World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 8/20 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will identify the location of the resources utilized in their textbook through a textbook “scavenger hunt.” / Teacher modeled 1-8 on Friday, students will finish and check 9-25 today and place it in their folder. / Formal: 25 pt as part of folder grade. Also syllabus and notebook due (checked tomorrow). / Worksheet/TextbookTuesday / Students will review geographical terms and identify absolute and relative locations of places on a map. / Teacher Lecture (notes of terms on PP). On board discussion/modeling of objective (absolute/relative). / Eastern Hemisphere Worksheet (formal). / Projector/PowerPoint
Wednesday / Students will identify the five major world religions and define polytheism and monotheism. / Teacher led discussion of comparing mono/poly and world conflicts. / Charting Religious Characteristics (formal) / Text copies from Cross Cultural Connections.
Chart Worksheet
Thursday / Students will place the five major world religions in chronological order and locate their origin on a map. / Lecture (powerpoint) notes. / World Religions map and timeline. (Review geographical terms using special purpose map).
Formal / Religions map and timeline. Powerpoint/Projector.
Friday / Students will test over the location (relative/absolute) of origins of major world religions and identify the unique characteristics of those world religions. / Test/Reflection / Formal Test / Test
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 8/27 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will identify the origins of civilizations around the four major river valleys on a map (absolute and relative). / Teacher led discussion and review of geographical locations. Student centered following on map. / Formal, map check at end of class. / LCD, textbooks (chapter 1), and map worksheet.Tuesday / Students will describe and chart the characteristics unique of each of the three stone ages and explain how each mark human progress towards civilization. / Teacher led discussion through lecture and notes over prehistory and the three stone ages (greek origins, etc). Followed by collaborative learning in groups web charting the stone ages. / Informal (end of class reflection of charts) / whiteboard, LCD and powerpoint, textbooks chapter 1, and student notebooks.
Wednesday / Students will identify the five characteristics that must be present to form a civilization and explain how each is represented in the river valleys. / SSR (guided reading) that is student centered following discussion of prehistory terms on the board. / Formal, from true false and critical thinking questions on SSR. / textbooks chapter 1 and SSR worksheet.
Thursday / Students will review the major terms and characteristics of prehistory / Collaborative work on jeopardy sheets, then teacher led board races for review / Informal, assess the students knowledge on board races. / jeopardy sheets, white board....FOLDERS DUE
Friday / Students will take a test over the objectives of the week. / Test following 5 minutes to prepare. / Formal: Test / Test, Answer Sheet.
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 9/4 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
MondayTuesday / Students will identify the absolute and relative location of Egypt and the characteristics of the Upper and Lower Nile. / Review test from Friday, ...then Teacher Led discussion (LCD/whiteboard) over Egypt geography.. / Formal: Mapping Worksheet. / Projector, Whiteboard, Mapping Worksheet, Textbook Chapter 2.
Wednesday / Students will describe the major events/achievements occurring in the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt. / Group Discussion on Board of Prior Knowledge of Egypt. Followed by guided reading (student centered). / Formal: SSR Worksheet (Vocab, Critical Thinking, True/False). / Projector, Text Handout (30 copies), Whiteboard and SSR sheet.
Thursday / Students will discuss how the Ancient Egyptian's kingdom fell due to political instability. / Lecture/Notes. / Informal: Notes, discussion during lecture. / Projector, Note Slides, student notebooks.
Friday / Students will review the weeks objectives over the achievements, events , and leaders of Ancient Egypt through developing questions and answers. / Cooperative: Student jeopardy sheets in groups. Developing questions and answers. / Formal: Jeopady Sheets: 10/10 Q and A. / Jeopardy Sheets, Textbooks, Handouts and Notes. All resources of the week for review.
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 9/10 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will review the quiz over Egypt and then locate the ancient kingdoms of Africa on a map and identify their physical characteristics. / Review short quiz from Friday, followed by teacher led discussion over the physical geography of Africa (Sahara, sub, savannas, tropical, etc). / Formal: Mapping Worksheet (Part II of Unit).Check at end of class. / Projector, Whiteboard, Mapping Worksheet,Text handout and Book page 149..Tuesday / Students will summarize the development of cultural diffusion and identify the economic and cultural characteristics in the Eastern African kingdoms of Kush and Axum, Western Africa, and the Swahili states. / Cooperative: 6 groups- Mali, Songhai, Ghana, Axum, Kush, Swahili
Each group will write a summary, and put that summary into an organizational chart of characteristics to discuss/exchange with the rest of the class. / Informal: Discuss with class as they present and exchange and monitor the material before it is finalized to class. Model good summaries and charts prior group work. / Text handouts, student notebooks, textbooks (chapter 8), and whiteboard.
Wednesday / Students will discuss the major events, leaders, and different cultures of the 6 Ancient African kingdoms. / Teacher Led Lecture (guided notes)
* Time set aside for finishing organizational chart presentations at beginning if needed. / Informal: Notes / Projector, Power Point Lecture. Student notebooks and guided notes.
Thursday / Students will review ALL the major themes of Ancient Africa including Egypt from last week.
FOLDERS DUE****** / Cooperative: Jeopardy Review Sheets/Board Races with time remaining. *Model good questions, no dates. / Formal: Review Sheet
Informal: Board Races / Jeopardy Sheets, all materials in Folder. Whiteboard for races.
Friday / Students will test over all objectives of Ancient Africa. / Test Instructions / Formal: Unit Test / Ancient Africa Test
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
MESOPOTAMIA- Week 1 of 2
Week of 9/17 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will identify the absolute and relative locations of the first civilizations of the world on a map of the “Fertile Crescent.” / Review Test from Friday (Ancient Africa). Transition to “Mesopotamia” unit with teacher led discussion on geography and peoples of the area known as “The Birthplace of Civilization.” / Formal: Mapping Worksheet with Absolute Review / Projector, Whiteboard, PP lecture on Mesopotamia Geography, colored pencils.Tuesday / Students will describe the advancements in writing, architecture, and transportation made by humans of the world’s first civilization; the Sumerians. / Teacher Lecture/Notes first 20 minutes (break notes into sections throughout this unit). Then SSR (Silent Sustained Reading Activity) with guided reading sheet. / Informal: Notes
Formal: SSR Worksheet / Projector, PP Lecture on Sumerians/Mesopotamia, SSR Worksheets and selected Guided Reading from Text.
Wednesday / Students will explain how the first written laws shaped future laws and structure of government (Hammurabi’s Code). / Cooperative: Following in class reading/lecture over Babylonians, students will be divided in groups of two and assigned 50 of the 282 codes of Hammurabi to analyze and compare to later and modern cultures. Teacher must explain ancient terms of currency and amounts. / Informal: The students will have a worksheet guiding and organizing their translations and comparison (in addition to fair/unfair). After small group discussion, we will ….(see next day) / Hammurabi’s Code packets and teacher made worksheet to guide on codes.
Thursday / Students will explain how the first written laws shaped future laws and structure of government (Hammurabi’s Code). **This is a two day lesson continued from Wednesday. / Cooperative Wrap up of Hammurabi’s Code (10 minutes). Then to class presentations…led by teacher/class questions and discussion of comparisons/fair/unfair. / Informal: Have full class discussion and presentations of each groups chosen laws (this way all students can see a variety of the 282 codes). Informal: Notes / Guided worksheets from previous day and Hammurabi packets of codes.
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
MESOPOTAMIA- Week 2 of 2
Week of 9/24 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will explain how the first written laws shaped future laws and structure of government (Hammurabi’s Code). / Cooperative: Following in class reading/lecture over Babylonians, students will be divided in groups of two and assigned 50 of the 282 codes of Hammurabi to analyze and compare to later and modern cultures. Teacher must explain ancient terms of currency and amounts. / Informal: The students will have a worksheet guiding and organizing their translations and comparison (in addition to fair/unfair). After small group discussion, we will ….(see next day) / Hammurabi’s Code packets and teacher made worksheet to guide on codes.Tuesday / Students will explain how the first written laws shaped future laws and structure of government (Hammurabi’s Code). **This is a two day lesson continued from Wednesday. / Cooperative Wrap up of Hammurabi’s Code (10 minutes). Then to class presentations…led by teacher/class questions and discussion of comparisons/fair/unfair. / Informal: Have full class discussion and presentations of each groups chosen laws (this way all students can see a variety of the 282 codes). Informal: Notes / Guided worksheets from previous day and Hammurabi packets of codes.
Wednesday / Video over Achievements of Mesopotamia (Testing all Sophomores that day). / ***Sophomores taking the PLAN Test today. / *** / ***
Thursday / Students will discuss the achievements of the coastal regions of Ancient Southwest Asia. / Notes/Teacher Lecture followed by the Rising and Falling Action chart of Mesopotamia. Teacher will model “Rising/Falling” chart based off of English concepts. / Informal: Notes (non-guided).
Formal: Rising and Falling Action Charts / Power Point Lecture over Mesopotamia
Rising/Falling Charts
Textbook/Reading Packet
Friday / Students will review the objectives of Ancient Mesopotamia for their Test on Monday. / Continue Rising/Falling Chart and Go over as a Class for review. / ***Folder Due
Formal: Completed Chart / Rising/Falling Charts
Textbook/Reading Packet
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 10/2 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will test over the objectives from the Ancient Mesopotamia Unit. / 5-10 Minute Study, followed by Test. / Formal: Unit Test / Test, Answer Sheet.Tuesday / Students will identify the absolute and relative locations of ancient cities and rivers of India. / Teacher Led Discussion, Short Notes and description of Geography of Indus River Valley. Followed by Mapping Skills Worksheet. / Formal: Mapping Indus River Valley Worksheet. / Projector, Power Point Lecture. Student notebooks, textbooks and mapping worksheet (India).
Wednesday / Students will explain how Aryan migration affected the ancient India civilizations and led to cultural diffusion. / Silent Sustained Reading after teacher led reading from text introducing the first civilizations of India (Mohenjo Daro). / Formal: SSR Guided Reading Sheets beginning on page 55 with “The Arrival of the Aryans.” / SSR Sheets, Textbooks page 53 (Chapter 3).
Thursday / Students will identify the major contributions of the Indo-Aryans to ancient Indian society. / Teacher Led Discussion of Review (terms on chart). Then begin lecture/notes; finished with follow up questions. / Formal: Questions from Notes/Text. / SSR sheets from TUESDAY to Review, Power Point, Lecture, Notes.
Friday / Students will explain the importance of religion in ancient Indian society and describe the basic beliefs and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. / Teacher Lecture/Notes. Questions during notes (approx every 3 slides). Followed by group charting of differences between religions. / Informal: Charting/Questions during Notes. / Notes, Power Point, Textbooks chapter 3 and 7.
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 10/8 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will explain the importance of religion in ancient Indian society and describe the basic beliefs and differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. / Teacher Lecture/Notes. Questions during notes (approx every 3 slides). Followed by group charting of differences between religions. / Informal: Charting/Questions during Notes. / Notes, Power Point, Textbooks chapter 3 and 7.Tuesday / Students will discuss the rise and the fall of the two major Indian Empires (Mauryan and Gupta). / Guided Notes: Lecture. Followed by beginning of the year's first “Booklet” Activity. / Formal: Booklet Activity of Indian Characterstics (Quiz Prep) / Projector, Power Point Lecture. Computer Paper, colored pencils for booklet.
Wednesday / Students will exchange booklets to review major people, places and events of India, specifically empires.
**Jeopardy Alternate for Review. / Booklet Exchange: Answering 2 opposing booklet questions developed by another student. / Formal: Booklet and Answer Sheet stapled together as part of folder completion. / Resources for booklet (above). One blank notesheet for answering. Booklet in front of room for exchange.
Thursday / Students will take a quiz over the objectives thus far of SE Asia (India). / Short review, followed by Quiz. End of Quarter, show grades. / Formal: Quiz / Quiz
Friday / NO SCHOOL
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 10/15 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / ***Harappa Class Discussion/Activity for students who DID NOT take quiz on Friday due to Homecoming interruptions. / Short review, followed by Quiz. End of Quarter, show grades. / Formal: Quiz / QuizTuesday / Students will locate the main dynasties of Ancient China on a map and explain their isolation from other civilizations. / Read Aloud Geography Handout, Mapping Assignment. / Formal: Unit Map / Chapters 3 and 7 from the Textbook, reading handout, mapping worksheet.
Wednesday / Students will chart the characteristics and achievements of the Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han, and Ming Dynasties of Ancient China.
***Folder Check Begins / Review Map (Teacher Led Discussion).Begin notes on geography and forming the first dynasty. Cooperative: Text handout. Divide students by dynasty. Share as class and discuss on whiteboard when completed. / Informal: Notes
Formal: Charting Characteristics.
Informal: Presentations / Textbooks, Text handouts. Chart Worksheet. Whiteboard, Markers.
Thursday / Students will discuss the effects of the aforementioned dynasties on classical China and other world civilizations. / Guided Notes: Teacher Lecture. / Informal: Notes / Projector, Power Point Lecture, Guided Notes Packet.
Friday / Students will review the objectives of Ancient China through developing questions from their notes. / Divide into groups. Questions must come from assigned areas of assessment. / Formal: Jeopardy Review Questions / Jeopardy Sheets, Completed Folders for reference.
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 10/22 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will take a test over the objectives of the Southeast Asia Unit (India/China). / Formal: Test / Formal: Unit Test (100 points) / Unit TestAnswer Sheet
Tuesday / *See attached rubric for objective, plans, assessment, and resources each day.
Friday / Students will review the major people, places, and events from first quarter and take an end of Quarter final to assess their knowledge from the ancient river valley units. / Formal: Test / Formal: Quarterly Test over First Quarter Objectives (110 points). / Quarterly Test
Answer Sheet
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)
Week of 10/29 Objective Instruction Assessment Resources
Monday / Students will review the major people, places, and events from first quarter and take an end of Quarter final to assess their knowledge from the ancient river valley units through a test reflection. / Formal: Test Reflection/Part II of Friday's Assessment / Formal: Quarterly Test over First Quarter Objectives (110 points). / Quarterly TestAnswer Sheet
Test Reflection
Tuesday / Students will identify how geography influenced Greek history and how Minoans and Mycenaeans affected Greek civilizations/city-states. / Teacher Led Reading: From Text Handout. Introduction (lecture) slides to unique Greek geography on Med. Sea. Followed by Mapping. / Formal: Mapping Ancient Greece / Text handout (page 106), mapping worksheet, power point presentation on Greek geography.
Wednesday / Students will identify the the cultural characteristics that all Greeks shared during the Homeric Age. / Check Mapping Worksheet as a class. Followed by Teacher Led: Lecture/Notes with questions built into lecture. / Informal: Open Discussion to questions during notes. / PowerPoint Lecture, student notebooks, textbooks for in lecture questions.
Thursday / Students will discuss the characteristics of greek mythology during the Homeric Age and begin their project (see attachment) on one greek god/goddess. / Teacher Led Discussion/Notes: Greek Mythology. Discussion of various God's/Goddesses and their role in “epics” (The Illiad and The Odyssey”. / Informal/Formal: Notes are informal, beginning of project and “The Odyssey” Video Handout is formal. / PowerPoint Lecture, student notebooks, Project Rubric. Possible Lab or Library Resource.
World History Lesson Plans (Markway)