World History Honors Course Guidelines

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World History Honors

WestHigh SchoolGallo

Course Description

World History Honors is an elective course open to all West High students. The material to be studied is integrated by a number of themes that form the pattern of civilization. Among these themes are political change and economic development, the influence of geography on culture, and the creativity in the arts. Each element of the program is designed to enhance one's understanding of world history. Also included in the study will be current events on issues as they relate to the topics studied. There is a class web page linked to the school site at or you may also find it online at

Classroom Procedures and Grading

1. Every unit will have a test or a quest.

2. "Reading check" and/or "Note" quizzes will be given randomly. If you miss a quiz, there will be no make up. The following quiz will double in value. If you are out

again, the value will then triple and so on to cover the quizzes missed.

3. Quizzes, other than RCQs, may or may not be announced.

4. Homework and classwork may or may not be collected. Students will have 2

minutes from the time the bell sounds to pass homework to the front of the room.

5. Notebooks will be collected at the end of the semester. They will not be returned.

Sections should include:

World History Honors Course Guidelines

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  • Information
  • Notes
  • Homework and Enrichment
  • Readings and Handouts
  • Quizzes
  • Essays
  • Misc.

World History Honors Course Guidelines

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  1. There will be other activities that require participation. All are encouraged to participate.
  2. Most grades will be posted within three days of the assignment being collected; however, due to the sheer amount of writing I must grade, essays and tests may not be graded at times for up to a one-month period. They will be posted as soon as they are graded.


Some subject matter will be covered in reading assignments, some in class, and some in both. You are responsible for knowing the material in all three cases.

Late Assignments

All students will have two late passes per semester. You may use them at any time; however, late assignments will not be accepted once you have used your passes. You have two school days to turn the assignment in with your pass. Passes not used may be turned in at the end of the semester for 5 points extra credit per pass. Use your passes wisely.


There will be a cumulative end of course exam at the end of the year.

Required Class Materials

  • Blue or Black Ink Pens and Pencils
  • Paper/Notebook/Binder
  • Flash Drive
  • Class Fee of $25 for supplemental materials


It is your responsibility to contact the teacher regarding the work to be made up. There will be a class syllabus you are expected to follow. Papers to be completed will be placed in the room where you will have access to them. Class notes should be copied from a classmate. You are responsible for whatever assignments were collected or assigned and you are responsible for that work either the day you return(if you were present when it was assigned) or the next day(if you were not present when it was assigned). You have five school days to make up a test. If you do not make up a test within five school days, you will get a "0" as your grade. If you are going on a school related trip, it is your responsibility to get the assignments before you leave for the trip.


KnoxCounty Grading Scale:A= 93-100

B= 85-92

C= 75-84

D= 70-74

F= 0-69

  • Grades will be determined by assigning a point value to each assignment. At the end of the grading period the student’s cumulative points will be divided by the total points possible for the period.
  • Knox County Schools policy for honors courses will result in an additional three points being added to your final class average.

Class Rules

  1. Mutual respect, appropriate language, and appropriate behavior are required at all times. Follow all WestHigh School rules while in this classroom.
  2. Be on time for class. Use the restroom and get a drink of water before class. Be in your seat when the bell rings. Please refer to the student handbook for the tardy policy. Remain in your seat until the bell rings.
  3. Do not open the windows or adjust the air conditioning/heating unit without permission. This classroom is usually cool. If you are cold, bring a sweatshirt. Do not complain about the temperature.


minor/moderate------warning and/or additional homework

severe or repeated offense------detention/parent phone call

very severe------administrative discipline

Enrichment Projects

You will be required to earn 100 points completing projects for enrichment throughout the year. It is up to you to keep track of what you have earned and what you need.

The following are examples of what you can do and the number of points each may be worth. 50 points will be due prior to Winter Break.

Remember--I am looking for quality work that will enrich learning for you and/or the class. Prior approval for all topics/themes is necessary.

  1. HW Enrichment5 pts (per daily reading)

Complete chapter reading guides and turn in on the day the reading is due. This is an all or nothing deal.

  1. Review Games10 pts.

This is an excellent way to study for a test. Further details will be provided.

  1. Book Review20-40 pts.

You may do either a standard book review or a chapter-by chapter reaction paper.

  1. Art 5-50 pts. A collage, painting, sculpture, or poster depicting a social problem, a current event, or of a topic studied in class will be acceptable.
  1. Oral Project5-40 pts.

A presentation to the class of a topic studied. Visual Aids are a must! This is an

opportunity to present an idea, speech, or original work to the class. You must ask for approval at least one week before you plan to present and topics should coincide with what is being studied in class.

  1. TV and Movie Reviews5-10 pts.

A reaction paper of a TV show or movie that relates to historical topics.

  1. Week in Review5-10 pts.

Take the events of the week and in a 300-500 word paper and show the relations of the happenings and their possible effects on the future or make a summary of at least five events that happened in a week. Make sure that topics relate to history or politics.

  1. Research Paper/Project50 pts—4-6 Typed Pages

Topics can be anything covered in class or in a related field. Check with me for

approval of topic. I will not approve any research papers with less than two weeks until the due date. Format must be MLA style. Copies of this are available on the world wide web.

  1. Misc.Projects5-50 pts.

At times I may need volunteers for specific class activities. This is a terrific way to earn points.

Tentative Course Outline and Pacing Guide

Text: World History: Human Legacy

Unit 1Foundations of Western Civilization (2100 B.C. - A.D. 500)

[8 Days]Chapter 5: Classical Greece

Chapter 6: Rome and Early Christianity

Unit 2World Religions and Philosophies

[4Days]Chapter 2.3Judaism

Chapter 4.2-4.4Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism

Chapter 9.1-9.2Islam

Unit 3The European Middle Ages (A.D. 500-1500)

[8 Days]Chapter 12:Kingdoms and Christianity

Chapter 13: The Early Middle Ages

Chapter 14:The High Middle Ages

Unit 4Renaissance, Reformation, and Exploration(1300-1700)

[6 Days]Chapter 15: Renaissance and Reformation

Chapter 16:Exploration and Expansion

Unit 5Changes in European Society(1500-1800)

[8 Days]Chapter 18:The Monarchs of Europe

Chapter 19.1-19.2:Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution

Unit 6Asia during the Middle Period(1200-1800)

[2 Days]Chapter 17:New Asian Empires

Unit 7Age of Revolution(1763-1830)

[7 Days]Chapter 19.3:The American Revolution

Chapter 20:The French Revolution and Napoleon

Chapter 23.3Latin America Independence

Unit 8Industrial and Cultural Revolutions (1700-1900)

[3 Days]Chapter 21:The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 22:Life in the Industrial Age

Unit 919th Century Upheaval (1815-1914)

[8 Days]Chapter 23.1-23.2:Reforms and Revolution in Britain and France

Chapter 24:Nationalism in Europe

Chapter 25:The Age of Imperialism

Unit 10World War I and the Democracies(1914-1939)

[8 Days]Chapter 26:World War I

Chapter 27.1-27.2:Unrest

Unit 11The Dictatorships and World War II (1919-1945)

[10 Days]Chapter 27.3-27.4:Dictators

Chapter 28:World War II

Unit 12The Cold War (1945-Present)

[4 Days]Chapter 29:Europe and North America

Unit 13The Contemporary World (1945-Present)

[10 Days]Chapter 30:Asia and the Pacific

Chapter 31:Africa and the Middle East

Chapter 32:Latin America

Chapter 33:The World in Transition

Possible Video List

Roman Emperors

Gladiator (Battle Scene only) *



A History of Christianity


The Crusades (A&E)

The Black Death*

The Mongol Empire*

Luther (Movie)

The Millennium Series

Russia—Land of the Tsars*

Catherine the Great (Movie)

Napoleon (A&E Biography)

Last of the Tsars (Series)*

The Christmas Truce

All Quiet on the Western Front (Movie)*

Sergeant York

Lenin (A&E Biography)

The Century Series

Hitler: Portrait of a Tyrant*

The Holocaust*

World History Honors Course Guidelines

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Schindler’s List* (Rated R—Movie—a separate permission slip will be sent home)

WWII The Lost Color Archives*

Biography- Adolf Hitler

The Nightmare’s End- the Liberation


Terrorism- A War Without Borders

The History Makers

* denotes a strong possibility that we will watch this video. Other videos are mere possibilities.

World History Honors Course Guidelines

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World History Honors

Turn in with one late assignment—Not valid for Reading, Enrichment, or Presentations

World History Honors

Turn in with one late assignment—Not valid for Reading, Enrichment, or Presentations

World History Honors Course Guidelines

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