Health Education Course Outline

In health education, students will acquire the health information and skills necessary to become healthy adults and learn about behaviors in which they should and should not participate. To achieve that goal, students will understand the following: students should first seek guidance in the area of health from their parents; personal behaviors can increase or reduce health risks throughout the lifespan; health is influenced by a variety of factors; students can recognize and utilize health information and products; and personal/interpersonal skills are needed to promote individual, family, and community health.


Cell phones – “Possession of cell phones and pagers is only allowed if they are turned off at all times and not visibly/physically present during regular school hours,….”

“If a student is using any cell phone or pager during the school day or on a school bus to and from school, the school employee observing the student’s use of the device will confiscate it. The school employee will turn over the device to his or her administrator/supervisor. The parent will be notified by the administrator to pick up the device at his/her school during school hours after the payment of a $15 administrative fee. Cash or money orders are the only acceptable forms of

payment..” p. 60 from your 2016-2017 Student Handbooks. Online at

Passing Period – The only students allowed in the classroom are students who are in the class. Do not allow your friends to come into the room with you. No one is allowed to loiter immediately outside our classroom door.

Tardiness – When the bell rings and you are not in the classroom, you are considered tardy. A Tardy will be issued by the teacher at time of the infraction. New policy will be discussed in detail during the first week of school.

Dishonesty in Work: “Dishonesty in school work is defined as the giving or receiving of assistance when the teacher has indicated, or it should be presumed by the student, that the assignment is supposed to be the work of the student who is being graded.. ” From your 2016-2017 Student Handbooks. Online at A student found to be dishonest will be giving a “0” for the work and a “U” in conduct. Students found to be dishonest in school work may not be eligible for membership in the NHS, scholastic honors, ect. And may render his/herself non-exempt on final exams.

Class Rules/Expectations: You are expected to arrive to class on time each day. Dress code, attendance and tardiness follow school rules. * Be sure to read your Student Handbook. See pg 53 and 54 for Dress and Grooming.

1.  Respect

2.  Talk only when it is your turn.

3.  Keep you and your possessions to yourself.

4.  Use only school approved language

5.  Listen carefully to instructions and stay on task. And come ready to learn.

6.  Please do not ask to leave the room. Take care of business before or after my class. (If an emergency, student will be allowed to leave the room with school issued hall pass only)

7.  No electronics in class other than KISD issued laptops. (e.g. cell phones, CD players, MP3’s, IPODS, etc., headphones should be put away as well, not around your neck or fed through clothing)

Materials: If you come into our classroom empty handed there is something wrong!

*(All Periods)

1.  Pencil or pen (no red ink)

2.  KISD issued laptop.

3.  3 ring binder with paper. This will be used for any writing, vocabulary, or project we do as well as for neatly organizing any handouts you receive.

4.  Text Book -

1.  Choose your state: Texas

2.  Click on Student/Parent

3.  Choose Health/Fitness

4.  Click on High School Health

5.  Click on Glencoe Health 2005

6.  Click on online Student Edition
User Name: healthtx05
Password: thi5xla8

Extra credit given for the following items

*Period 2 – Each student bring 2 boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer

*Period 3 – Each student bring 2 boxes of tissues and 1 box of markers

*Period 4 – Each student bring 2 boxes of tissues and 12 map pencils

*Period 5 – Each student bring 1 medium hand sanitizer and 12 reg. pencils

GRADING POLICY/SCALE: Six weeks averages will be calculated in the following way

Major Grades = 60% (a minimum of 2 major grades per six weeks from tests and/or projects)

Daily Grades = 40% (in class work and homework, minimum of 6 daily grades)

90-100 A

80-89 B

79-75 C

70-74 D

0-69 F

TEST DAYS: Wednesday/Friday. Test days are ALWAYS announced and written on the board, pay attention. If you are not in class the day of the test, you will take the test upon the day of return.

EXCUSED ABSENCES: From the student handbook, “The student will be expected to make up all reports, assignments, tests, etc.,missed for excused absences in the same number of days in which he was absent …. Make-up work not completed in the scheduled time will result in "0's" on those assignments.”

LATE WORK: I will accept late work however, the penalties are different for daily and major grades.

Daily Grades: One day late = -25 points, the 2nd day is a –50 and 3rd day late is a zero .

Major Grades: One day late –10 points, Two days late –20 points, 3 days late –30 points. If we have a major project due on Friday and you do not turn it in until the following Monday that is one day late and you will lose –10 points off your grade.

CONFERENCES: If you have a specific question or a disagreement, the best time to talk with me is immediately after class. I check my email frequently and it is a great communication tool for either you or your parents.

Units of Study:

Unit 1: A healthy Foundation / Chapters 1-3
Unit 2: Physical Activity and Nutrition / Chapters 4-6
Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health / Chapters 7-9
Unit 4: Promoting Safety and Healthy Relationships / Chapters 10-12
Unit 5: Personal Health and Body System / Chapters 14-18
Unit 6: Growth and Development / Chapters 19-20
Unit: 7 Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs / Chapters 21-23
Unit 8: Communicable and Chronic diseases / Chapters 24-26
Unit 9 Injury Prevention and Safety / Chapters 27-29


Ms. Stowell

Conference Period: 6th Period



School number: 832-484-7351

Cell Number: 832-928-1599

The quickest way to contact me would be by email