Scholarship Information

University Scholarships

University of Manitoba – application deadline is Mar 1st for entrance scholarships

Level 1 – average greater than or equal to 95% $3000.00

Level 2 – average greater than or equal to 90% $2000.00

Level 3 – average greater than or equal to 85% $1000.00

Average is based on the best 5 courses from the following list:

Art 40s, Biology 40S, Chemistry 40S, English 40SCF, English 40S LT, English 40S TF, Computer Science 40S, Global Issues 40S, Physics 40S, one of: Applied Math 40S or Pre-Calculus 40S, one of: Music 40S or Private Music, one of: Family studies 40S or Foods 40S, one of: Additional language 40S (ex: French, Filipino, German, Spanish, etc.)

University of Winnipeg – application deadline is Mar. 1st for entrance scholarships

Average of 95% or higher $2250.00

Average between 90%-94.9% $1750.00

Average between 86%-89.9% $1100.00

Average is based on the following 3 courses:

·  Best 40s English (Comprehensive focus, Literary Focus or Transactional Focus)

·  Best 40s Math (Pre- Calculus, Applied or Essential)

·  one other 40S credit.

Red River College

Please check the following website for specific details as they do not offer global entrance scholarships: Awards

***Please note that some specific major entrance scholarship have earlier deadlines. Averages of at least 90% are required and a separate application must be completed.

Transcona Collegiate Scholarships

Our school is extremely fortunate to have a very large scholarship fund mainly due to our supportive community. One family in particular (The Shandruks) have created a very large trust fund which supports many of our larger awards. The total value of scholarships that were given out last year was over $96,000.!

During the week of March 5th – 9th, 2018 we will have a scholarship meeting with all students interested in applying for school based scholarships. The application booklet will be provided, either in hard copy or electronically and a deadline of April 19th will be clearly stated. The application involves an academic resume, description of extra-curricular type activities, community related activities as well as an essay or essays specific to certain scholarships. It is very important that students meet the deadline.

School scholarships will be determined based on academic average and specific award criteria. Academic average will be calculated based on all courses that a student takes in their grade 12 year, more specifically first semester final marks and second semester interim grades. This includes special language exams at the 40 level, if taken in their grade 12 year. Students having incomplete or marks less than 50% will be disqualified.

Additional Scholarship Information

Did you know that scholarship information can be also found at and Your son/daughter can sign up by entering information such as school, program, year, grades, extra-curricular activity, ethnicity and the website will search its database for awards they may be eligible for. The website can also send e mails about new awards that may be suitable.

Other places to look for scholarships include place of work, extra – curricular activities, organizations you are involved with, financial institutions, etc.

Please refer to the link at the bottom of the Transcona Collegiate home page entitled “Scholarships” for information.

If you have any questions you may check out the school website or call Mrs. Young at 958-6440, ex.t 2795.