

#44: What is the Ka’aba? (SLIDE 41) ______

#45: What are Muslim accomplishments in the field of medicine? (SLIDE 42) ______

#46: What are Muslim accomplishments in mathematics? (SLIDE 43) ______

#47: As a result of the pilgrimage (hajj) made by Mali’s king, Mansa Musa, to Mecca, what happened with Timbuktu and West Africa? (SLIDE 44) ______

#48: What is syncretism? (SLIDE 45) ______

#49: What is an example of syncretism in Africa? (SLIDE 45) ______

#50: What is the climate of Arabia and what effect did it have on Arabians? (SLIDE 46) ______

#51: How are the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments similar? (SLIDES 47 & 48) ______

#52: What shaped the societies of North and West Africa? (SLIDE 49) ______

#53: How did the Byzantine Empire begin? (SLIDE 50) ______

#54: When Emperor Justinian took control of the Byzantine Empire, what did he do with the former Roman territory in Western Europe? (SLIDE 51) ______

#55: What was the Justinian Code? (SLIDE 52) ______

#56: How did the Byzantine Empire influence Russia in terms of religion? (SLIDE 53) ______

#57: What were the things the Western Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church agreed with each other on? (SLIDE 54) ______

#58: What is the greatest work of architecture from the Byzantine Empire? (SLIDE 55) ______

#59: What was an important thing that the Byzantine Empire kept alive? (SLIDE 56) ______

#60: How did geography affect the Byzantine capital city of Constantinople? (SLIDE 57) ______

#61: Give a thorough description of feudalism and how the system worked. (SLIDE 58) ______

#62: The Crusades had the effect of creating cultural diffusion between the European Crusaders and the Muslims they attacked. What were some of the new things introduced to Europe? (SLIDE 59) ______

#63: What was the role that the Catholic Church provided in Europe? (SLIDES 60 & 61) ______

#64: What were manors? How did the manorial system work? (SLIDE 62) ______

#65: What did knights receive from the lords in return for their military service? (SLIDE 63) ______