NUT and ATL strike action over proposed changes to the Teachers Pension Scheme

Dear parents/ carers22nd June 2011

As you are probably aware the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers have recently balloted their members for strike action in response to the government’s proposals for pension schemes. We have been informed by the NUT and ATL that they will be taking industrial action in the form of a strike on 30th June 2011.This action is not against the academy but is part of a national industrial action organised by these trade unions about the proposed changes to the pension schemes of their members.

Neither the governing body nor I are seeking to close the school and we have been working closely with representatives of the associations to plan for provision on the 30th June. Clearly our main concern is the safety of our students and we have conducted a risk assessment based on our knowledge of the numbers of staff likely to be taking part in the action.

It is our intention to open the school for all year groups on Thursday 30th June, whilst recognising that some students will experience disruption to their normal learning programme. Students whose lessons are affected by this action will be supervised in the Hall, the Learning Resource Centre and the Gymnasium by members of the Leadership Team. In these supervised sessions students may be shown programmes of a learning based character. It is not possible or our intention to substitute these affected lessons with teaching but we can ensure our students are safely supervised and giving their attention to material with an engaging educational base. Students who have PE may partake in supervised activities in the gym.

It is, therefore, our intention to open the academy to all students on the 30th June and to deliver, to the greatest extent possible, a normal day. I do anticipate that some students may experience a number of supervised sessions and this, I am afraid, is unavoidable. I can assure you that our pre-school, break and lunchtime supervision will be of the same quality and extent as a normal working day.

Every effort is being made to give you the fullest possible advanced notice of the effects of the industrial action. Nevertheless, because we may not know until very late how many staff will be available for work as a consequence of the wider industrial action or illness a decision to amend this plan may have to be taken at the last minute. Every effort will be made to give notice at the latest by the day before; but in case the decision has to be taken on the day itself, we are asking parents to plan for a place of safety, which may be your home, to which your child can go if we have to close. In the unlikely event such a decision is made we will communicate this to you directly, via website and email.

To ensure the greatest degree of predictability we will not be running any after school activities on the 30th June. The induction evening for year 6 students will take place as planned, commencing at 6.00pm.

We must all hope that the issues over which the industrial action has arisen are resolved as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely