Course Syllabus

World History I – Prehistory – 1500 A.D.


Teacher Information

Instructor: Jeff Blevins

Classroom: M108

Planning Period: 1st

Telephone: 276-642-5300


Objective: This course will cover World History from earliest man to 1500 A.D. Geography, political and economic structure, culture and social hierarchy will be examined. Earliest man, ancient civilizations (i.e. Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Africa, Greece, Rome, etc.), Medieval Europe, and the Renaissance will be explored to determine how ancient history impacts us today.

Required Materials

Textbook: World History (

Three ring binder (1” – 2”)

Loose leaf paper and dividers

Pencil or pen






Research Project20%below 70F

(Each student will submit 4 research projects during the year. One research project will be due during each grading period.)

Make Up Policy

In accordance with the John S. Battle make up policy, it is the students responsibility to find out what they have missed. For extended absences, check my quia page for assignments or send me an e-mail.

Classroom Rules

1. Come to class prepared. Bring necessary materials daily (textbook, pen or pencil, and paper).

2. Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings. Going to the restroom or getting a drink should be done before class.

3. Do not bring food to the classroom.

4. Show respect for fellow students. (Remember: hands and feet are for helping and the mouth is for kind words.)

5. Assignments must be turned in when due or a reduction in grade will result. Assignments must be turned in during the current grading period in order to receive credit.

6. I will make time for any student that needs additional help. Please let me know, so we can schedule a time.