CoDA Service Conference 2016
Motion Form
Committee: Spanish Outreach Date: 8/25/16
Motion Number: 3
Result (data entry purposes only)______
Motion: Instruct the Board to recognize that Spanish Outreach will continue to manage the Spanish language side of the CoDA website. Spanish Outreach offers, without the need for interpretation of any items submitted to it, a prompt response to users’ needs and requests.
Intent: Spanish Outreach asks the Board to adhere to the guiding vote of the Delegates at the 2015 CoDA Service Conference, recognizing the work that Spanish Outreach does to create a sense of CoDA community and honor the Twelfth Step and Fifth Tradition by responding to the needs and queries of visitors to the site and by posting news of Spanish-speaking CoDA events in a timely fashion. To date, the website has fulfilled its purpose to inform and network. There has not been a single breach of the Traditions that would call for the attention of the members of the already-shorthanded Board. In our view, bypassing the 2015 motion won't make it easier to carry the message to the Spanish-speaking CoDA community, as the Twelfth Step and Fifth Tradition direct us.
Remarks: In 2015, motion #4534 was created to acknowledge, in the Fellowship Service Manual, that Spanish Outreach manages the Spanish side of the CoDA website. The motion passed by a majority vote.
*CoDA Bylaws, point 7, page 3:
The Trustees are elected by the will and through the consent of the Fellowship as expressed through the group conscience of the voting members of the corporation at the Conference, to perform specific functions and to hold specific responsibilities, including but not limited to the following: [...]
To be directly responsible to the CoDA Fellowship, being guided and directed by the group conscience as expressed at their annual Conference. A majority vote by the Conference is considered guidance...
Last Revised 8/4/2016